I wish we had custom housing. One of my favorite UO aspects. I get it for this server, but I think there are compromises as suggested by others such as internal walls, floor tiles, etc... It's a great gold sink too!
So I assume you object to Easter and Christmas events, as well as the Platinum and Copper currencies, too? Folks, you can't say "this is about nostalgia, Renaissance didn't have X thing, so we can't have X thing" while being totally ok with the addition of Y and Z. Well, I mean you can, it's just wrong to do so in my opinionythingy.
I enjoy the idea of custom housing on the test server only, there are way too many issues with custom housing on the live server, for example it can easily be used to dupe items.
The topic goes into a dead end until it dries itself out or is closed due to exacerbations and shots. Having given a little time to the forum and the site, you could find the opinions of the players and staff (to which we are grateful), just on this topic. I’m sure that instead of useless exchanges of courtesies in this thread, you could raise magic to 100 and become part of a great community and resident of Sosaria. After all, customization in housing will never be here. j
OR, you could read up the discussions about the issue that you need magery do anything PROPERLY unless you want chars that suck (aka RP).
That is one of the main reasons, I stopped playing. These events pump so much coins and Trammel rares into the economy that most vets solely play events. Once they started to drop game changing rares (e.g. Stealthing boots, +3 taming domina bustiers iirc etc) it became really bad. The everyday normal farming or crafting community isnt really supported. While the events became super large, long and important and moved partially into Trammel-like instances (it is still an instance if nobody else can get in there to annoy you), the broken and lackluster normal spawning points haven't been improved. BTW, also read the cool new boss monster discussions we had that were fruitless.
Dear OP, apart from the bad things, you should really check out the house deco contest threads of the last years. You will be surprised how pimp the standard houses can become.
i know that this has been done to death, but the worst thing about custom housing on the EA servers was the fact that the plots were secure and at least on one of the servers I played they became squares of land that just contained stacks of loot boxes and there was no way for anyone else to gain entrance and loot the plots. I an not against custom houses or even a few more choices of houses IF they have to be secured in the normal UOR ways and If like the OP's effort( nice job by the way) they have an open courtyard then this should be accessible to any who venture in as that is the point to me of open spaces like that, and the house part secured in the normal way,( table walls etc.) One more thing..... WELCOME BACK @BlackEye
Ah nice you comparing platinum/hc with custom houses. would make sense if i was able to buy a glowing cobra gt with a machinegun over it with this coins. is like to compare apples with oranges... but if makes sense to you, ok. If you wanna play a game where you build your own house layout, look for the sims or minecraft, there the possibilities are infinity.
No need to become angry and snappy because I pointed out a flaw in your logic and argument. It's ok. But from here on out, don't you ever ever ever ask or suggest ANYthing new to be added to this server since you took that stance.
Yea? And? Does that somehow invalidate that people would like the option to make a custom house? It ended amiably before, and then some drama queens swooped in to make bitchy comments way after we all had a decent debate about it and stopped on good equal terms. Should I have ignored them? Probably. But here we are.
But your passive aggressiveness doesn't help your argument. just like your reply to FartBart. Nor does your straw man about copper and plat, events, etc. It has nothing to do with custom housing and why people don't want it.
Me: I would like custom housing. Is it in the works? People: No, it isn't, and you can't have it because some people may make ugly houses and ruin the aesthetics, and also we are trying to maintain UO:Renaissance era Me: but quite a few things have been changed and added that weren't originally part of Renaissance. But ok, I respect that. I'll enjoy other things. But thank you for your opinion, after we have all said our peace and it ended on good terms. I guess you're bored and just wanted to argue. Ok. You can have the last word.
If it's not another instance or dungeon lighting, ain't getting implemented. Which I'm ok with. Love me instances where bad guys cant touch me. Anyway, I'm all for custom housing, but you'll learn eventually what battles are worth fighting, and which ones aren't, unless you're Shadowjack! Then you'll repeat yourself and make a new rage thread every couple months. That's always fun too
Don't worry.. but don't underestimate our capability of making drama. I think hollywood synthesized this is a battle that dont worth spend time with.. is probably in the same category of glowing ridable pack bugs. To show you i am friendly and i like you I will gonna list a few reachable topics that was debated previously(i dont wanna mean that could not be debated again): -2019 leaderbord -CUB 2.0 (the next fase, new rewards, event mobs clothes and scrolls) -Gardening -Carpentry BOD -Runic bows -Parry and Fire Breath Resist -Magic Jewelry -Faction System -Dragons and pvp -House Owning -Archery sucks And a few more that i am probably forgetting. Actually would love use this topic to revive the Spirit Speak Drama. Why not a Skill that make you able to you heal your summoned mobs without flagging grey.. would be too much to ask a bonus when summoning daemons, making them a little stronger and harder to be dispelled? (EDIT: i was almost forgetting, healers at t2a)
I was simply making an observation based on things like the sentence structure, level of diction, tone, and syllogistic construction of another poster that had concerns about the current housing situation. I'm not a smart dude, so I sometimes have to write stuff down in order to processes them in my brain goop. Didn't mean stir up shit, even though I admit I was one of the first people who stirred the shit. There were some things about Trammel I really liked. Custom housing was one; being able to take three steps outside of the Minoc guard zone and not get ganked is another. There were things I hated about Trammel. Lightsabers, economic inflation, and some custom housing choices. Basically, what I liked about the OSI shards had a lot to do with game design, and what I disliked was clearly influenced by other players. While I would love to play this game on a server that catered to my every desire, that's not realistic for me. I'm playing in another man's sandbox, and I haven't been playing here long. But in my short time here, I've found that it has the right balance of the things I like in a gaming community and overall design that work for me. I'm not as jaded as some are, yet. I'm in no way suggesting that your arguments don't have merit or should be devalued. I think that conversations like these are healthy and should be had. And judging from some of the visceral responses there have been to more than a few threads about housing, the topic is important to a large degree of the active members on the forums. Yes, this is more of a Renaissance-inspired shard than it is strictly a Renaissance shard. No, I don't think something as time consuming as implementing custom housing is going to happen. Not while this remains a server created and maintained by volunteers. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not it those meetings. But I'm willing to compromise and trade the stuff on my list of stuff that I want changed for a reliable experience with a community of grownups nerding out on a game a lot of us played 20 years ago. I'm also not blind to the fact that I'm still looking at this place through rose-tinted glasses. Things may be different in a year. Edit: I can't spell.