Give it another 30 years. Jupiter: "Ah dammit, dropped my dentures on the floor." Dalavar: "What'd you say? Let me go get my glasses, I can't read that." Jupiter: "Huh?" Dalavar: "What?" Jupiter: "zzzzzz"
No, they were on some of the monsters and in the treasure chest. As fate would have it, things went south for the party when the trophies started being found, and a lot of people died (myself included). Hopefully everyone present walked away with something. But I didn't expect the trophies in the first place; I provided a few prize items worth 300-500k in total, but was hoping the adventure itself would be the real reward. We faced down the toughest UOR-custom monster available, and the toughest UOR-custom treasure map in what I think was the ideal location.
I had a blast! I spent a lot of my time healing my drags and resing players, I was there more for the experience than loot, I was just wondering if I had missed a trophy
Awesome, glad to hear. I think Bart and Stranger ended up with multiples of the trophies - could follow up with them about obtaining one.