Correct. What I typically do is just charge based on the chance of making an exceptional. That is, if the weapon you want has a 91% chance of exceptional, I do 70k/0.91 = 77k. That way I guarantee an exceptional, whether it takes me one swing or six swings. So the price would be between 70k (large battle axe, 99% success) and 123k (spear, 57% success). I suppose people could choose to roll the dice if they literally want to just buy 1 charge itself, but I'd rather eat the short-term variance and make sure people are happy. And buyers seem to prefer it too, they have chosen the "guaranteed exceptional" route with I think every single agapite charge I've sold so far (24 and counting).
Yep. The same exceptional success rates apply to runics. If you have a couple options for which weapon to choose, I'd check the success rate as part of the decision. Actually, that's a pretty good way to do it.
Thank you for the awesome warfork Dalavar, can't wait to poke some holes in something lol FIVE STAR service with a smile, two thumbs up, way up!
Valorite runics won't be sold until Telamon implements soulstones and I can TAKE YOUR SOUL in return for one
No longer for sale, sorry, I found the funds I needed without having to let it go. Agapite is nearly as good (though not as cool looking IMO).
Dalavar; You still offering the Guaranteed GM option? If so, I would like an exceptional aggy long spear. Gonna use it for CTF so no faction blessing needed. Thanks
Yep. This is why I charge by the... er, charge. Long spear is 57% chance of success so 70 / .57 = 123k
I'd like to have you craft a long spear for my non faction character. If you craft it as a faction item and a non faction guy runs around with it is it still blessed? Faction blessed is a two weeks long if I remember right....? I like short spears but long seem to dish out bigger hits at times... what's your opinion Dalavar short or long for pvp? Hit me up in IRC some night
Faction blessing is only for faction members, and requires faction control of a town. Which, for the last couple of months, no one seems interested in taking from the Shadowlords: I prefer long spears, only because hits can often be few and far between, and they do pack a bit of extra punch.
There's no real point to take towns outside of weapon blessings and vendors, so if you're not losing weapons regularly or running vendors that resell items from faction vendors, it's just bragging rights, for now. That being said, faction blessed items are still blessed when carried by non-faction characters. They just cannot equip the item until the blessing wears off.