Dances with Demons - VoP Hythloth Adventure

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, May 16, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Adventurers in this Tale:
    Anastasia, Envy of All Moonbeams
    Kwesi Manu, the man of no tribe and no pants! (the late comer came and helped us slay no less than a hundred shadow wyrms; NO LESS!!!)
    ummm just about all of OWN guild? :)
    Rheljik - OWN
    Sturm - OWN
    Agile Stone - OWN
    Ezzenglade of the Power of Night!
    Village of Paws! ~ VoP ~
    Cortland Andrus
    Sir Orrin


    "ATTENTION! ALL CITIZENS OF SOSARIA! AN AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, UNFORGETTABLE ADVENTURE IS ABOUT TO START!" Athena was alerted to the announcement into IRC immediately. Quickly, she sent her mind to Sosaria, where her exquisitely dressed avatar opened her eyes.

    She sent word over the guild chat, "Jupiter, just what do you have in mind?"

    "Umm, to be truthfully honest? I have no idea... i just thought it would be fun to announce that we are doing something tonight...," Athena could hear Jupiter's pause over the guild communicator, "do you have anything we could do?"

    "You crazy old wizard! I guess I'll go find a grizzly bear or a spider! But mind you, I'm going to feed them your hide if you drag on another voyage or make me wear a thousand disguises again!"

    "Let's be honest Athena, you're going to sick them on me anyhow right?"

    "Quite right"

    To Jupiter's great delight and to his growing anxiety, several Sosarian's answered the call! Now he would actually have to make true with some kind of adventure! Then slick as a whistle he hatched up a plan, which of course primarily consisted of entering a dungeon, and not dying.

    He alerted all the mages in the party, that they would be under constraint to cast no magical spells, except the scrolls which they selected from his personal library. And all the warriors, were given new weapons crafted by Seesaw! Then off they went to the Avatar Island, to ask after a man named Odysseus.

    He sent them packing, to Hythloth for tracking, a map that was taken, a treasure no mistaken!

    The plan seemed ingenious at first, that is until an OBSIDIAN Gargoyle and a Purveyor of Darkness appeared. Quickly Jupiter changed his tune! "Mages! All restrictions are lifted! Cast all your spells, drain you mana! Save the warriors!!!" Fortunately, the group survived, recovered the map, and found the treasure!

    Thanks to all who joined, for a moment, or for the whole time! A great adventure!!

    The Watch, Gharik, AlexCCCP and 4 others like this.
  2. Kexle

    Kexle Active Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Great adventure!
    Jupiter likes this.
  3. Fraggle

    Fraggle Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 7, 2014
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    This looks like a great time! I look forward to joining you guys in a future adventure!
  4. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Was a fun adventure. Hope to do more with you all.
    Jupiter likes this.
  5. Tay M'real

    Tay M'real Active Member

    May 15, 2014
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    Looks like everyone had a good time. Hope you do this again, I am still just a few days old on the server but would like to venture with some folks who would like to roleplay or simply cleanse the unvirtuous dungeons of their inhabitants.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Don't let your avatar's age or perceived shortcomings deter you from joining. Many of the adventurers in this tale were from the guild OWN which is some fancy acronym for their characters which are trained naturally with limited or no use of razor macros. There were plenty of them who I am sure were not above 70 in any given skill. So the short of it is character skills are not a limit. :)
    The Watch likes this.
  7. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    I had a great time playing Argile. Was a bit out of my comfort zone RPing a fleshling...

    To add to what Jupiter said. I believe Argile's highest useful skill is 60.4 (Archery). I wasn't overly useful, but still had a great time. Not to mention the skill gains on that run were nice.
    Jupiter likes this.
  8. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Your avatar is AWESOME.
    Xegugg likes this.
  9. The Watch

    The Watch Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2013
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    Dorbraine nodded his head slowly, his eyes wide, "That is an amazing tale! Balrons and gargoyle captains, and all manner of beasts! I'll stick to my needle and thread, and thank you for it."

    Dorbraine shook the warriors hand, and left enough coin with their waitress to pay for three more rounds of ale for him. The warrior thanked Dorbraine and toasted his health as he joind in another song making the rounds about the Siren's Call this evening. The Village of Paws was in an uproar following another successfull hunt with that cursed wizard.

    Dorbraine left the tavern and moved quietly through the trees around the village. He backtracked three times, just to make sure he was not being followed. Finally, sure he was alone, Dorbraine calmed his mind and embraced the shimmering dark power that always seemed to lurk just beyond the edge of his vision. Instantly, he shuddered with the ecstacy of the power flowing through him. He channeled a small bit of that power, and a gateway swirled into being in front of his outstretched hand.

    But this was no normal gateway. Instead of a pool of shimmering bluish-white light, this was a horrid gash of deep, blood red and black mist that hung like death in the air. Dorbraine stepped through it and into his master's layer. The Dark Lord must be warned.... the time to strike was nearly at hand.

    Dorbraine grinned a hideous grin as the smell of dried blood and death enveloped him.......
    Jupiter and Vlar like this.

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