Disco Tamer -> Mage Tamer transformation discussion!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Drave, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. Drave

    Drave Active Member

    May 3, 2018
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    Hi all,

    I'm a bit boring of my Disco Tamer and I'm starting conversion into a more solid build. I'm raising Resisting on it, but my last doubt is... wresting or evaluate?

    As I like PvP I prefer to fave when Pks appears that's the reason of this change. For the moment I'm raising Evaluate as I have 50 defensive wrestling with it (25% or being hitted against a GM). But maybe is more solid with GM Wrestling and use only non eval spells (debuffs, mindblast, paralyze, etc). Discuss about pros and cons!

    100x Taming, ALore, Veterinary, Magery, Meditation, Resiting Spells
    100x Wrestling or 100x Evaluate
  2. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Eval for sure. I’ve been rocking that build for years. Wrestling doesn’t make as much as an impact here, other than to stun. No warrior will be able to get near you with “all guard me” anyways. I have a nasty explosion mare Ebola/fs combo I like.
    NCCML likes this.
  3. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I main a disco tamer so I know just how zzz it can be. But it's possibly one of the most undervalued skills in the game. 20-25% FLAT stat reduction, also reduces mobs skills heavily. Making them easier and faster to kill. I've often contemplated if dropping music+disco for resist+eval would be just as effective. More Eval = more spell damage. But Eval doesn't provide what disco can. Such as the reduced creature stats/skills. In which reduce the amount of damage you or your pets take. Then minimizing the amount of bandages used and increasing the damage from flame breath.

    My sound advice is to keep your disco tamer and start working on a 2nd tamer, on your 2nd or 3rd account. It's much faster with an already GM tamer on your 1st account. Since you can do pre-tames for massive gains.

    If you're dead set changing your template here is your list of 7th skill options. (in no specific order)
    Eval Int

    edit: Also Reagents cost $$$ If you plan as I hinted at to try and keep the kill power from Disco with Eval. All those Ebolts will cost you over time. A gm instrument is what 300-500 gold and lasts many, many uses.

    All kill, no skill.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
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  4. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    You could drop it but I dont think people realize how much Disco cripples monsters. Check out the DPS challenge thread, everyone using Disco is able to kill in about HALF the time of similar builds.
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  5. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Agree with Pill. In a pvp situation, wrestling matters a lot less on a tamer. They cannot stand next to you hitting you when you have dragons or mares at your side. Eval is necessary for spell damage.

    I also agree with Baler, why not make a second tamer?

    It's true that disco makes hunting significantly faster. Use one for farming and event mob kills, use the other for pvp action.
  6. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Also, if you're really not feeling like making another tamer, you can make a mage bard with provo, disco, and hiding. That way you have a char to assist with the disco and Provo. Cant hide during the disco process, but you can carry very little on him so if he dies it's not a bit deal and then you have your pvp tamer for when people come at ya
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    Lord Sky likes this.
  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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  8. Drave

    Drave Active Member

    May 3, 2018
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    Thanks for all your suggestions, in fact I'm very lazy to raise another tamer, even to have another char into my account.

    I have a Scribe Mage and I barely use it, when I go out for PvP with it I dont find too much people (European timezone). I like PvP situations and I dont have too much time to play so I am frustated when I face those PvP encounters when I'm with my disco tamer and I cannot fight (I can survive that's all).

    Basically I'm looking for a "All in One" tamer char. And I thought this was a good way to do it. I dont do too much PvM so to be honest is not a big lost the discordance for me.

    I think for now I'm going to try 7xGM Tamer, Animal Lore, Veterinary, Magery, Meditation, Evaluate and Resist. It seems a very solid build and fun for a lot of situations as you commented wrestling without stun loses a lot of its power, and its difficult to fight toe to toe with a Tamer so wrestling doesn't seem very important.

    So... when is the next resist event? :p
  9. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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