Hey all, Been playing on UOR for a couple months now. Got my chars set up and looking for some fools to roll with. I like dungeon crawling, treasure hunting, and would like to try out champion spawns and AMIBs. I've got a bard/macer and archer/provo/lockpicking mage. Let me know if there any other dexxers out there. I'm Eastern Standard Time and can usually play in the evenings.
Im down to roll through a dungeon with my dexxer, esp if someone in the group has a provo mage . Unfortunately Im usually not on in the early evening EST, usually morning time or day time EST.
Oooh, this sounds like fun. I've got a provo swords with a penchant for dungeons. Oh, and stew. Shoot me a message anytime you're on. If I'm free, let's do it.
Not sure if any of you all are looking for a guild, but Project Sanctuary has people that play from all time zones and there is usually always someone on. Come check it out if you all interested. Here is the recruitment post. http://uorforum.com/threads/ps-recruitment-open.7088/'