Dungeon Guards [DG] : Meet, Deceit & Defeat

Discussion in 'Photography & Videography' started by Melryn Moonstone, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Melryn Moonstone

    Melryn Moonstone Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Dungeon Guards [DG] : Meet, Deceit & Defeat

    Dungeon Guards have a sad tale to tell today which has left the guild reeling from a disastrous DG hunt in Deceit.

    Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as we started our guild meeting. First introducing to everyone our new member Johadrim.


    A few minutes later, an intruder was detected in the guild house by our village guard. He was swiftly dispatched, but further problems appeared. Suddenly a blade spirit was cast by an unknown mage. Our horses were under attack!


    We felt it would be safer to continue the meeting outside in order to protect our steeds from any more trouble. Various topics of the day were discussed, including threats from the RRG guild for not paying taxes.


    Thinking that the troubles had passed, we confidently set off on our guild hunt. Today it was to be Dungeon Deceit.



    Hunting was going well until our village guard reported another intruder! This time from the Panda forest. Our darkest enemy - Pork Fried Rice and his Panda associates.


    In his usual sick and twisted way, he demanded organs. But we swiftly defeated his associate. This turned out to be our fatal mistake.


    Finally we were able to resume our hunting in Deceit. We started to come up against tougher monsters and traps. Meanwhile, we all felt uneasy about the attacks we had already sustained at our village.


    This was to be as far as we got in Deceit.


    Out of nowhere the villainous murderer Pork Fried Rice appeared.


    Dungeon Guards, already weakened by endless traps and monsters, fell one by one.




    Unfortunately, it was a slaughter and an utter defeat. 8 Dungeon Guards fell and the murderer escaped. Our entire hunting party wiped out! Perhaps this is the darkest day in DG history!

    Dungeon Guards calls for aid from friendly guilds in fighting against the villains of Britannia! We cannot let this happen again!

    Melryn Moonstone
    Murdoc82, eherruh, Jupiter and 6 others like this.
  2. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Agh! Now I'm extra bummed I over-slept I wasn't there to die with you this morn!
    Erza Scarlet likes this.

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