Earning some gold as mage (not grinding logs or mining)? suggestions?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Ohris, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Hahhaha yeah, that's a good idea too, just play it as it is and find your way while raising your skills.

    Probbaly you won't do much gold at the beggining, you can always make use of melee weapons that are cheaper than reagents.
    This will specially work if you didn't play for a long time, a good relxed way to enjoy the game and avoid the complexity to rush to GM everything in no time.
    Xavant_BR and Pharoah like this.
  2. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Well... i am probably the guy who most use blade spirits in the shard... if you can cast blade spirits and have a minimum survivability skills, you can try to farm some dragons/drakes/executioners at wrong or something else for example..
    but as everyone told... a Bard mage is one of the most cheap/profitable chars to have... i have one with resist and eval.. and is the chair i use mostly... raising bard skill is easy and cheap... so... find your way...
  3. Ohris

    Ohris New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    I prefer to play with just my mage making money as I go. I just dont know where to go to fight low level monsters that give decent loot (as in more than I have to use for reagents). Just basic stuff for a starter mage. Perhaps near Britain or atleast on the mainland since I dont have a boat or recall runes.

    Are some of the dungeons starter friendly or are there areas with monsters that drop loot (gold, spells, other) that can be fought with level 3-4 spells?

    Im in no hurry to make huge ammounts of gold and get the best items straight away.
  4. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
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    Aug 19, 2017
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    Shame level one maybe? Or the dungeon under Occlo has a bit of everything and is a great spot to start.
  5. Ohris

    Ohris New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    I tried roaming the countryside for a bit and killed some lowest level monsters like mongbats and would hope to get a bit more gold as drops... reagents are too expensive to slay monsters that dont drop atleast 25+ gold...

    I will have to train my intelligence up a bit my mana pool is too low. (int just 50 cause I started with Str 60)
  6. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
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    Aug 19, 2017
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    Been a long time since i tried to run a mage without provo. Especially one without a full spell book. You could try Nuj GY (assuming the halloween mobs are not spawning there) and see if they are worth the regs.
  7. lawn elder

    lawn elder Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Covetous harpies are pretty weak, also you have the chance to spawn a boss monster. Carve some peculiar meat from them and that'll buy a good amount of regs.
  8. Ohris

    Ohris New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    More good suggestions thanks.
  9. Shax

    Shax Active Member
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    Aug 24, 2019
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    It also might help offset prices if you were to join the mages guild there in town as well.
  10. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    i think killing monsters with spells alone is not easy (except summoning blade spirit/energy vortex)
    especially when you want the gold farmed to cover reagent cost
    suggest you to try ocllo area with the poisoning spell
    also suggest not to engage any caster monsters; just melee

    totally agree with the comments that you should play it your own way and take your time
    tamers are the most effective in making gold, and taming itself costs you nothing but time to train
    however, it is possible that the game becomes boring to you once you have a tamer

    i have a tamer, but i only use it when i dont have a choice (eg. fighting bosses on my own)
    Jill Stihl likes this.
  11. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
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    Nov 23, 2014
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    Initially I didn't realize you were starting with nothing. My bad there though my suggestion remains. I think you could start off killing low end undead spawn. Ghouls and some other lesser undead give regs to help slow the spend there. Hire a heavily armored NPC whose life is apparently worth only 7 gold and let them tank the low end mobs for you. This works best if you have healing skill of course. Otherwise hire a mage or archer and keep them behind a fence. And I know its Halloween time so that may be less feasible.

    Once you've grown tired of that the best suggestion I have for where to go is where orcs live, at least once you get Blade Spirits. The mages may give you trouble but the bombers drop decent regs (7-10 root, pearl, and ash if I remember correctly) and enough gold. If you kill the mages you get other kinds. I'll buy some orc bows and orc masks off you which would help fund you (just PM me here). That said, if I'm on and you are in there killing my lesser cousins I may take exception. Luckily we orcs are all fat and attempting hibernation and the odds of that are low.

    I find the more difficult game play to be fun and perhaps you will as well. It forces you to be creative. Good luck!!
    Bayara, eherruh and Jill Stihl like this.
  12. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    I once ran across a guy farming dread spiders with magery only. He said they are pretty weak to spells and was doing expl ebolt. If you don't have provo I'd be careful not to get overwhelmed with spawn. But as other have suggested, arctic ogre lords, despise ogre lords, and wrong executioners are good spots for a provo mage.
    Hollywood likes this.
  13. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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    When I was newer I made a peace mage just for dreads. They went down pretty quick but still plenty of other efficient ways to farm
  14. Miami

    Miami Well-Known Member
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    Jan 26, 2019
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    Use blade spirits on everything that doesn’t dispel them.
  15. Ohris

    Ohris New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    I will try to use that once I get the spell :)
    Blacklow and Miami like this.
  16. Alvien

    Alvien Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Try Despise. The upper level. This area has lizardmen.

    It is located north of Britain.

    Once you feel confident enough you can get to the lower level. This area has earth elementals like shame and plenty of Trolls and Ettins as well.
  17. Ohris

    Ohris New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Thanks il try that. Im trying to avoid casters a bit since they can surprise you pretty easy (need to get my strength higher too so I can have a few more hitpoints).
    Are there casters in there? upper level I mean?

    I need to make some good hotkeys for casting spells and targetting monsters fast. Maybe something like cast spell x & target last.
    Just installed the good client yesterday and now atleast I can target monsters more easy (previously having to double click on the damn thing that is moving) so that already makes it easier.
  18. Alvien

    Alvien Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I don't believe you'll find any casters on the upper and first lower level.

    There is a third lower level and you will find some tougher monsters. The third level has strong melee monsters called cyclops and magic users called titans.

    Here is a link to the map of the area:


    Also take a look at the Naturalist guild. Its a group of players who raise their respective skills during adventures as was done back on OSI. Every so often there is a group event on a Friday/Saturday where we gather at the Drunken Stag near the Cove moongate and then Monty Python off to a dungeon/cave or other dangerous place. Its great fun.

    These announcement can be found in the Player Events Forum. Here are some recent events:





    @RavenMagi and @Vincent Blackshadow are the contacts if you're interested in joining the guild/events
  19. Mykos

    Mykos Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 2, 2013
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    Occlo has several spawning spots overland usually with 4 of something guarding someone in a tent. there is usually 1 unlocked container and one locked chest. kill the monsters guarding it. loot them. go into the tent and stand off 3 or so spaces away from the containers and cast unlock on the locked one. then cast telekenissis on both them to set off the epsky little traps. loot them both. usually has some gold and reges of minor quanity. can get up to 500 - 600 in gold plus gems and other loot. Its not glorious by ay means, but you can earn a decent living while working out your mage. I think there are 3 such spots on the island

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