Favorite hybrid builds

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Valrick, Nov 13, 2018.

  1. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    I was about to write down the lucky charms build, hah.

    I am thinking of going as little lore as possible. Ideally 0, and picking up lj and magery.

    Other path would be vet, provo, and as much added dmg you can pack in this template. Maybe no healing and instead magery/med?

    Really decent tbh, same can be done with a faction warhorse btw
  2. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Other stuff apart from the lucky charms/warhorse tamer..

    Med fencer / group build:
    I always loved playing alongside those. Great for pressure, group heals and rezzes. Wouldn't recommend more than one per group though.

    8x tankmage build with low level poisoning.. Shop poisons rock! I run that on erza and it's quite nice for so many situations.

    "the crooks build": stunmage with swords (or fencing). Allows some Nasty stuff! Poisoned blades, explo pots, stunpunch after Parablow (with fencing)

    Archer Tankmage: completely off meta, and not something I would recommend for 1v1 based play. But damn, if you put in the work it has a lot of potential. Get 3-4 of these, shoot and kill one guy, while dropping on the other, hah. They are also devastating against tamers.

    Stealth Mage: because it's fun!

    Steal/Stunmage. Somebody has to carry those faction sigils, but you might also enjoy some town pvp with this template. Once they Flagg on you just keep stealing random stuff from theyr backpack. Works with healing or stunpunch.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  3. Mino

    Mino Active Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    The Rogue

    GM LockPicking
    50 Detect Hidden
    50 Meditation
    GM Remove Traps
    GM Hiding
    GM Stealth
    GM Magery
    GM Stealing (or Item ID if you like fast paced)

    Sneak, Disarm & Pick, when bored steal rares, or troll players if you want (I don't). If you like being alone. This build makes plenty of gold without getting flak. I didn't care on item ID, because I get tons of wands anyway.
    Xavant_BR, Chafe and Pulse like this.
  4. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    I used to run a similar build except I had eval int instead of stealing and would carry a few flame strike scrolls...amazing the number of times you would see a bard or tamer sitting at less than half health and distracted ;)

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