Fish you Must!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Zyler, May 7, 2014.

  1. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    There is a plight in the realm! The spring harvests have been ravaged by the Vas Flam beetle! The pest quickly decimates stored grains then moves onto cured meats. Once infected, the entire storage lot must be set afire and destroyed to rid of the unseen eggs incubating in the foods.

    Concerned about the welfare of those in the realm, Lord Blackthorn sent investigators throughout Sosaria to study the infestation. Although the investigation is ongoing, one agent discovered that an island village… known for its piracy… had not been impacted and was in fact thriving. The agent found that salted fish is immune to the Vas Flam beetle. She quickly relayed the news to Lord Blackthorn who shared this information with his inner circle.

    One of his confidants gathered a group of Lords and Ladies of the realm who decided to pool resources and sponsor a fishing tournament. Their hope is to get as many people on the seas and gather as much fish as possible to prevent mass hunger throughout the lands.


    One morning while searching the streets of Nujelm for those in need of escort, I was approached by a stately Lord known for his riches, but more so for this generosity. He shared with me the story above and requested my assistance. They heard of the past fishing tournaments I conducted and inquired if I would be up to the task of organizing and directing a contest for the benefit of the people. I thought, “Not only am I, but am honored to be considered for such as task.”

    I was brought to an opulent fortress and presented with certificates worth 2.3 million in gold as well we many treasures worth much more… including blessed sandals from a leprechaun, a rare fur rug from a polar bear, and even a deed to a homestead.


    Citizens of the realm, I implore you to take to the seas! Your assistance is desperately needed in replenishing the food stocks of the lands. The angler who hauls in the biggest fish will receive a certificate for 1,000,000 gold!!! There are numerous other prizes, including one for the smallest fish. Also, artists and storytellers will be rewarded by sharing tales and sketches of adventures on the seas.

    The tournament will be held from May 17th to May 31st. Details about the fishing tournament can be found on the magical message boards in the ether (check the Player Run Events forum).

    Many thanks and FISH ON!!!

    May I Fish?
    Cynic likes this.

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