updated! lowered prices on remaining stock. @Regina @Green Light @Deuce @Voltroth - Contact me for trades.
Hey guys, sorry I neglected this. Work has been rough. @Green Light @Cero @Baine (who I know is on vacation) @David Scraggs @Deuce @Loxness Please PM me on IRC at your earliest convenience so we can conclude our trades. Also, I'll be MIA for work at around 1pmish EST today and won't return until tomorrow afternoon around noonish. Please have patience with me, we'll conduct the trades tomorrow worst case scenario.
Yes he already won that, sorry. I updated the main post with your bid on 17. @Green Light @Cero @Baine (who I know is on vacation) @David Scraggs @Deuce @Loxness Still need to see you guys, sorry looks like we've all been busy!