We were down at Bike Week in Daytona, when we found out that up in new england all the stores were sold out of meats, toilet paper and basic essentials, we bought up a ton of food and brought it home for the rocky hill assisted living foundation that houses about 70 older men and women.. We also donated 5k to the local bartenders guild association to help with needs of servers since they shut down all the restaurants until further notice in Connecticut. Everyone's affected by this in some degree or another, but small contributions and help are contagious just aswell as sickness is. If everyone does one little thing, no matter how small or large, we as a community, nation, and world can help end this quickly and hopefully painlessly. Kudos to everyone doing good in their neighborhoods, and taking this serious.. As it's funny to a degree to read meme's about it, or have a sick sense of humor about it, also keep in mind that just because you don't have any illness, your simple interaction with someone with the virus, can move it so someone whos dropping off groceries to their grandparents, and in turn gets them sick. Lets do our part, play a fuck load of UO for two weeks, and help whoever we can while doing so!
They just announced they are canceling Leesburg bike fest where I am a local here. Desantis just announced a 30 day close down of night clubs and bars. Plenty of people will be out of work for a while. Thankfully I work a publix and we have people following our trucks to the back of our stores trying to rob them. It's crazy out here
Challenge is on. I'll visit the elderly in my road and help. But what I have done so far is donate to the food bank charity and volunteered to help at the local outlet. Though not specifically helping the elderly, it is helping the vulnerable. I'll private message you for more @Tuneful
Yeah, we were there for the whole 2 weeks, and Friday night they announced anyone with a temp permit was revoked, but Saturday there was so many bars and clubs still open, and events with people under 250 heads were allowed... Sunday they indefinitely shut it down (was the last real night anyways) closed off main st, were pulling bikers over telling them to get out of town etc.. This has affected quite a few people I know personally. Legitimately 80% of my friend group is now out of work with having to go through the whole unemployment process unexpectedly, it's rough.
So I live out in the country and am surrounded buy far older folks. Most of them are very nervous to go out and about (into town). I am in the Military and have a stockpile of MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) LOL and they even come with toilet paper for those in the TP Crisis. Basically I have been giving out cases of MRE's to folks that do not feel comfortable going in to town to buy groceries. I have 10 cases left!!
Some co-workers and I are volunteering for our local schools to help feed children in our area, they'll be going to different feeding sights to pick up two meals, a lunch and breakfast for the following day (which is totally awesome, they don't have to come back twice a day). Not just students, but all children from ages 2-18, and anyone with special needs up to 21. Good to see communities pull together through all of this. Ya'll stay safe out there.
I was raised that way. I'll pull over and help change a tire, load up people's stuff to help them move or help load some random persons car with groceries if they're a mommy having a hard time with their little one or older and having a hard time lifting the bags. I just helped chip, sand, prime then paint an elderly couples home; they have limited income and are refinancing for a lowered monthly mortgage rate and cleaning the house up etc. helps them qualify/pass inspection. It's not much but it helps people's lives go a little more smoothly.
On New Year's holidays, I helped bring my neighbor’s corpse from home to the ambulance, because the ambulance crew consisted of 3 pensioners humiliated by Putin’s rule. In the future, I hope that our country will fall apart and a normal developing state will take its place. Amen. P.S. I don’t need a check, I have my own checks.
@Domare That's a good thing you and your wife are doing,Again I didn't realy think of the homless And I know your not doing it for the check,But I have one for you..Contact me on dicord please
@fatchildren Doesn't matter how much or how little your doing m8,At least your doing somit...And that gets you a check..I will contact you soon
@Virteego I am lucky enough to know you ingame...Even tho that isn't really Corona related that's a hell of a lot of work Got a check for you
@Hydrox That's very generous of you,And I love this line you said " but small contributions and help are contagious just aswell as sickness is" Give me a shout on Discord for a check pls m8
@merlin8666 Your a good man Merlin And yeah I initially said about helping the Elderly...Then someone mentioned the homeless(I forget who it was) So yeah is good to realise is more than just the elderly that are going to need help... Again I am lucky enough to know you ingame well,so will contact your directly for your check
@Virdan I have never been in the military,So will google what those packs are They sound great tho And the job you have gets my respect all day long Got a Check for you just send me a message on Discord please
@Jason That's a Clever Idea Is so sad that some children only get a good meal in school,even hear some children take food out of the bins..Thats just awful So yeah credit to you Contact me on Discord pls for your check
@Kiryana That's pretty wild m8 And thanks for not taking a check,is one more for someone else*smiles* Tho I cannot stress enough is obvious you guys are not doing this stuff for a little pixel of a check....So just think of the check as a bonus