Giving Away Million gold checks!

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Tuneful, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Cretoma

    Cretoma Active Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I have a large family (6boys, from 14 to 2) and we live in a city (Pittsburgh) With everything cancelled and schools closed, we have sought ways to keep the neighborhood parents sane while kids are home. There is now a basketball hoop outside in the street and basketballs for loan, along with disinfectant. Having kids so many kids ourselves, we understand the NEED to give kids an outlet for their energy and keep them moving! Unfortunately, it has rained the past couple of days here. The hoop has gotten some use from neighborhood kids, though.
  2. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    That's a great post m8...And yeah is nice to know you have helped...
    Lol and Good luck with your Mom!

    Give me a shout please on Discord for your check
  3. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Ahh that's a really good idea..I love seeing the kids Playing out in the street..When mine were younger we would always be outside playing,would not take long before loads of kids be playing with us..Is how I rermeber it when I was a kid with my father..

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane
    Hook me up thru Discord(Can call me in PS chanell*SMiles*
  4. Chafe

    Chafe Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    I haven't done anything yet but self isolate, I'm a Brit in NYC with no family over here.

    I urge those that have time/aren't in a prime risk category to look for local community groups, I know there's lots for the various districts in NYC. There's lots of options to help - I've signed up to run errands and collect medicine/groceries for either the infected or for the at risk categories, my wife has signed up to help spread awareness locally with canvassing/leafletting etc. I think this is going to get pretty brutal in urban areas, and we hope people manage to do the same for our elderly folks back home.

    Please be careful guys, social distancing etc is very important.
  5. Just A Guy

    Just A Guy Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I haven't read all of these stories, but I've read a few. It's great to see so many stories about people helping one another in times of need. Here's my recent experience:

    I was at my local Dollar General yesterday afternoon on my way home from work (we're not on complete lockdown in Wisconsin... yet). My wife manages a salon which was shut down late last week, and due to the loss of income we pulled my 3 year old son from daycare to save some money while she's available to watch him. She had asked me to stop on the way home to pick up a few things that would be fun for them to bake while they are home together this coming week. As I approached the store, i noticed a tiny little elderly lady standing about 20 feet away from the front door. She was clutching a piece of paper in her hands, staring at it, and glancing up at the door every so often. Given her age and appearance, I thought maybe she was confused about something, or maybe trying to figure out if she was at the right place (thought perhaps she didn't have her wits about her). As I approached her to ask if she needed help, she shuffled backwards, keeping her distance. I halted, and asked her if something was wrong. She told me she and her husband needed a few things at home and that she was there to get them, but was afraid if she went in the store she might get sick (it was quite busy being a Friday afternoon). Poor old gal felt like she was forced to chose between dying of starvation, or this terrible sickness that's everywhere. I asked her if she'd like me to take the list and go into the store to gather what she needed for her so that she wouldn't have to be around all those people. She seemed a little surprised, and quite a bit relieved as she handed me her list. She seemed a little apprehensive about handing me her cash, so I told her she could just give it to me when I came back out with her items. I shopped around the store looking for the items on her list, and managed to find all but two of them (the store was completely out of eggs and of course, TP). I checked out and loaded the goods into the trunk of her car. After hearing that the store was out of the eggs and TP, she looked a bit distraught. She said they had been out of TP for a week, and were just about out of paper towels and Kleenex. I told her the story of how just before this all happened (literally like a week prior to the mass panic), my wife and I had gotten sick of having to buy TP so frequently and decided to go to Costco for a bulk run. We had bought enough for about six months worth for our family. I told her to wait right there and that I'd be back in about 15 minutes with some TP for her. I drove the 5 miles home, grabbed an armful of packages, stopped at Kwik Trip to buy some eggs and headed back to the DG to meet her. After putting the TP and eggs in her back seat, I asked her if she had any kids nearby, or any other family/friends who were younger that lived nearby who could do her grocery runs for her. She told me that her daughter lives close by, but is currently overseas, and she doesn't know when she'll be able to come home. Said she doesn't really talk to anyone else in town, so she doesn't know anyone who could do that for her. So, I gave her my phone number and told her that my wife or I would be happy to do a weekly run for her. She reached for her purse to get the money out to pay me, but feeling so terrible about her circumstances, I told her to keep it for this first round, and she could just pay us for the next run should she call when she needs more. I think maybe I'll have my son bake her a nice cake if she calls on us...

    Chafe and Heath like this.

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