This poor horse. Archery was lackluster during this time but this server has really shit the bed when it comes to archery. Your asking for a cool race car bed or bunk beds for you and your step brother when the server daddy won't/can't even change the shit sheets...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with archery as it stands. Archery weapon mods apply to accuracy to mitigate the negs on movement, distance and whatnot so changing that to tactics which is currently useless above 100% would be the most retarded move ever. You'd hit less often for the same amount. I'd go for a special move that activates like the other ones (25%) that either doubled accuracy or damage. I'd also go for a better movement regulated tick that just slowed down the hit tick when you moved instead of stopping it altogether, that would mean people could still run away but if you were lucky you might get the last couple of shots in that you needed to finish them off. Still, no actual changes are needed and the last thing we need is for archery to be overpowered. Played a shard like that once, it sucked.
Reduced chance to hit based on recent movement, is what is specifically wrong with Archery as it currently stands. Cut that shit out and it would be just fine.
I like the idea about a 3-second walk, but may be even stronger than para blow if you chain a couple of lucky ones in a row, since you don't even need to be next to someone to start the chain. A while back I had proposed something like the concussion blow, but for dexterity. I sort of like that Accuracy adds to Archery rather than Tactics. I think it was originally implemented to help reduce 1- to 2-hit kills back in the day, and it adds a nice quirk to archery. What might be even more useful is if the bonus for the accuracy modifiers was a little higher than it currently is. I think a GM archer with a Supremely Accurate bow will hit a GM Swordsman something like 60% of the time, versus 50% without modifiers. 1 hit out of 10 doesn't jive IMO with how strong tactics modifiers on melee weapons are. Agree though that the to-hit formula on archery on this shard is counterproductive. It makes archery sort of overpowered in some very boring PvM situations, and underpowered in difficult PvM situations and PvP situations.