I'm wondering if anyone is able to run multiple clients using the Mac UOR software. Admittedly I am not the most computer savy so take that into account when explaining please. Thanks.
Pretty sure you just need to make a copy of the installation and run it separately. Other options are setting up a Windows partition and running them from there, or using VM software like Parallels.
Hi TheCrookedWarden. I'm successfully running 2 clients on my 2015 MacBook Air. I have two versions of the client installed in my Applications folder, one with a slightly different name. They run quite happily side by side. I'm no computer nor Mac expert either. Let me know how you get on.
As others have said, when I ran off my Mac I used 3 installations of the client and used each one for one account. It worked fine.
I run 2 clients on the mac, also by slightly renaming one. I do have some issues (razor is buggy, I can't run the positioning system or scavenger) and at times I need to quit both clients in order to close just one client (blah), but otherwise its fine.
I just posted a bash script that I use to launch multiple clients using only install of UOR on my Mac. http://uorforum.com/threads/playing...load-and-play-package.6159/page-8#post-213606 It basically just uses the existing Wine environment from the installer and launches Razor again.
Thanks for sharing this. I'll read it over (and try to understand it) when I can commit some time to it!