How much is your BOD really worth? (Market Value Cheat Sheet)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Magus Emplar, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. Magus Emplar

    Magus Emplar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Mar 18, 2019
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    Whether you're buying, selling, or trading, it can be tricky to get a sense of how much a BOD is worth. There are so many factors to take into consideration that, especially if you're new to the BOD game, can be very difficult to navigate. That's why I took some time to put together a guide for understanding how much a BOD is worth.


    The cheat sheet for BOD values can be found here:

    Read on to learn more about where these numbers come from.

    The Method

    Essentially, the formula for calculating an individual BOD's worth is as follows:

    Deed Value = (Reward Value - Material Cost) / Deed Count

    Deed Count

    The deed count is simply the total number of BODs needed, including the large BOD and each small BOD, to fill the order. For example, a chainmail set requires the large BOD for the set (1x LBOD) and small BODs for the coif, leggings, and tunic (3x SBOD), for deed count of 4.

    Material Cost

    To calculate this, I compiled a spreadsheet estimating the material costs of each item that might be requested in a BOD.
    In this calculation, I make the following assumptions:
    • Non-exceptional items will be destroyed to recover half the resources consumed to make them.
    • Failed attempts to craft an item will consume half the resources required by that item.
    • The character has achieved Grandmaster (100.0) in the skill used to craft the item.
    Because normal quality BODs are relatively uncommon, the analysis only covers exceptional quality items.

    The results of this material cost analysis are here:
    To calculate the material cost in gold, I multiply the amount of the required resource(s) by the market value of those resources. The actual cost of materials may vary greatly, depending on your supplier and whether you gather your own resources. For the purposes of this analysis, the market value represents the combined actual cost and opportunity cost that may be involved in gathering those resources.

    Reward Value

    When turning in a BOD, the player receives both a gold reward and an item reward. Both of these should be taken into consideration when estimating the deed's worth.
    The formula for the reward value is:

    Reward Value = Gold Reward + Item Reward (Fair Market Value)

    Gold Reward

    Approximate gold rewards for all Tailoring and Blacksmithy BODs are published in the UO:Renaissance compendium:
    Item Reward

    Item rewards vary tremendously in value, and because the value depends on market demand, there is necessarily a degree of subjectivity to any valuation given to a particular item. That said, there are some items which appear as rewards, even for highly challenging BODs, which are generally considered to be completely worthless. Some examples include:
    • sturdy shovels and pickaxes
    • low-level runic hammers (dull copper, shadow iron, copper, bronze)
    • low-level BOD cloth (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
    Other items may have market demand, but the value offered for them is significantly below the material cost of filling the orders to earn them. Some examples of net-negative return items include:
    • leather dye tubs
    • gargoyle's shovels and pickaxes
    • prospector's tools
    • hanging armor (leather, studded)
    • stretched hides
    • shield wall decoration
    • ore-colored anvil
    Some item rewards have only moderate market demand, but can still be worthwhile (10k-50k). Some examples include:
    • flower tapestries
    • bear rugs
    • fortifying powder
    • black dye tub
    Some of the most highly sought-after rewards (100k+ up to millions) include:
    • high-level runic hammers (golden, agapite, verite, valorite)
    • special mask dyes
    • clothing bless deeds
    • braziers
    • standing armor
    • phoenix armor
    All item rewards are published in the UO:Renaissance compendium:
    Every BOD set results in a chance of one or more rewards of equal value. The one exception to this would be the sets which offer a chance between a clothing bless deed (100k) and a leather dye tub (<5k). For the purposes of estimating individual deed value, I assume the best possible scenario (i.e: the higher value item is rewarded).

    I referenced the reward matrix to correlate which sets provide which item rewards. Then, I assigned a value to each item based on recent forum and in-game vendor activity. Prices do not tend to fluctuate wildly for most items over time, but do keep in mind that the values in this analysis are subjective and serve only as a ballpark figure -- YMMV.

    The Result

    Whew! We finally have enough data to calculate the results of our formula across all BODs!

    Hopefully this "cheat sheet" will help to understand the value of your BOD collection and/or enable some trades that may otherwise have not seemed comprehensible.

    I hope this serves to demystify some of the market dynamics associated with BODs and crafting in general.

    Thanks for reading!

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