Improving Razor - Razor Development

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Quick, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    The timer will be based on the last gate you cast. If you fizzle, the timer stops. When the timer hits 30, it will stop.

  2. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    This update is more exciting.

    A few months ago, I posted some information about updating UOPS (Razor's bare bones map system built into Razor). I was tried of dealing with abandoned ware UOAM, having to run 2 apps and the delay UOAM had.

    One evening, while speaking with @JimmyTheHand about these frustrations, he offered up his time and expertise to see what he could do to improve UOPS. After some research, he realized the way it was designed wouldn't easily allow some of the features we wanted so he build from the ground up, a new map system in Razor that would allow you to pan with the mouse, zoom in and out, add map points, etc.

    It also retains the two most important UOPS features:
    • The immediate update/response when you move, unlike UOAM that is delayed up to half a second.
    • Being able to track your party members.

    NOTE: As this was built from the group up, this is not the final version. Optimizations will continue to be made and released but I'm really excited for it and wanted to show everyone what he's been working on thus far. Thanks again @JimmyTheHand -- this is such a great contribution to the UO:R community.

  3. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Thanks for the nice words @Quick

    For anyone curious, as Quick has said this system is built from the ground up. There's features not shown in this vid, as well as stuff that doesnt matter to the end user that I'd love to whine about, but wont here! :) (damn old winforms tech tho! Workaround/reinvent has been the name of the game)
    Anyway, I actually generate the map file(s). You may have noticed the coastline has some shades of blue and white, thats an example of how fully customizable this map can be.
    The map itself is a 8bpp index bmp with a custom palette which I colour match tile data to during generation.
    (That was a barrel of laughs to get working efficiently...).
    Some of you may have seen other maps where you zoom in and things are blurry, antialiased actually. This is due to everything bar UOAM using 16bpp and higher files.
    That type of file meant I was immediately dealing with files over 100mb, hence the effort in making it 8bpp indexed.

    You may have noticed what seemed to be a little bit of lag; I felt the need to let you know that in this video I have 2,000 custom pin locations, which is why its a touch laggy :p
    As @Quick has talked about, they're loaded up from a csv.

    There is also the uo gameplay area style border visible in this, which is a custom border/resize system separate to the windows functionality.
    I rather like it, really makes it look like part of the client. I am curious about whether people want that border as a toggleable option? Resizing in borderless mode should function regardless of the art being there.

    Anyway. Lots of stuff to come that hasnt been shown or talked about. I just wanted to have a little rant about the map :D

    Feel free to hit myself or Quick up with questions or requests of features.
    As with all the new Razor stuff, we are keeping in touch with Telamon to ensure everything is approved/respects rules/etc.

    Edit: Oh! The JMap system should be in Razor in the next few days. I'm not 100% on Quick's release schedule though.

    -Jimmy the Hand
    Erza Scarlet, Quick and Ahirman like this.
  4. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    Looks amazing guys!
  5. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2013
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    Looks awesome!
  6. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    Is there any way to track followers on the map?
  7. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    I'll get back to you on that...

    @Ahirman So, as I thought, initial investigation shows there's no provision built in to any existing system for that. I'll see what can be done though, definitely a feature that would be great :)
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
    Ahirman likes this.
  8. Jessica

    Jessica Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    About the Force game windows size....

    I belive the problem lies in the original installation folder.
    Razor by default install itself on "program files" folder, but i solved my resizing problems moving the whole razor folder to "program files(x86)"

    Never had any other problem sonce then..
  9. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    I don't mean to alarm... but I may be jesus! *zap*

    I spent a good bit of time working on this in silence, likely to the dismay of @Quick ;)
    I've managed to find a way to do it despite the utter lack of specific packet flags and parameters in razor/ultimasdk. I need to have one more mess around to ensure the mechanism can't be exploited, but I'm 99% sure.

    Important question for the players, staff and Mr. Lead Dev @Quick :
    We have a visual range for everything in UO.
    this has always been the case, part of the game. If it's not visible to our character, it isn't to us the player. I like this, anything contradictory to this is immediately suspect imo.
    But, it is 2018 and we're looking at quality of life improvements.
    So in saying that, how do people feel about the pet (currently only oet, NOT fany follower) being visible on the map no matter where it is?
    This currently, but does not have to, include it's current status; alive, ghost, poisoned, etc.

    I'm sure there's potential for shiftery, but also QoL. Maybe an extended range?
    As for party, I assume thats fine as globally visible, UOAM can already do this with the server functionality.

    Please discuss :)
  10. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    I would love to be able to see my pets no matter where they are. Seeing status would be amazing too but not really that big of a deal.
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  11. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    How about the ability to add the HP/Stam of any different character to the window bar based on mobile ID. It's annoying dealing with pets or something and when it dies the bar closes and you have to re-drag it. Pet HP isn't that critical it couldn't just be stuck up in the top of the window with reg count and stuff.

    {mobileid 0x896FAB8 HP} for example get a bar like player hp bar?
  12. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Ahirman I agree with seeing them anywhere in the world. Possibly I I could split the difference, show Pets wherever they are, but leave all statuses for only within the standard range. I'd love to have the location of a dead bonded pet anywhere, but I have a sneaking feeling even that could be used as a 'ghosting' type spawn camp/monitor tool.
    E.g. You know the mob is spawned coz your epic pet is dead and he can handle the trash.
    Edit: Y'know, even only ever having position and last position for a dead pet, could result in the same concept of monitoring from afar. X pet hasnt moved for a minute = probably dead = boss probably spawned.

    Moar discussion and opinions required!!

    @snap dragon You mean the window title area? That should be easily doable, now that I can differentiate a pet from a non pet, @Quick could easily include that.
    If you mean elsewhere, like custom bars/ui... I have a little project aside from the map a fair way along (which may be universally loved or hated or not approved of at all) that would fit that desire.
    Anyway, I dont think there is any issue gameplay wise with having normally available mobile data visible in a second area. Definitely not allied mobiles.
    Now... having that bar up in the window title area and be clickable, for a rez say... it might be fiddly. I can probably put a hit box there linked back to the mob via serial. Outside ClientArea rendering is a bit funny though :)

    Actually, as I finished writing this, I realised that both health and interactivity with the name/nameplate on the map is about three lines of code with the current system I built for map markers. So there's that too.
    Maybe just do it all and keep piling on the option checkboxes? :D
  13. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Yes in the titlebar
  14. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    I see your concern, but any location a boss would spawn would have regular mobs spawning as well. I can't really think of a situation where you could sit your pet and wait with nothing happening for any amount of time except maybe a champ alter. Then again it would be hard to secretly monitor a location like that because whoever started the spawn would see the pet standing there. Also most spawns that could be used with are usually always started already.

    That's my thoughts on it. I'm sure I could be missing something. :D

    Dead pets shouldn't need to be tracked. You can see their location with a summoning ball.
  15. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    I'd rather lean on the side of caution, at least on the first releases here, and stick to party members at the moment, which has existed in Razor for years. Showing the position of your pet is one thing but displaying their current status or health is something I worry can be abused.
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  16. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    Yeah, I personally don't care about their status. It would just be nice if you're doing a champ and one of your pets gets pull off you know where to find it! ;)
  17. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    PvP Improvements / suggestions:

    1) I believe the current targeting system has flaws.

    If you, for example, use "Target closest XXX" it will drop your spells automatically.
    Alternatives are circeling through targets with "next target", or use "Set last target" and clicking on them (or theyr bar)

    Last method works fine with some practice, but i was wondering if you could add something like..

    Set last target to closest XXX (non friend humanoid, for example)
    So the cursor does not drop when you hit it actually

    2) The current ingame buff / debuff interface is broken, is there a way to track them with Razor instead? (maybe showing remaining times for buffs, potions, applied spells like Magic reflect, etc)

    3) Could you track applied buffs / debuffs on your enemies, or maybe highlight the remaining time of debuffs (iE upon delivering a conc blow, etc)
  18. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Just an additional note:

    Great work guys!
    Gate timers are defenitly helpful + the new Navigation system will be nuts!
  19. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    You added the option to open a macro externally. Is there a way to add in a save/reload button?
    That way you can modify macros without closing the client and reopening?

    If you edit a macro in razor and then open it externally, the changes you made in razor aren't shown in the external version until you close out the client.
    If you open a macro externally and save it and click refresh it doesn't reload the changes you made externally.
  20. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    If you open a macro externally, edit the file and save, if you right-click in Actions you'll see the "Reload" option that will pull in changes to Razor. I just confirmed that worked.

    The first part, yes, if you open it externally, edit it within Razor, you need to close and reopen the macro to pick up the changes.
    Ahirman likes this.

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