is it good?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by STAVROGIN, Apr 29, 2016.

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  1. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
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    Jul 19, 2014
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    You absolutely can! But complaining on the forums is easier, though.
    Iago likes this.

    STAVROGIN Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    the question is: was this change necessary?

    if u add gold drop to erlkonig's calculation* its 600k per hour.
    while every other farmin method gives u 60k per hour max, this method gives u 10x more profit.
    no other farmin method comes close to this.

    this shard promises balanced economy, can u guys see any balance?

    some dudes ask "why u guys not copyin it and do the same thing as this dudes do"

    for me the answer is simple: its not fair. its a corruption that needs to get fixed.

    i cant flood "chooo chooo hype train!!" on irc while the ship is sinkin but those kids dont care about the shards future as long as they fill their pockets i guess.

    BlackEye and Xegugg like this.
  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Morning UO:R!

    Let's clear up some misunderstandings!

    - Approximate gold/hour while riding the plat train << 600k/hr
    - Documented achievable gold/hour while doing other in-game activities >> 60k/hr
    - Number of people riding the plat train >> 4-8
    - Amount of plat earned per plat train rider << claimed amounts
    - Number of people limited or restricted by current mechanics versus existing mechanics in attempting or completing spawns or harrowers = 0

    Have a good day and choo choo UO:R!
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
    Iago likes this.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Oh, I thought you meant like when you cheat like a pathetic loser because it's the only way you can "win".

    My bad.
  5. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Hype Train!
  6. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    - Approximate gold/hour while riding the plat train << 600k/hr agreed but see below
    - Documented achievable gold/hour while doing other in-game activities >> 60k/hr agreed but less than 150k
    - Number of people riding the plat train >> 4-8 sure why not?
    - Amount of plat earned per plat train rider << claimed amounts min 334 plat w/4 (545k/hour) / min 209 with 8 (342k/hour but really each champ would be completed even faster with 8 thus increasing the gph)
    - Number of people limited or restricted by current mechanics versus existing mechanics in attempting or completing spawns or harrowers = 0 sure, any group of 8 can do it but who is going to stop them?

    The problem, the real problem with this, is that it is too fucking easy to do and is boring as idocing. At least under the old system it was something to do on occasion. (Anyone notice how large champ guilds died around the same time as Harrower changes? [UO] guild in particular) Now it is a gold rush and if you don't participate you will be left back and forced to do the "other in-game activities" @ 120k/hour. That 120k/ hour gets spent on plat from the 4-8 guys with a big enough hard on for easy money to repetitively pump out platinum. You wont be fucked with doing a champion spawn but that solo / 2 man team busting ass at blood elementals will surely be tested. 1 easy way to fix all of that is to reduce max platinum to 20 per character. I dont PvM or champ anymore because my group and I got burned out doing it. I made mills and thousands of platinum under the current system and feel that it was too damn easy. Honestly I am hanging on by a thread here hoping that Telamon changes things to make them fun again. Reaching end-game content never should of been this easy. Its the same way I felt about idocing. It can be fun but after a while what is the point of stacking treasures to the ceiling? Easy=boring=loss of playerbase. Sure, people will want to get that ethereal and blessed runebook. They will make 3x tamers, create groups, and start farming harrowers. They will make 1000's of plat and realize that all that desire they had when they were new to this server was a joke because the people that had a head-start on them were basically stealing from an easy system. We have new players that show up on IRC talking about how cool the plat welfare system is saying that they will get a blessed runebook in 6 months meanwhile someone that spends 72 hours 7xGMing 3x tamers will easily make that in 1 Harry run. Under that old system, 20 plat per, it would of taken 4-5 Harrowers to do that.

    I have only 1 question for the nay-nay's. Is it easy to make tons of platinum under the current system?
  7. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    I think a really good idea for limiting the amount each person can receive was one Stavrogin brought up: use a timer to determine the plat reward.

    We would need to figure out a good delay time between start of a fight and when the plat reward started decreasing; because the max reward should be attainable. This system has the benefit of encouraging more to join (does nothing to discourage boxes, unfortunately) and pays less for keeping it among a smaller group.

    Another very simple way to limit the amount plat earned in a given period of time is to increase the respawn timer on the champions, if possible.
  8. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    When you sell the same item to NPC vendors repeatedly the gold paid out decreases after a certain amount until it stops buying altogether. This was done to "help" with the economy. Could something like this be implemented?

    Something like:
    1st Harrower (per day? week? month?) = 100% plat reward (per char? per account?)
    2nd Harrower = 90%
    3rd Harrower = 75%
    4th Harrower = 50%
    5th Harrower = 10%
    6th Harrower = 0%

    Maybe? Adjust the numbers?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  9. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    Another good idea.
  10. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    So let me get this straight -

    Only 1 group is actively champing and doing harrowers.

    Because it's too easy and rewarding.

    You guys are hella dumb.
  11. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    i think what most people here are getting at is the harrower reward is way to high.
    Isabella likes this.
  12. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    Maybe make the harrower more elusive. Make it so champs skulls only have a drop rate of 1/50 or 1/25. From what I gathered people would rather have less plat but, more community interaction. This is the problem with the current system as it is more beneficial to do a harrower with low numbers.
    Isabella likes this.
  13. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The problem with the current system is that it is possible to run it with three accounts simultaneously by each person involved. Break that and you'll need more communal effort to accomplish the same feat.

    Sorry, not sorry, triple blow me. lol
  15. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
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    Mar 12, 2014
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    500-600K an hour is not true, plat is obviously not all theirs. Do you think those same people listed in the first post screen shot are champing all those skulls up on their own to run that many Harrowers? If they are they'll all need carpal tunnel surgery by next spring or they've been at it a couple of months saving skulls. Original system payout was never designed with three box in mind. The new system isn't an issue regarding plat payout until you go from a single account to three box. When you champ for skulls and do a Harrower with three accounts everything is done x3, the speed, plat payout, etc. System is not as broke as people perceive. Look at most end game instances in UOR at first, times are long or even some fail then, progressively people figure out just how to do something efficiently until they smoke it. If payout is the real issue then hard cap per player but leave the 1k payout, you'll still have the x3 factor. If a group wants to run Harrowers back to back why not? What's the difference between all today, one a day or one a week? They still need to spend the time gathering skulls or buy them. When staff posted the new system anyone that thought about it would realize payout potential. It's not easy as people suggest. It takes large scale organization and coordination amongst a group of players that for most have limited hours to log in.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  16. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    You are correct in implying what I think you are: that instead of complaining about it, people should make their own group and get in on the action - especially if is "too easy and rewarding." Anyone that has 3 tamer accounts should definitely get together and work this down.

    However, I think the real issue is that for end-game content, it's pretty much a trivial encounter. I'm all for people farming the crap out of it if that's what they enjoy. Yet, 5 people 3-boxing it really stretches the limits of what I think most people would consider good end-game content.
    Xegugg likes this.
  17. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Make 3 tamers and find 5 people willing to do the same. Then grind it all out to the harrower and come back here and report your results.

    Lots of people like to comment on things they have no first hand experience with.

    It's easy to stand on the sidelines and complain that the wide receiver should have made that catch, that YOU could have run faster and longer. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback. Try forming a similar system and report your findings. Try to grill do out 6 harrowers in a row and see if your group still wants to even hear the word spawn.

    Every spawning group I've been with, and I've been with at least 4 on this server alone, get bored and tired after two weeks. See if you can get one going for more than 2 weeks in this manner and tell me how easy this is.

    The plat train looks easy and awesome and rich from the sidelines, but so does brain surgery when you're watching it on greys anatomy.
    Iago likes this.
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    They say the same thing about IDOC control.....yet that's not generally triple boxed and the only threat there is people posting about locations on forums...which didn't change anything.
  19. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    And if you think spawns happen uncontested I've got a bridge to sell you. TT has raided, crooks and his guild have raided, and so have many other lone and grouped reds.

    And you don't need a red to raid, and most of these guys know that. They lead you to believe that this system is somehow catered to this certain group, in reality this certain group has learned to play this system to the max in the way it was designed. They catered and changed their own playstyle to adapt to how this system was designed.
    Iago likes this.
  20. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Straight up 10 pages of concern trolling.

    I'd post my guild activity if I cared enough to but I don't do many champs/harrowers .. maybe about average for our group overall but lately way less.

    Your group is the absolute worst. You chased off every other champ group to ever exist. Now you're just resorting to this bullshit to get rid of the last one.

    None of your arguments are logical. None of your claims are true. None of your hypothetical numbers are accurate. And you create causation arguments that don't line up.

    Totally absurd..
    Xegugg and Iago like this.
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