
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qex Yario, May 25, 2015.

  1. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I have played this shard for over a year, and unlike the 8 other friends of mine that left, I have stayed.

    until today. The Pkers have won, they can have the shard. My thief character can't steal anymore, 90% guard whacked. and can't go out with my dragons and just enjoy myself, can't even fish.

    good shard, but can't play anymore, waste of my time loggin in, justn to give my loot to PKers. following the group to a non-pvp shard.

    tI watch the activity of this shard decline, those that I knew that were always on left due to the PvP. guess this is a PvP shard, not for us.
  2. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I really hate to see people leave and it's unfortunate. If you would stick around and learn some escape macros and just adjust this server is really a great place to play. Don't let the PKs get to you. Alot of the player-base here are not pvpers and they seem to do just fine. I would PM some of the experienced farmers and see how they avoid PKs before you pack up and leave.

    Hope you think this over.
    Hawkeye and MikeK like this.
  3. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    ^ Very much this. ^

    If you're willing, check over this guide that @mikek85 wrote up on this very subject.

    MikeK likes this.
  4. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Hey buddy don't leave. Shoot me a pm and we can kill stuff and I'll show you how to not get pkd! This goes to anyone else whose trying to do stuff and gets pkd. There are some tips I'll show you in person.

    Guaranteed I can get your survival rate up!

    Come do some champs with me too!
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
    Bastian, Avery and Xegugg like this.
  5. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    How to avoid a PK.

    1. Keep magic reflection up.
    2. Have a recall macro that cast recalls and targets your rune.
    2B. If tamer, have a macro that uses gate scroll, targets rune and commands pets to follow.

    If you die to PKs following the guide above, you weren't paying enough attention to your UO screen.
  6. Horatio

    Horatio Active Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    I just live in Occlo, get drunk and farm bones!

    It's the pimp life.
    English John likes this.
  7. Kermit

    Kermit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2014
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    I'm a bit surprised by this post, but i rarely see any PK when i do pvm ...
    Maybe its due to my pay time (euro) ...

    About the PK, most of the time its only one and its easy to survive, even with my 220 ms ping.
    Like Pork said, keep reflect up all the time.
    I would add the following thing :

    1) Get inc name up!
    2) Get some pouch trapped and rdy.
    3) Get some pots of heal and cure.
    4) always stay toped health
    5) get macro for every action u do alot (heal, cure, drink pots, ...). Clicking is the best way to die.

    See u!
    MikeK likes this.
  8. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Huh? Is this guy in the right forums for the right shard? I just farmed 200,000 gold and there wasn't a PK the whole time and um well I'm not telling you where I went. Anyway, what PKs?

    I have met a few PKs but we say "Vas Ort Flam" and "Kal Ort Por" to each other.
    BlackEye likes this.
  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I would have to agree here, no matter what some people may claim, there are hardly as many PKs actively running around on this server as there are others with the same rules.

    I honestly think PKs do a great justice to the server and its economy. Without PKs there would be no risk when out farming and tamers/noobs have to share hot spots. Without PKs the economy would be saturated with gold from people who farm non stop.

    If you really can't learn to adapt to PKs (and I hate saying this) then this server isn't for you.

    I can try, like others are trying, to convince you to stay with post after post but I have a feeling that the next time you're PK'd everyone is just going to have to talk you off that ledge again.

    When I first started here I was PK'd relentlessly. You have to learn how to get away and bank your loot at intervals. I farmed with a naked bard at bloods, if I were pk'd I'd lose like 20 of each reg and a rune, at the worst I'd lose 5k gold.

    There are different tactics you can use too, remember you have 3 accounts at your disposal. Set up a hidden scout character at the entrance to the area you are farming. Set up a reverse gate character in town to send you an emergency gate. When I farmed the Lich Lord room I used to keep a chest on the ground with all my loot in it (it looks like a treasure chest and PKs never bothered looking).

    Sometimes you're going to lose in this game, much like any other game out there. Good luck!
  10. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Felucca ain't for everyone. Good luck on your travels!
  11. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Half of Ocllo island is Trammel. He could become a rich cave dweller.
  12. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    PvP shard? REALLY? This is news to me! It's about time! This place is Felucca Light... mmm fruity flavor with a subtle kick. How will he be a thief on a shard where you can't pvp? Strange... very strange.
    Pork Fried Rice and Xegugg like this.
  13. mafghine

    mafghine Active Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I have to agree that Pks are what keeps a servers economy healthy. Tamer at hot spot for a hour has to leave due to Pk showing up, Pk leaves, another player gets the spot for a hour, repeat. I dont think I could play a server with no pks. With no pks farming would quickly turn into a job rather than a adventure. Good luck on your server travels tho!.
  14. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Are you playing alone man? You said your friends left but you stayed. Join up with a guild and dont worry about every having to farm alone!

    You are for sure invited to PS if you wish. We wanna make sure to keep players on this shard and having a good time in the best game there ever was.

    And just like everyone else has said, there are a few basic things you can work up to avoid PKs.

    PM literally any one of us who have replied to this thread and we will help set you up with what you need to survive.

    Hope you stick around man.
    Cordelia Black, Avery and Heretic like this.
  15. Delitem

    Delitem Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    I just got my provo mage finished up and I've spend the past couple days farming with him and have encountered zero pks and maybe just one or two other people in total. I guess I should add that the bulk of my time has been spent in T2A; but that's another option for you to look into. T2A is a vast sprawling waste land filled not only with jaggy terrain but also some pretty great hunting spots. I sometimes feel like I'm part of a little secret that very few people know about because it is so dead there. There can't be more than 10 people there at any given time. With so few people and it not being convenient to get into, I can't imagine that you'll ever run into many PKs there; it's just not worth it for them to be cruising through there regularly.

    As everyone else said, get some macros setup. Don't carry more than you're willing to lose. And start learning the areas where you hunt. Know the spots where you can break line of sight and know the areas where people tend to come from. I'm no fighter by any stretch but there is absolutely no reason that you wouldn't be able to get away from a PK if you are prepared. It only takes one macro for you to get away.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  16. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 24, 2015
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    Ive been checking spots in the lost lands myself since ive had a few reports about killings there.
    Most of them happened at Titans or in the northern areas though, as those are propably the most commonly farmed places in the lost lands.
  17. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    There are some PK's that camp Guild New Player Housing and Guild Libraries that have made Ghost Towns of those areas while "helping the shard", but that does not sound like your issue. Most of them are equally happy to farm a Champ Spawn with you at the end of the day and quite a few of them will give you most, if not all, of your stuff back.

    PK's really are not an issue in the dungeons on this shard at all.

    1. You only farm the Hot Spots and refuse to farm anywhere else.
      • If you're getting killed at Spawn X, go to Spawn Y. There are entirely too many profitable spawn points on this server for PK's to camp them all. If you're just set in your ways and refuse to change, then that lays squarely upon you. If this is the case, then I reference the rudimentary definition of insanity.
    2. You only farm at the Peak Hours of PK's activity.
      • If its feasible, farm at different times and use the Peak time for Fishing, Crafting, aMiB's, or other things that are pretty much safe bets.
    3. You do NOT have an escape macro setup. (Gate/Recall)
      • Seriously, if this is the case, then you have ZERO right to complain.
    4. You do NOT have Hot Keys setup. (Mini-Heal, Heal Potion, Cure Potion, Refresh Potion)
      • Seriously, if this is the case, then you have ZERO right to complain.
    5. You do NOT pay direct attention.
      • Self-Explanatory...hopefully.
    6. You do NOT keep Magic Reflect up.
    7. You do NOT have Trapped Pouches.
    8. You do NOT wear any armor at all. (Get some GM Leather at least)
    9. You do NOT bank often.
    10. You do NOT keep your health up.

    Times i've been PK'd on this server since November of 2013: 9 times
    • I was fighting 5 - 6 TT members on my Bard with GM Hiding to give others a chance to escape. I actually had recall up 3 times during the battle, but stayed around for a valiant sacrifice! :D
    • I had just woke up from midnights and was running a newer character with no armor and no hot key setup to a training house to macro Tracking and got set upon by the Runic Wielding RRG gang on the Training House's doorstep. They were para-blowing me and hitting me for 50+ damage. None of which would have mattered a lick if I had been wearing armor, had trapped pouches, had ANY hot keys setup on that computer, and had been even remotely awake and paying attention. Refer to aforementioned "Unless" list.
    • I was a 70 Magery Bard and on my first week of the server battling Cynic and The Dank Nugget for a Yew House spot and they managed to get a sync drop on me with the help of either Jack or snapdragon when I wasn't fully paying attention. I was too busy listening to that trainwreck Peep whine relentlessly whining about being killed in Ventrilo.
    • I was rescuing my father from PK's at the Hedge Maze when I ran in half-cocked and got my bard PK'd in the first few months on this server, also. I then came back on Lightshade and killed the vile PK, Falanor, with the help of a guildie. Those darn Dread Spiders must target blues first! What a hassle to bring him down.
    • I got killed on my bard, again, helping my father deal with OliVeR griefing his miner in Delucia. OliVeR got my father's runes and started showing up on the Training Keep's doorsteps which was a mistake. Phuzzylogic and "Lightshade" came in and dropped him at the Yew Crossroads and looted back all of my Father's Miners belongings. My father is too lazy to do that aforementioned list, so i've had to rescue him quite a few times.:mad:
    • I was ~75 Magery (top skill) on a fledgling Stun/Scribe Mage and was battling Upgrayedd for the Haart Valley fortress spot and managed to die a bit in that nonsense. I'm not sure this counts as having been PK'd as I might have just been counting him, also. :p
    • I was fighting 3 PK's outside of Ice Dungeon and failed to see the 4th PK sneak up on me. Got me! :D
    • I was suffering from incredible lag due to a failing computer part. I pretty much had no idea what was going on as a result, so I just spam healed my Guild Mates and didn't bother with myself. My own fault.
    • I forgot to check on my health while fighting 3 PK's outside the Rune Library. My own fault.
    Times i've been PK'd on this server while farming: 1 Time
    • I hit stop on my Lumberjacking macro and hid while I went to the bathroom. I came back dead and in pieces with my trusty GM Hatchet and GM Leather Armor missing. I was distraught for days. :eek:
    There's probably a few more that I don't remember, but the point remains. In 18 months that i've actively played this server, I have been PK'd less than a dozen times. PK's, in general, are not a problem on this server and you need to do your own due diligence to protect yourself. Right now you are being negligent in your duties to protect yourself. You need to quit bashing your head against the wall expecting a different result and learn how to protect yourself.

    To put it bluntly: You need to progress from complaining and being mad to learning how to protect yourself properly. That might involve finding people to help you. Do that and you'll be just fine.
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
    Lord Krake, MikeK, Chris and 2 others like this.
  18. Faber

    Faber Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Knowing how many times you have been pked and the exact situation makes you a huge nerd. You're a nerd Lightshade! ;)
  19. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Sorry to see you leave; but tis true, Fel is not for everyone. You might try some of the suggestions posted above, see if those work for you before you leave.

    I will offer a suggestion or two. First I do not pvp myself. So these come from a non-pvper. First, don't whine or bad-mouth the pkers. This seems to add
    to the desire to hunt you more. LOL. Even if not in game, try to make "friends" in irc. Might be surprised to learn a lot of cool folk there, run pker characters. Some, if they like you, won't pk you.

    Otherwise, enjoy other worlds of UO...Good luck


    Governess of WispFelt
  20. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    When a person's brain experiences trauma so violent (like being PK'd in UO) it may either completely erase the event from memory, or etch itself in there for eternity.
    MikeK and Lightshade like this.

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