Maybe I'm being trolled, but I'd like to clear the air...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Genocide, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I'm calling Shenanigans on Genocide too. I'll first preface my accusation by saying Genocide is pretty awesome at pvp, and has killed me several times, fairly as far as I can tell. However, I too believe he uses some sort of looting program or some sort of illegal script. The first time I noticed this was when I was on my fencer and chased him a few days ago, almost killing him due to some help from a vanq spear I procured from a wannabe pk. I broke off chase for some reason, and returned to Ice where Poorgirl and blast were, and a few others I believe who were killing an ogre mage. Well a few minutes later, Genocide came running back in with a vengeance, promptly killing me until being chased by the others. I saw Genocide by my body for no more than a second or two, then running off. I saw a graphic of him dragging along my vanq spear in that weird way the game works sometimes where you see items picked up being dragged along. Oh well, easy come easy go I guess. I went to my body and for a split second thought, "Awesome he didn't take my stuff!" as for that split second, I saw all of my potions, bandages, etc..... and then *poof* after that split second, they were gone. Nothing left but my armour and... my vanq spear? Score! He didn't loot my vanq spear as I thought he did. "Ok", I thought, maybe it was a fluke of the game that my stuff was there and then poof it was gone. I got some more supplies and rejoined the fight.

    At some point, I was killed again in my log cabin where I desperately (and hilariously) tried to get back my prized vanq spear. I dropped a few EV's but then Bart Simpson and Genocide para'd me, and blasted the crud out of me. Fair enough. I called in reinforcements who chased them long enough for me to retrieve the vanq spear.

    I got geared up again and then was killed at some point again, while Apoc and a few others were chasing Genocide and Bart. They were able to spend about a second near my body, I watched until they were run off screen in battle. I returned to my body and once again, I thought I had lucked out seeing my bandages, potions and other supplies were still intact! Then *poof*, all of it gone in an instant.

    Which brings me to some points of logic that anyone who as ever been pk'd can easily agree with:

    1. When has ANY pk left a vanq spear on a body, but instead took regs, bandages, and potions??? If you had time to *normally* grab regs/bandages/potions, why leave the vanq weapon? Even the "nicest" pk's on the shard (the ones who don't dry loot) would snag that vanq weapon before taking everything else. And before Genocide says he doesn't care for or needs a vanq spear, he and Bart Simpson held me in my log cabin and keep long enough to attempt to let it decay so I wouldn't get it back. So, the spear wasn't as insignificant as they might try to say.

    2. In a corpse as messy as mine, how can one person take that much crap in one fell swoop by only standing in the vicinity of my body for 1 second, in the heat of battle, without some cheat/3rd party program? In the amount of time he stood near my body, he could have dragged and dropped my vanq spear into his backpack, and maybe some bandages. But Genocide is not some noob pk, he wouldnt' waste time dragging and dropping loot as insignificant as regs, bandages, and potions in the heat of battle, especially since he's in stat loss.

    In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I do believe that Genocide and/or Bart Simpson, were using some sort of illegal third party program or script to fast loot my body, interestingly enough leaving behind a vanq weapon. All Chris has to do is to watch him invis while he's in battle, and see how quickly he cleans a body out of its provisions. I would bet money they are using something illegal. If I'm wrong, Genocide, how did you do it legally?
  2. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    LOL this dude hates me so much that he sat through 25 minutes of stream to find me using Steam. What can I say, I was caught red handed. If Ull notice this is an old stream (archer mage). I assure u I would not have used this stream as a reference if I had known I was using Steam at the time. Either way touché, haters gonna hate. By the way, I never figured out why u hate me so much. U sure do talk a lot of shit for someone that never PvPs, go back to WoW u clown.

    I would like to know which mechanics in UOS give people such an advantage over Razor. I am aware at one point u could speed hack using a hot key, but it was patched out before the final stable client was released The only distinct advantage I can think of is the auto loot function which can be shut off by forcing server compatibility (Telamon fixed this by putting gold inside containers on Mobs, very clever). Why don't we do this? It is such a clean program without any PvP advantages that I am aware of.

    Don't give me that BS about being able to write scripts to pvp. If u have to use a script, u don't know what the hell ur doing. A man that I have hated for years Eric Azria let me in on this little secret. "PvP is all about staying calm ,and how many hot keys u can memorize". Other than that, find people that u enjoy playing with and work well with.

    Telamon will never be able to fully detect UOS without identifying specific actions (scripting is a good example). Ultimately, it's not my server and I don't make the rules.

    For those of u that have contacted me via IRC and Skype to listen in on our calls and pick up a few pointers, I am flattered. I will do my best to take some time out of my week and assist u.

    Gideon Jura likes this.
  3. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    So you made a thread to call attention to the "fact" you don't use UOS. Then get called out for obviously using UOS and you now expect us to believe it was just that once..... Just admit you use it and move on.

    FYI, the fix Telamon put in to stop autolooting has no effect on player corpses. From paddyobrian's post, it's pretty damn obvious you still use it.

    To sum everything up, you're a liar and you're bad and you should feel bad.
  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    You may not need it to pvp but you sure as hell were using it to loot stuff off player corpses. If we wanted to play on a shard full of cheaters we'd go to a fly by night shard ran by a pimply faced teenager in his mother's basement. By all rights you should be banned for that crap.
  5. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Paddy, the *poof* u are experiencing is some kind of big, I often have to close and re open corpses to "refresh" the contents. As far as ur vanq spear goes, consider urself lucky. Spear s are thin and hard to grab in a clutch battle. When u are fighting uneven numbers, whenever u get someone down, try to cripple them I.e. regs from a mage and weps and bandies from a dexer. The trick to quick looting stacks like bandits pots etc... hold shift while u drag this will make things go quicker.

    We tried like hell to keep u from looting all 4 of ur corpses but like u said, we were distracted by it friends giving u a chance to loot. Thank u for the respect of my abilities, I appreciate it.
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    This post is like half the ten stages of grief.

    You clearly started off shocked that your error has come to light.
    It then goes to a brief confession, with the "caught red-handed" bit.
    Then anger sets in, "haters gonna hate, go back to WoW u clown".
    Then onto reasoning: UOS doesn't even give you that much of an advantage!
    And finally onto defiance: Telamon can never fully stop me and my UOS!

    Is it really so hard to just admit you messed up? Take your beating, be thankful you didn't get a ban, and move on.
    Gozinya, Halabinder and Hawkeye like this.
  7. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
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  8. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Paddy, the *poof* u are experiencing is some kind of big, I often have to close and re open corpses to "refresh" the contents. As far as ur vanq spear goes, consider urself lucky. Spear s are thin and hard to grab in a clutch battle. When u are fighting uneven numbers, whenever u get someone down, try to cripple them I.e. regs from a mage and weps and bandies from a dexer. The trick to quick looting stacks like bandits pots etc... hold shift while u drag this will make things go quicker.

    We tried like hell to keep u from looting all 4 of ur corpses but like u said, we were distracted by it friends giving u a chance to loot. Thank u for the respect of my abilities, I appreciate it.
    Like I stated this is an old stream and I absolutely used it when I was newer to the server. To be honest when I jump from server to server there are times I don't even realize I'm on UOS and not Razor. Why? Because my hot keys are exactly the same.

    As far as auto looting goes, it's actually a disadvantage for a PK. If u have auto open corpse and an auto loot active this can lead to ur death. How? Simply by looting mid fight causing urself to become overweight (with how much I run around, that's simply not an option). Also it will cause any precasted spells to cancel when u run by a fresh kill.

    Again, these accusations people make are just silly. They believe that using these cheats are giving them some kind of advantage when really it's just a hindrance.
  9. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    From reading his OP he has Obama level narcissism. So I guess it's not hard to believe he honestly believes the drivel he's spewing.
    Arnold Lutz likes this.
  10. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I believe it is related to the de syncing changes Telamon made, I've only noticed it the last couple weeks.
  11. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Take a second to get over whatever reason u dont like me and consider what I'm saying. If u don't believe me try it for urself. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

    U can choose to try and insult me which will amount to nothing. Or u can take a second to listen to the knowledge in trying to share and learn a thing or two.
  12. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I first started noticing it a few weeks ago too. I haven't tried closing/re-opening corpses yet, the loot just seems to appear on its own after a couple of seconds.
  13. orb

    orb Active Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    ^This is the truth. I think the open defiance is what would help my decision in banning but apparently people don't get banned for cheating. But I did watch an interesting video on Youtube about UO Steam. After watching just a bit of the video, it seems that UO Steam would give you tremendous advantages over using Razor because it has much more actual scripting involved making it a much more intelligent program. The guy that produced the Youtube video had a script that would choose to heal a friend first that had lower health before the other one. I think this one automated action could and would be a tremendous advantage in PvP.
  14. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    It was suspicious because I've not had this happen until you and Bart killed me. I've been killed before and after that, and not had the poof happen...

    Me trying to loot my bodies at the cabin and keep was definitely a comedy of errors. After getting my spear back, I proceeded to chuck Grendel's table out into the lawn as it blocked my escape back into the cabin because i forgot it was behind me lol
  15. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Once apon a time in a digital land far, far away. I let Genocide talk his shit for about 2 weeks until he came into the vent me and Kali and Xegugg were in doing stuff and called me out. I immediately stopped what I was doing and went to his keep on ice island. When he got there I wasted no time raping his face right off his skull within.....hmm I dunno about 12 seconds with a 160ms ping.

    ...honestly I don't blame him for using third party programs that are not allowed here. He needs them, he is awful

    THE END.
  16. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I was added to a conversation with genocide on skype and he was talking about a sync script they use on UOSteam when they pvp.
    Pegbyter and PaddyOBrien like this.
  17. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Even if he was using an auto-loot script, it wouldn't be able to bypass the server's item queue/delay. Nice try though.
  18. Cryptkeeper

    Cryptkeeper New Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    Well it's funny how Genocide admits to using UOSteam, then recants, then tries to say that he doesn't realize at times whether he's using it or Razor because his hotkey setup is the same. Obviously he's using it, continues to use it and I really don't know why anyone is making a big deal out of it. Third party program use is rampant on this and every other freeshard out there, except for a few that will ban you regardless of who you are, who you know or what excuse you try to give in your defense. (some shards adopt the zero tolerance policy OSI used to have)
    Gozinya likes this.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The broadcast is dated april 28, 2014, which doesn't seem that old to me. In any case from your posts it sounds like you still use it. And I kept hearing this summer that you guys were using the UO:R vent channel for pvp and talking about uosteam and the other servers you were playing on openly. And you'll get away with it, too, really. But the players won't forget.

    By the way, I don't hate you. I don't really like you, though. You seem really arrogant for someone who has accomplished little in the pvp scene here. More running your mouth than anything. You want us to see you as some badass pk. Just because you camp arctic ogre lords with bart all night doesn't make you good. I dressed one of my alts up like a bard and stood at AOL and when you attacked me I dropped you in like 3 seconds.

    You kill afk guys at jhelom farms and yack about how you're good. You join a minax zerg and yack about how you're good.

    In reality, you're ranked an unimpressive 51st in factions, and even that appears to come from killing your alts


    And 8th in pking, which is behind 2 of my alts, and 3 of barts. Which is really sad considering I only play my reds for actual fights nowadays and you spend 10 hours a night camping the same spots with bart and failing to get kills. Which is a pain in the ass for new players that would like to earn some gold some time or train some skills, by the way.

    So you make this post, either demanding or assuming some kind of recognition and respect from the players here, saying you don't use 3rd party programs, when you clearly do, and you're really noone.

    How was I to respond?

    Shifter, Gozinya, Xegugg and 6 others like this.

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