
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Eisensaft, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Can someone break it down? Like tell me directly, what is so broken in pvp. And explain it to me in a non biased way? Accurately, without going off on a tangent and talking a bunch of stuff about how big their petey pee to isn't?

    I'm new here, I'd like to know whats up. Because everytime anyone says anything about pvp they just end up on a rant and talking a bunch of mess that means nothing lol.

    I mean...Why so serious? ;)
  2. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    The debate is simply moot at this point Kochampftt. There are issues with the Mindblast spell IMO, regardless of what those that enjoy it's incredible advantage on the PvP field say in it's defense. My beef with MB is that as in the past it has forced EVERYONE who wishes to engage in PvP to adjust their stats to reduce the amount of damage it can cause. This simply is too overpowered for a fifth circle spell in that it can cause a universal adaptation shard-wide. For the mana cost, speed of casting and potential damage, it simply is overpowered. Many will jump immediately to defend it, but I'd be willing to bet they are playing a stun mage or other magery based toon.

    Swing speed just simply does not seem correct, I know many have posted examples of the coding and the evidence to the contrary. I have played MANY different shards and the swing speed on this one just simply is not working as it should IMO. (simply an opinion)

    Damage done by melee weapons is really a PITA (pain in the a$$), I know many have made the case of average damage over time but hitting for 2 points of damage over and over again simply is a handicap when it applies to PvP. I realize that many will cite that there's always that chance for BIG damage that injects that random aspect into PvP that is somehow desirable, but let's face it, if you are relying on a weapon for damage, you're a$$ed out. Spells on the other hand always perform as expected in regards to damage output. This seems heavily weighted towards mage combat IMO, leaving weapon weilders in the back of the bus once again.

    The shard seems heavily weighted towards mages as the top of the food chain, I would like to see more balance, but that's just my opinion.
  3. Philthie

    Philthie Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Shouldn't it be Mage vs Fighter if its based off high int vs low int? How many mages are going to be running around with really low int? In fact, I would've thought it's entire purpose was to not be resisted by fighters with full magic resistance and low intelligence.
  4. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yeah, thought so. I didn't say everything so why the hell are you quoting me?
  5. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Well, after having spoken with someone recently, and also came to a couple of conclusions myself, I guess MB sounds pretty rough.

    But in any case, I remember MB being tough on OSI years ago, I also looked at records and remember weapon damage being about the same as well, sometime you get a 1-3 and sometimes you get a 30-50.

    Something that seems to be different and I haven't seen brought up in that most of us remember run around with 20-50 of each reg NAKED on a horse, or tribal spear in hand NAKED on a horse, or all the other variations of NAKED on a horse. I mean I don't remember exactly, but I know for the longest time there was no spined, barbed, or horned leather, and not a huge difference in going from naked to normal leather.....That being said, maybe alot of us remember life before armor?

    I think the system is great, there are obvious places where things can be tweaked, but I believe the staff is probably working hard on it and if none of us are out there fighting and hurting one another then who is there to test things?

    I appreciate the one's of whom have put forth their input, I'm sure the staff Chris and the likes of can see the things that are addressed here, but there is no single button fix all in a seconds thing.
  6. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Yes kochampftt, I remember running around naked with about 100 of each reg and a halberd. I was usually on foot and engaged in 5X duels for the majority of my play time on Lake Superior as Paul Atreides 1998-2006
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't know that I can kindly tolerate this kind of board warrior-ing and dissention from a thread full of players that have made no attempt to actually pvp on this server outside three pages of complaining in this thread. How is it possible that a bunch of people without any history of pvp on this server have become experts on it so quickly?

    Can you tell players like these that have a year or longer history of being successful and well known pvp dexers on this shard that pvp is broken and mage elistism has ruined it?

    Mindblast is era accurate here. It was a good mechanic and it adds depth to PvP. It is hard on pve characters that get caught in pvp situations, but that's about it. If you think that pvp here is a bunch of terrible mages laughing as they chain mindblast veteran pvp dexers by the dozen then you are quite mistaken. Everyone needs magery in this era to get around, and dexers are able to have a modest mana pool and avoid high damage from mindblast by getting a little int. If you are in a situation where you want to make up that str and dex you can simply drink a white and blue pot. However, if you think that 20 dex and 20 str is going to have a great impact on your ability to deal damage in a real pvp situation then you do not understand the flow of UO pvp. People spend so much time running that you will never get to enjoy the full extent of your swing speed.

    Most of the weaknesses of dexers are inherent and no amount of patching will change them. The same can be said for their strengths. Dexers have always been and remain the top 1v1 templates here. They enjoy sustained damage whereas int based templates suffer from mana conservation issues. The trade off is a loss of guaranteed burst damage. As fights get larger this strength is diminished because players can coordinate their guaranteed burst damage as a group.

    As far as I can tell the damage numbers weapons see here tend to have more common low and more common high end hits. As has been pointed out by other posters, this can be seen as an advantage. High spike damage is typically better for getting kills than a series of average medium hits. High end weapons do 30-50 damage hits. They also do 1-5 damage hits.

    It is true that being a naked 100/100/25 dexer with a GM spear and 10 bandages is not effective here. I am baffled as to why anyone would consider that a desirable standard to shoot for. The bar is pretty high here. Players wear armor, they have potions, they have trapped pouches. Many have wands. Many dexers throw purple potions to get additional damage on runners and disrupt spells. Many players communicate over voice and can and will call in help in a fight. It is a competitive scene and if you feel entitled to winning without much effort you're going to be pretty disappointed.

    I have played other servers and investigated their mechanics - and they are garbage. I played OSI and participated in the faction, pk and dueling scenes for years, and could explain the servers and guilds I played with and against but I don't think it would add much to my point. If you are interested in pvp then get out there and try it. Ask a good dexer what they do and what they think works. There are a lot of players in this thread that never broke into the pvp scene or barely dipped their feet and then ran back here to say it must be broken because they didn't succeed right away. I feel sorry for you if you cast your lot with these people. There's a lot of ways to enjoy this server, I hope you don't cheat yourself out of one of them for that reason.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    Ningauble, corruption and Kochampftt like this.
  8. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Mes, I have been through the publish 15-16 changes OSI implemented in response to elevate mage play as there were dexxers running rampant at the time. I'm sure you have your opinion as to the "perfect" balance of PvP mechanics and you are welcome to it.

    I have been experimenting on this shard and have my opinions regarding this shard's PvP mechanics as compared to many other shards, including the OSI production shards. Mindblast was the shit when the changes went in, it took awhile but eventually it was changed due to the fact it was a fifth circle spell that could dirt nap a dexxer in rather short order. I saw the rise of the hybrids, and further changes that led to their demise in favor of even more "flavorful" mechanics.

    This shard is ok if you enjoy playing a hybrid, you'll do fine and if played with the proper gear can be a successful template. I simply feel that if you want to perfect something try to "perfect" things. Why not have the nox mage be a viable template again, give archery a little love, tweak the weapon damage a bit, that's all I'm saying. I'm not attacking this shard, it's a great place to casually get a good UO fix. I simply prefer to PvP on another shard, probably because I'm older and lazier so the 5X dueling I once loved simply doesn't get me pumped like it used to. Playing hybrids isn't exactly my thing either.

    I have been around the block a few times and this shard is fun to play, it has pixel crack and lots of goodies for people who like that kind of thing. I'm glad it hasn't gone overboard as another shard I know did. All I'm saying is that the PvP system here reminds me of the Pub 15/16 era which really introduced heavy changes that forced harsh adjustments on everyone who liked playing tanks and dexxers.

    PvP hasn't been "perfected" here, is it even possible for PvP to be perfected? Maybe not, but that shouldn't mean that this shard couldn't make an attempt at doing so.

    Whether or not MB gets tweaked or melee damage gets an adjustment this shard is still a fun place to play.

    Mes, as to your get better or quit attitude, it's been done to death on every UO forum since the game's inception, thanks for your input I respect your opinion, however, I don't necessarily agree with it.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I honestly don't think he means quit, but more specifically, get out there and fight in lieu of complaining that fighting sucks because you lost a few times. It is not easy to be 'great' at PvP, but I'll tell you right now, if I'm out there killing mages in PvP who are known to be way more experienced in UO combat than I, pretty much anyone can do it.

    The Nox Mage is a viable template, but could use slightly more adjustment in many player's opinions. Archery got a little love, if you recall it used to be a full second before it would fire after you stopped running. It's got an accuracy based on movement formula now but it is a far cry better than it used to be. Perhaps still not perfect, but a lot better. Weapon damage....well:

    I don't know what shard you're enjoying PvP on, and don't really care to make this a discussion about shard variances, but I can only imagine it's one with insta-hit and no need to balance stats at all.

    I used to love my 100/100/25 on another shard, but after actually fielding a ton and getting real combat experience, I find the larger mana pool really is better for me than 20 more dexterity.
    Kochampftt likes this.
  10. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Yeah i guess if you are running magery it would do some good.....I still dont like the fact that everything thats done still comes back to the fact that you need magery......Im going to be running around 60 int that has absolutely no use for me other than to protect against one spell.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    60 int is overkill. You can do just fine with like 45-50.

    I understand the desire to be a pure fighter and want to be competitive but it's just never really going to happen here, outside of fighting other players without Magery.

    I'd be in favor even...of areas of the game where magic just doesn't work. ;) For a little bit of RP fun anyway. :)
    Brymstone likes this.
  12. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Certain zones where magic doesn't work out in overland areas would be too cool. You couldn't recall in or out, but had to venture in by foot or mount.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Towns are not a magic free zone and I don't feel they ever should be.

    Perhaps a cursed 'area' overland, or specific dungeon(s) with some effect that negates or reduces magery effectiveness.
  14. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    That could be fun
    Have a Warrior only champ spawn or something.....
    Jupiter likes this.
  15. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I like where the wind just carried this...

    like the bizarro Wind! (a skill check for under 20 magery required to enter :) )
    Kochampftt and Blaise like this.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The bottom of the orc caves below the new fort sounds perfect.
    Jupiter likes this.
  17. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    i did run around 100/100/25.......however, when people get so used to there being hybrids and that one PURE guy steps through and smacks aomeone lol........ sounds funny anyways
  18. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    we should hide all of our dirty laundry under the orc caves. no one will look down there...

    hahahaha. but yeah a good segue would be having to run through the orc hordes to get to the melee only area. Perhaps at the bottom is a portal to green pastures?! teehee

    but in seriousness, under orc caves would be neat, what kinds of creatures would live down there?
  19. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    Plans are already in for a champ spawn there,not sure about the no magery thing though as tehre are orc mages....
  20. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Maybe only orc magic works there, could be some bad mojo for everyone else.

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