I might be able to host this weekend. I have have a large house with patio that has not been moved into. I won't be able to be online much though.
Probably want the start date to be at least 2 or 3 weeks out from when everything is gathered to give time to mention it in IRC and the forum so the most people make use of it.
Hey everyone! I've been very busy lately and haven't had a chance to respond. O^S would be happy to host another resist event but it would have to wait until mid June. And to answer your questions, we usually go through 60,000+ of each meteor swarm reagent, 250k bandages, several thousand fish steaks and several hundred instruments. We usually run out of bandages after about 24-36 hours and regs after about 4-5 days with 4-8 casters.
If you would like to run your own event, please don't feel like I'm trying to take over. Just giving you an option.
I think public planning like this is a good thing. I'd love to see this kick off as a event organized by mostly new players. It seems like you're all mostly there as it is.
That's a good question. Methinks more momentum is in order. I bet things pick up this weekend and they may even have a date/place in mind.
I got this... Details to post later today, but roughly start on Sunday - Run till the regs are gone. I need resist on a toon so I am starting with 20k casts. Location: Requiem aka the former A^T Guild Hall in the Land of OOooOO I will be reaching out to a couple of folks for the assistance they offered here. Will put out a donation station for folks to drop off fishsteaks, bandages & regs - DONATIONS NOT REQUIRED to attend http://uorforum.com/threads/dig-come-resist-with-me-dig.23919/
Awesome glad to see others willing to help! Ok send details I'll get going on moving stuff to secure location !
Looks like Peace is having his own Resist event on 5/21/17 (this is the proper way to write a date BTW http://uorforum.com/threads/dig-come-resist-with-me-dig.23919/