Nine and Three - A fate guided quest of VoP

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    abby – Maven of Paws
    Lestat – Freeman of Paws
    Vlar – High Council of Stormhold
    Cururnir the White Wizard
    bubbaLJ – Fearless axman of renown


    two men sit over a camp fire discussing recent events

    Stoking the fire one of the men recounts what he has heard, “So much has happened, I’m not sure if I can justly recount it all, but I shall do my best to fill you in.”

    “Guided by the fated numbers 9 and 3, Jupiter took the company into a hidden stockpile in Despise where they stumbled upon a terrible plan to taint the water sources of Trinsic and Occlo causing the water to spawn acidic elementals.

    Upon discovering the plot they immediately delved further into the caverns of Despise to see the terrible elementals for themselves and see if they could discover a remedy to cure the tainted waters. They managed to slay a few of the bitter elementals, but the venomous blobs yielded no solutions.

    Fearing they would be unable to prevent the acid elementals the group split up to warn the citizens of the towns of the impending attack. Of course none of the citizens heeded their warnings, being lulled away to complacency under the king’s guards.

    This led the company to pursue a very dangerous proposition: a game of dice with Rackham the Red, the Pirate Lord of the Braavosian Sealords [XXX]. The most feared pirate in the entire realm. Using all the gold they collected from the dungeon of Despise, they managed to buy themselves 10 short minutes of safety in the presence of the pirate lord.

    They bested Rackham in a game of dice, and secured a letter of marquee allowing them safe passage from any pirates who were loyal to Rackham. With the letter in hand, they infiltrated the pirate camp of Occlo and seized a map that would lead them to the antidote for the acid elementals poison!”

    The man across the flame fixed his gaze deeper into the flame, “Well? Did they find the pirate’s hidden antidote?”

    “That is a story for another fire my friend.”

    Vlar, Lestat and El Horno like this.

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