On Getting Pwned and Recovering

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Black Tortoise, May 24, 2017.

  1. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Hi there,

    Read this entire thread, good read btw! Some advice which seems to have already been mentioned but will go into a bit more detail as it has helped me as well.

    1. Spend some time to create at least of couple recovery kits (referred to as 'go bag's here). Keep these in your bank.

    I have 3 on my provoke mage where the primary intention is to recover my corpse's loot , recall out, restock / regroup before I farm again. Here is what inside of each bag:

    15 if each reg. 17 of BP, bm, and Mandrake (recall).
    1 Gm instrument - incase I need to provoke some monsters on my way back.
    Full set of barbed armor
    Recall rune to bank of your choice


    2. Help -> stuck. This should get you back to a town where you can complete number one.


    3. Create a rogue (hiding + stealth) and put gm healing and or magery on it to res. Needs magery to recall into whereever you were farming. Use this character to res your provoke mage at a safe location in the area you were farming.

    This character can also be used to assist in farming. Works great for me at shadow wyrms/destard.
    Dragging wyrms away from their spawn using my provoke mage and looting the dead ones safely on my rogue while they're distracted.


    My first character here was a rogue where I did nothing but learn the world while safely hidden and lockpick. Would recommend that to you as well if you're finding yourself getting lost in dungeons.

    Hope some of this helps and welcome to the shard!

    Sorry for typos, am on my phone
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
    Pekka likes this.
  2. BabyGerald

    BabyGerald Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    @Everlast is spot on

    @Black Tortoise I totally get the need to buy clothes before stepping into a dungeon. Could you imagine being seen outside of town without a feathered hat, fancy shirt and body sash? The horror!

    I learned how to play UO by reading the guides in these forums... lot's of great info! Here's what worked for me when I started:

    - Don't be a hero! It's better to play smart then to play recklessly
    - Join the mages guild and save on pearl and moss
    - Travel light! Only bring what you really need when you're grinding. I started out bringing out with 30 of each reg, then 50 etc. Leave excess regs and instruments in your bank.
    - Don't need much more than this: A Bank rune, a spare rune or two, a spare tambourines or two, some regs.
    - Have a good idea on when you will bank your treasures. A good start goal is 2000... or 40 of each reg, some runes, some instruments, maybe a tunic and a spare cloak.
    - If you use bandaids, bring scissors with you if your mobs drops clothes
    - Mark your spare rune to return to spots you liked farming, then bank that rune and bring a fresh one. Build multiple copies of that Runebook of Adventure! and leave that book in your bank
    - Know how to use your healing hotkey and heal as soonish as you start taking damage. There's too many ways to take an instant 80+ damage in this game​

    - Use a restock macro and target the corpses box/bag/chest/barrel to quickly loot your kill. This will mainly be Gold, Gems and Regs
    - Bladespirts is a great money maker for lower to mid range mobs. With 80+ Magery you can cast 5th circle without a chance of failure.. Precast BS out of range then walk in and let er rip!
    - Work your way up to elite spawns. Try clearing our Orc Caves/Forts and the first floor of easier dungeons once before tangling with the two headed ancient arctic azure avenger wyrm elemental monarch lord of darkness, chaos and the mists. ​

    - Take the time to get your stats up to 225. Herding Llamas then Bulls can get your strength up to 100 in minutes. Note: Avoid bloodthirsty bulls and purple llamas
    - Using leather armor allows you to meditate without penalty, but if you avoid getting hit you won't need armor. whoa. Grind down a graveyard and load your bank box full of cheap bone. heh.
    A tailor is really easy to make, collect leather and have a bank full of exception armor. More importantly, you'll be able to make your own clothes!
    - When I started I could only handle 4 hotkeys under pressure... Hide, Peace, Heal, Recall. (CTRL Z,X,C,V!) Now I can Cure myself as well!​

    Multiple Accounts:
    - Use your three accounts to compliment each other. I died a lot when I first started, so much so I created a tamer to save on horse buying!
    - Having a spare character that can recall and res is a great way to get your body back. My "Medic" came with me as I was building my Runebook of Adventure! and had Anat/Heal/Hide/Parrying/Music/Peace and low Magery at first, 60s even. This medic character also helped me tame my first dragon! He carried spare
    instruments as well.
    - Realistically, a bard can make money with just a lute, magery is only there to speed up the process.
    - I tried to run multiple account when actively fighting mobs, however the only time I found it useful was having two characters heal the tanking dragon​

    - If you find yourself getting killed by the Mind Blast spell, adjust your stats, making sure your lowest stat is in the mid 40s or 50s
    - It bears repeating, make a recall macro and practice quick recalling. He who fights and runs away may turn and fight another day!
    - Ask the PK to res you. I find that's the real strength of this shard, the majority of PKs here will help you out because they're not really interested in the 2k you have in your backpack... it's all about that mad scramble and that death groan which never gets old! ​

    - Once your at 700 skill points, you can use your undeveloped skills (even with 0 real!) to really adjust you strength/dex/int... it works best when all your skills have up arrows or are locked, and the skill you are spamming (like snooping) has an up arrow as well
    - Make a cut macro and target corpses you've dry looted to remove evidences of genocide ​

    Also important, but not at first:
    - Magic trap a pouch to break out of non stun punch paralysis, this can be a life saver depending on the mob you're hunting/pk that's hunting you
    - Teleport spell is a lifesaver
    - Invisibility is pretty, pretty, pretty good too
    - If you're poisoned, you need to cure before you heal. Orange before yellow, life is mellow. Yellow before orange you're dead cause nothing rhymes with orange.
    - Moral of the story is I chose a half apron when I should have chosen a full apron. I'll never make that mistake again. No more half aprons, Walter.​
    Pekka, Kalvasflam and Pulse like this.
  3. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    Thanks for all the info everyone. This will take a very long time to digest, Im sure there are little treasures of knowledge hidden throughout all the recent replies, Ill go through them in a bit.

    Im an "experienced enough" UO player that I kinda know most of it all already. Im great at not dying in the long run, but sometimes you just have bad days and get stuck on an island dungeon lol. Three times...

    Anyway, I was really seeing if there was some secret knowledge for restocking quickly I dont know about. I have been too lazy with restock agents too long, its time for me to finally establish some for regs and fish steaks and bandages etc. But I guess I know the ultimate truth already: Recovering from dying is a PITA even with Razor tools, so the best way to avoid painfully restocking is to avoid dying altogether :).

    Oh, I really cant tolerate the old school white background and flash application for the web browser, and really dont feel like downloading IRC. You guys can all join the Discord channel :). Thanks for all your other info though!

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