It was kind of liberating. Blase, I just use direct steal and read the message. Saving of 100 skill points.
I don't think I have only one.. *pulls out an abicus* things that most oft lead to my oopsies? - chatting, when i should be healing (those shadow wyrms don't care how epic your battle cries are) - last target.... I know enough about pvp hot keys to get me dead - playing with EVs - having night sight wear off... - allowing @snapdragon to somehow get all participants to board a cruise ship that required everyone to wear women's spring fashions...
Done that enough in the past. The forensics update here owns. Tells you clearly if they are a thief or if they are a thief wanted for their crimes (perma). Nice and easy and it's worked out with a lot of fun times.
i like this too. it allows you to find criminals from a distance without alerting them that they've been found out. most experienced thieves know something is up if you're in close proximity.
Yup. Can't do the Stealing check from range. Forgot about that. I just post up at the bank and tag anyone who looks suspect. I find it pretty hilarious when I call out the thieves too, as they're trying to creep up on their marks.
Not sure if you mean on OSI or here but if here.....You know there is a feature on Razor on the general tab under filters...light levels=permanent night sight...
Jupiter is a real Britannian who doesn't succumb to the bastardization of the game through Razor features.
I have nothing to reply to this other than to say I learned that either: (1) you don't play here (2) you have no idea who Jupiter is and what he does (3) you only enjoy one aspect of the game (4) have never RP'ed (5) all of the above BTW, not that there's anything wrong with any of the above. This is your game and the rest of us are just part of the scenry.
First off no I don't know who Jupiter is. Nor do I know who the hell you are either to be honest. Second I have never RPed, nothing against those who do it is just not my thing. Third, I have enjoyed many aspects of the game but as I have a life, I have only so much time to play over the one year that I have played (I never played OSI so this is my first foray into UO and STILL consider myself still learning the game in regards to some of those aspects) 4th, given how I didn't know who the hell Jupiter is or what he does in game, I was giving some advice because some people DON'T know all about razor (I didn't even use 95% of razor feature my first 3 months because no one had told me how useful it was, yes I trained with some macros but not many and only the ones some people walked me through setting up in detail). I would think you could just take it as that and not be an ass. I don't even consider this my game of choice anymore given how certain people on here are trying to run this shard I used to love into the ground. Now you have a nice fucking day. P.S. Scenery. There now I helped you too. Your welcome.
Found a mad cow in Delucia, inside guard zone. Tamed it. Said 'all guard me' so that it would follow me back to the stables. The word 'guard' triggered the guards to come and insta-kill my newly tamed mad cow. Dammit. (this has somehow happened more than once to me)
Trash barreled 60k each recall, gate, mark, and resurrect scrolls. The echos of my scream when I realized what I did can still be heard resonating through space from "Pacific".
Heh, this is common in Wind when tamers tame really nice drags on the side wall then hit there all guard me macro Seen it a thousand times...feels just as sucky each time, lol.
Here's one that I do all the time: say "all kill" to my dragons and hit my hot key for target nearest grey, targeting one of my guildmates who has, unfortunately, gone grey and is forced to run for his life. Hey @Blaise, didn't you trash barrel something once??
"- allowing @snapdragon to somehow get all participants to board a cruise ship that required everyone to women's wear spring fashions..." Haha I was along on that one Jupiter, lucky for me, dresses are my favorite garment in UO. Isabella, no worries. Many players don't role play. Jupiter happens to be a major role player, but newer players don't know him
Can't tell a tame to kill himself...although I've wanted to, trust me!! Those damn dragons that just won't listen!!