Overland Spawns

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Lightshade, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Some Suggestions:


    A3: Daemons
    A4: White Wyrms
    B2: Sand Vortex...its a desert afterall...
    B4: Loch Lake Monster, Deep Sea Serpents, Sea Serpents
    C2: Elder Gazers
    D1: Dragons, Drakes, Wyverns
    D2: Rotting Corpse @ Ruins Spawn
    D4: Krakens along coast
    E1: Gargoyals
    E2: Ogre Lords and Ogres
    E3: Reserved For Animal Taming Patch
    E4: Dread Spiders / Acid Elementals

    Nightmares / Silver Steeds / etc... spawning all over randomly so they can't be camped. The forest east of Delucia being the primary areas. Also, I would leave those forests as they are for good low-end monster adventuring for newer players.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    MikeK, Mes, [Mobolin] and 1 other person like this.
  2. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Hey Lightshade,

    We were talking about this in a different thread and Chris said that he had no issues with the input of Kirin and Unicorns, and told me to mention them to you to go along with your Overland Spawns post. You definitely know the map better than I do, any way you might be able to add those in somewhere?
  3. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    If these mounts are being considered, i'd say they should be subject to the same spawning as the Nightmares and Silver Steeds.

    Telamon could create a few overlapping spawners that essentially cover nearly all of T2A. Each spawner could have a "Good" and "Evil" component.

    Evil: Dark Steeds, Nightmares
    Good: Silver Steeds, Unicorns, and Fire Steeds (get rid of the Ki-Rin)

    Essentially, the 'powers that be' would always balance things out by spawning a Good-Aligned creature for every Evil-Aligned creature and vice versa.

    Furthermore, I would say that if we are going to keep the "old" nightmare spawn points that are very small and specific areas, I would say that we should add in the Good-Aligned equivalents in the same specific areas so that they will start fighting each other when players are in the immediate area.

    Add a bit of a twist to the easily camped spots.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
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  4. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Keeping in line with the whole opposites attract idea....

    Unicorn vs. Nightmare
    Silver Steed vs. Dark Steed
    Fire Steed vs. Water Steed

    I'd just forget about the Ki-Rin entirely...imo.

    For a twist, i'd have the water steeds be like Water Ele's until tamed.
    ie. they walk on water until they're tamed.
    No, I do not think they should walk on water while they are mounted as that takes away from boating and crafting.

    I picked a MUCH MORE subdued Hue for the Fire Steed and Unicorn as the original Hues of those mounts was a complete eyesore.
    I think the mounts should be tameable/rideable by every character, male or female.​
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    [Mobolin] and Jupiter like this.
  5. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    The biggest thing about saying okay to unicorns and not to Kirin is that Unicorn are female only and Kirin are male only if you remember correctly.
    wvmtnman likes this.
  6. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    That's operating under the assumption that they make Unicorns female only like OSI/EA did. Personally, i'd be against that as I see no reason to have such a sexist policy, heh.

    I always thought that one of the dumbest things EA/OSI did was the Unicorn a female-only mechanic. I would never require someone to remake an entire character just because they want to ride a white horse. That's just silly. Ain't nobody got time for that!

    Besides, the whole female-only policy just limits players in their roleplaying and inventiveness. I never would advocate for a hard-coded roleplaying aspect when you can let the players do with it what they will. Widen the possibilities, do not narrow them.

    I'd rather see them not add in Unicorns than see them made female only.

    Make the mounts all equal in regards to AI, Str/Int/Dex, and who is able to ride them. That way the only real change is one of hues and not one of mechanics.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    [Mobolin] likes this.
  7. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Don't forget Centaurs!
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I like the female only rule on unicorns but only for accuracy to most lore about them. I think it would be cool if there were a 1:1000 chance for a tameable version of the unicorn and ki-rin to spawn, in the champion spawn where they presently exist, perhaps in hues chosen to be fit for UOR. I probably wouldn't ride either one, but I see no issue leaving them gender restricted.

    I mean, purple unicorn nao plz.
  9. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    I am still more for widening the possibilities of player roleplaying as opposed to limiting it. I'd say no restrictions on taming related to the sex of the character.

    Give the players free reign to create...don't mandate their creativity.
    [Mobolin] likes this.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Roleplayers would likely be the most in tune with most commonly known rule of unicorns. Hell, most of the dudes here have female tamers anyway. :p Maybe sex change deeds can be a thing?
    Or perhaps some totally sexist hue variations like a pinkish white and blueish white. lol
  11. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, Blaise. I cannot support something that limits what players are allowed to do. Especially, when it is because we are simply adopting the more widely known mythology of a creature while ignoring thousands of years of stories about Unicorns that do not follow that widely known and more recent mythology. Hell, Unicorns were once said to be pure black. The "unicorn" stories that we are familiar with today are quite different from the original tales.

    Bottom line, is there is quite a lot of different and conflicting storylines involving unicorns. I don't see the point of choosing specific ones when we can just leave it all up to interpretation by the players. Like I said before, widen the possibilities of Roleplaying...don't narrow them needlessly.

    EDIT: I could get onboard with a Female-Only unicorn if it was a "rare" spawn on the Unicorn. So, you could have "a pure unicorn" spawn with a pure white wyrm hue, but they would only be a 1/100 chance of spawning out of the unicorn spawn points. It'd create a rare mount that only females could ride while still allowing males the chance to ride Unicorns. I doubt you'll get Chris onboard with the Hue, though, as its pretty bright.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
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  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Never read those stories, sorry.

    All told, I'd be much more content just saying that I don't want to see them at all. I'm ok with you having your own opinion on the matter, but you can choose your gender just as easily as you can choose the required skill of Taming in order to get one of these nifty mounts.

    Should we allow everyone to ride friended nightmares too? Who cares about lore or function, I want my mount to match my hat.
  13. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    That brings me to my next suggestion, Blaise! :)

    There's a bazillion hues out there...let's use them for the regular horses/ostards/frenzieds/etc....

    That would create a rather large market for even regular mounts if the colors were wide and varied. Even new tamers could find certain hues, then.

    Idunno, I just always hated that horses were the same 3 colors. Pretty boring...and unrealistic for that matter.

    If horses spawned with every hue of sandal spawns, armor spawns, bird spawns, etc... there'd be more realistic and matching colors out there than we could keep track of.
    Jupiter and [Mobolin] like this.
  14. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    I would love to see different colored horses!!

    I would also like the ability to ride a unicorn on my male character. Perhaps have that rare mount, 1/100 spawn be the male version? Or even just a simple thing like "male characters can only tame and mount a unicorn while under the effects of the polymorph spell, any dismounting afterwards would require the use of the polymorph spell again to remount..". Seems silly but an easy little "trick" to adapt to the lore of the game, much like being forced to polymorph into a female during certain champ spawns o_O
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I made some dragon samples on test once, but the idea was largely shit on:

    You can only re-hue the 'brown' dragon base model. Red dragons (WW model) all look pastel and nasty in other hues.

    Personally, I would not have any problem with a much wider variety of normal hues on regular horses and ostards too really. There are some cool frenzied colors out there that will never get much use or action because of the taming requirements.

    Slippery slope though. We'll have ethereal beetles and ice white Cu-Sidhes in no time!
    SexMachine likes this.
  16. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    There's no accounting for tastes... I am not a fan of neon pets, but those dragons look great to me, particularly the green ones.

    So long as an animal has a realistic (natural) hue, I welcome the variety.
  17. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    Good stuff, need more spawns, maybe I will farm gold again? It has been over a year.

    I like it also, but I feel the different colors should stay for special event dragons/bosses.
    Jupiter likes this.
  18. Ningauble

    Ningauble Active Member
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    Oct 25, 2013
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    I understand why we have unicorns, ki-rin, shadow wisps, etc here, for the champ spawn continuity. However lets not lose sight of the fact that none of that, nor fire steeds, silver steeds, etc were actually part of the Ren era to begin with. I guess I'm wondering why tamable versions of these critters are so important to have when technically they don't belong here at all to begin with, in any form.

    I had ki-rin, and they were crap compared to mares. I recall that unicorns paled in comparison as well. I had fire steeds too, an except for the vanity mount factor, they too were unimpressive. When those mounts became available everyone rushed to get them and then 6 months later everyone was back on their mares again anyhow. Just seems a fleeting pursuit to me.

    Now the Hiryu, ugly as hell as it was, THAT was a potent mount. I used to kill AW's with my Hiryu.
  19. SexMachine

    SexMachine Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Blaise that idea of the dragons is a great idea i have been looking at the same dragons for a decade and would love to see that i also think a area of the lost lands should have a large spawn of the stone harpies and gargoyles.They are spread out across the desert but there is not really enough to make a solid farming point.
    wvmtnman likes this.
  20. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Just a shameless bump to a lot of random ideas involving things from Spawns, to creature hue changes, to possible new mount ideas.
    Jupiter likes this.

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