Patch 28: Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking System

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Dec 18, 2012.

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  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    • Player Versus Monster Tracking
      • This is a custom designed system for the Renaissance server that will allow players to track how many of each type of monster they have killed
      • Each time a monster is killed, if you do the most damage to it, it is logged for addition to your player profile.
      • Controlled, Summoned and Barding Damage count when calculating who got credit for a kill.
      • Once a day your player profile will update with any monsters you have killed.
      • A summary will be shown on the base page of your player profile with kills by type. Example Player Profile
      • An additional page is in development that will list how many of every creature of Britannia that you have killed.
      • Can you be the first to kill 1000 Mongbats, 10000? Only time will tell!
      • Incorporated this system into our myRunUo Status updates using an inventive method that generates zero additional server stress or storage.
    • Anti AFK Gathering/Selling System
      • Adjusted the application of the Anti Gathering/Selling code to the action of selling items to a vendor.
      • Should a player be selling items in a repetitive manner to a NPC you can be checked to make sure you are attended.
    • Bulk Order Deeds
      • Adjusted the skill level in which you can qualify for Spined, Horned and Barbed Small BOD's
        Normal Leather, 70, Spined 80, Horned 90, Barbed 99 skill level requirement.
      • Fixed a problem with an exceptional large 20 part plain leather BOD giving to many points in relation to rewards.
      • Verified the chances for obtaining a smithing weapon or armor Bulk Order deeds were 50/50.
      • Weapons/Armor are given to players on a 50/50 chance.
      • Made a tiny adjustment to every so slightly increase the chances of a Agapite/Verite & Valorite type BOD's
      • Made a tiny adjustment to every so slightly increase the chances of a Horned & Barbed type BOD's
    • Character Creation
      • New players now start with 1000 gold.
        However this gold is non stackable, non transferable, and does not drop on death.
        This will help new players get started, but resolve any issue with players farming accounts/characters for gold.
    • Creatures
      • Created 9 Mini Boss Reindeer
      • Created 3 Elf Minions
      • Created a new Champion type monster, Bad Santa
      • Created two custom special attacks for Bad Santa
      • Added a chance for Skeletons, Bone Knights, Bone Mages, Zealots, Zombies, Mummies now have a chance to drop bones, rib cages and bone piles, the latter than can be cut into bones.
        Coming Soon: The ability to cut shipwreck bones.
    • Detect Hidden
      • Fixed a minor problem with detect hidden that was not revealing all of the tiles in a castle/fortress if you were standing on the outer edges of the house.
    • Fame/Karma
      • Removed some code leftover from the trammel/felucca world that was giving triple fame and karma while in felucca.
    • Holiday Event
      • Created a new challenge style event, Rise of the Reindeer.
        This event will run 14-16 times from December 19th to January 3rd.
      • This is a challenge style event designed for all types of players.
      • By simply participating in the event you will receive holiday coins you can spend on holiday rewards.
      • You will also get a happy holidays gift based on your performance in the event.
      • Reindeer & Santa's Elf Minions can now be found in the overworld, dungeons.
      • To learn more about the holiday events click here
    • Items
      • Added a check for snow, on use, to make sure it is blessed.
    • NPC Vendors
      • Placed a limit on the amount of a single item a vendor can hold in its inventory at any one time.
        Once a vendor is overstocked on a certain item, they will no longer offer to purchase this item.
      • Allowed healers to once again purchase bandages from players.
      • Allowed tailors and weavers to purchase wool, cotton and thread.
    • Player Run Vendors
      • Reduced the amount that player run vendors charge by 90% to foster more player to player sales.
        Player run vendors now charge 20 gold + 1 gold per 5k value of item, per UO day of time.
    • Stable Slots / Animal Taming
      • Removed the old calculation for stable slots that was based around a 120 max of the taming skills.
      • Replaced it with a new system starting with 6 base stable slots, and a bonus 4 slots for being a 3x gm.
    • Tailoring
      • Made a minor change to the difficulty of crafting bone armor items as they were added when 120 max skills were available.
      • This resulted in a above average difficulty on these items as they were scaled for 120 skill.
    • To Celebrate the Holidays the world has been switched to the fall look.
  2. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    many great additions and surely a hard work done, for this a heartily thanks to chris and ezekiel.

    My personal favortite one is
    ... and I am still hoping that some day snow will cover the grasses, trees and houses in wintertime.
    Would be soooo cool.
  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    Thanks guys for all of the hard work!
  4. Rokk

    Rokk Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    Wow, great patch and not a moment too soon :D

    I had to sell everything I own to help buy a nice shop, supply it and the vendors about broke me!

    Kudo's to all the hard work you guys do, oh and the color change of the scenery it awsome....great job.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    Oh you better believe it!!!
  6. frenulum

    frenulum Active Member

    Jul 28, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    once again, great job!
  7. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    Man, the "fall look" scared me right out of my holiday stockings.
    I had visions of the horrors that were Trammel/Felucca.
    I am so glad I saw this Patch Post.
    Whew!!! :roll:

    Seriously, looks like a lot of good things were done.
    Thank you kindly.
  8. Aegis

    Aegis Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28 - Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Sys

    I thought I became glorious lord incredibly fast!!!
  9. abaozuibang

    abaozuibang New Member

    Mar 24, 2013
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    Re: Patch 28: Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Syst

  10. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 28: Dec 18th 2012 Holiday Event, PvM Tracking Syst

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