Pet Bonding and related

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by newme, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Ok, another two cents of mine into the mix.
    Please don't forget the resource gathers and crafters of the shard, lumberjacks, miners, etc. who use pack animals on a regular bases. To craft many items, house add ons, boats, etc. you need multible craft skills and resources to make these items.
    The character has zero room for taming skills. Without a certain level of taming skill, you can't even re-tame a sheep.
    I believe it would be unbalanced for bonding to be limited to level of taming skills. This would leave a large portion of
    players who rely on pack animals and horses at a disadvantage. Unlike tamers these players can't just run out to tame a
    replacement work pet, (even if fortunate enough to find a wild pack animal) and yes, I do realize taming a dragon etc, is very
    dangerous work. Still, every time a resource gather takes their pack animal out of protection they are running a risk of the animal being killed by a monster or pker.

    As far as training your pet to fight, back in the day, I knew many tamers who took great pride in how well their pet was
    trained. They didn't consider it a waste of time or resources, but added a value to the pet. A fully trained mare or dragon would sell for a lot more gold than one not up to it's full potential . Once sold the pet would no longer be bonded, the new owner
    would have to bond it.

    I do feel bonding should be limited to what the animal would do alive. A live horse will follow you, a bonded ghost horse will. Keep in pet res. Nothing extra, like recalling with the owner.
    Since there is a limit to how many pets we can stable, perhaps a workable solution would be to put a limit on the number of bonded pets we can own. I think three or four would be a fair number.

    Thanks all
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    If your horse dies buy a new one. We need those gold sinks.
  3. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    I don't currently have a tamer, I love Bards, BUT:

    Incoming Suggestion (I know very little about Bonded pets)

    1) Give the Pets a Karma/Rep Stat. The more in line the pet is to its Tamer's Karma/Rep (Above a certain level of the Tamer, lets say tamer has to have a least Karma/Rep of some standing in either direction, not just your starting off point) the better the bond.
    Your Tamer or pet dies a few time, you will have to work at getting that Karma/Rep back in line.
    Or even,
    2) Since Tamers gain rep/karma rather quickly, Make only Tamers with very high (or negative) rep/karma (such as to be able to show Lord/Lady etc) be able to work their pet to Bonded status. Once they reach Lord/Lady etc, their pet starts to gain Rep/Karma with their kills, but maybe at a slower rate than Characters. As long as the Tamers Rep/Karma is giving them title access, they retain their Bond. Get PK'd or mob killed enough times to lower their rep, the bond starts to degrade at a set rate per time that the tamer is below their minimum rep/karma needed. Likewise, if a pet drops too low, the bond breaks and needs to be re-aquired.
  4. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    To be honest pet bonding worked great on other servers I don't see the issue then a few don't like pet bonding, but if it was added they would be using it to. I say put it in and give it a few months and see how it plays out, something shouldn't not be added because a few people have a bug up there butt because (A) they never played on a server with pet bonding (B) they have but never took the time to bond one and use it's capabilities. I see nothing wrong with pet bonding, if your main goal is to just kill peoples pets perhaps you need a new hobby lol.
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Just to clarify the primary reason Pet Bonding was disabled as we went live was because the staff has not properly evaluated all of the mechanics.

    This was the only reason why it was disabled during the beta to live switch. In its default format the RunUO code has problems that we did not have time to address before going live. We did not want to add an incomplete system for our players.

    You can expect a full staff review of the Pet Bonding system soon along with the related documentation for how each issue was handled in the Renaissance era.
    • The timer and method in which animals bond to a player
    • How bonded animals affect your control slot usage
    • How bonded animals decay if left alone
    • Method a player can pursue to recover a lost bonded pet
    • Method of stat loss for bonded pets
    • Bonded pet aggression, flagging and notoriety
  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    so pet bonding will be added later down the road just needs to be tweaked?
  7. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Can we have bonded equipment? if i use armor and weapons long enough it fuses with my soul. Then it stays with me when i die. I dont want to be bothered farming for new equipment i worked hard to obtain.
  8. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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  9. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Sure. But first you have to have the skill to craft them on the same character. So a character with GM Smithing can have soulbound weapons/armor after a week of use.

    Oh, but remember that when you craft the item, it becomes 1/5 as powerful as the original, and you will have to spend weeks training it!
  10. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Unfortunately irrelevant but +1 for sound logic and analogy.
  11. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    As if bonding was added you would totally boy cot it and refuse to bond any pets get real. Like I said bonding was added for a number of reasons one being pets being tamed drop skills when tamed, bonding allows you to train them back up without them dieing. If they make it to where pets keep skill when you tame them then like previous eras then yea sure keep pet bonding out. In previous eras you just tame a drag/mare/ww and you are good to go, if it dies tame another one no biggy. In this era you have to train them up so technically taming a pet, Then waiting a week to bond it then spending a long time to train them up is more of a risk for tamers if they lose it to being boated or trapped in a house then as if they tamed an already trained drag/ww/mare and it died.

    Common Sense bro, there is a lot bigger risk to lose a bonded trained pet then there is to lose a freshly tamed pet that's not bonded because losing a bonded trained pet costs you a week of time bonding it which u can't even use in that time period then a waste of more time training it. Also think about it , It's profitable, If you trapped a mare or dragon that was not bonded i'd be like keep it lol i'll go get another one real quick, but if you trapped my bonded trained pet I would be willing to fork over some doe for it ;)
  12. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    I enjoyed Pet Bonding. Though in reality, this is merely a game, to some it is a retreat into a fantasy land. When you have a pet long enough, it really becomes a part of your character's world. I want to be able to feed and talk to my pet and have it respond appropriately and since WE can be ressurected when we die, why not allow for the ressurection of a bonded pet? Personally, I'd be happy with just one bonded pet slot.

    Thanks again for making this world available once again.
  13. Draconisto

    Draconisto New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    i wanted to weigh in on the bonding thing, also the bard and tamer things ive read.
    bards in general are great character, and only class that can control a significant number of creatures in a small area, even tamers lack this when the numbers are high.
    i like the pet bonding idea, but should be alot harder for us without the trammel aspect, like for instance, limit slots, maybe 3, 1 WW 1 Drag and 1 mare. but dont allow bonding till they are max skills, or equal to what they originally had prior to taming, this would make bonding difficult, but worth it, could take a week could be a lot longer depending on luck, pks and player style.
    i think this would be a fair comp for everyone. tho it may be odd seeing dexxers using vet to train and bond a ostard... :lol:
  14. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    If a bonded pet dies it can't be resurrected for 48 hours. :cool:
  15. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    the whole point in bonding is so you can train your pets, why would u make them only bondable after they are trained? lol
  16. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    The only thing I can agree with as far as 'new ideas' is putting a time limit on pet ressing. But since you can't stable a dead pet (at least I don't think you can), I'd put the timer on 12 or 24 hours. Either that or allow tamers to stable ghost pets on the timer to pull out another set.

    I'd also like to add how about we cap the number of bonded pets? Most tamers use 3 - 2 drags/wyrms and a mare. So if they're dead, they have to wait 12-24 hours to use the bonded pets, but can use unbonded pets to farm until then - with full risk of losing them
  17. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    how about we just leave pet bonding the way it was since it seems to work fine on other servers. Not understanding the reason behind gimping it because people who have never had a bonded pet or don't have tamers thinks it's a bad idea, Pet bonding is mainly for tamers and since tamers take the biggest hit when they tame a ww,drag or mare because of pet skill loss pet bonding serves as a big purpose for them, If you want to put timers on horses & war horses etc for everyday people then that's fine but there is a reason pet bonding is the way it was and altering doesn't really seem like a big issue. Only people that pet bonding will effect is people trying to grief & that is all so let's not cater to them the way uosa did.

    Also when a dragon/ww/mare that is bonded dies it also loses skill each time it dies so you can still grief by boating them, trapping them in houses & killing them so what is the big issue here? I'm failing to see why pet bonding the way it's suppose to be would effect anyone directly.
  18. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I do rock a tamer for 99% of my farming. I support OSI pet bonding. But, I'm also liking the ideas and small changes people are bringing up. None of this needs to be hostile, in the end the staff will make an excellent decision, and if they decide to adopt a player's idea, it will be implemented amazingly and be a real eye catcher for the shard.

    The only reason I'm even cool with altering it to make it harder for farmers is we have it very easy at the moment. Farming 20k in 10 minutes is a no sweat ordeal. Even I, using a tamer as my main source of income, would not have a problem with getting a nerfed bonding system implemented. We've all done fine without it so far.

    Someone made the comment above that tamers get a personal attachment to our pets. So true. Mine all have different names and even (as much as I hate to admit this) personalities. My first mare, Marelyn was kind of a bitch. She ended up going wild on me at full happiness (bugged I think?) I named my second one Jessica, after my wife. Perfect name for a nightmare!
  19. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yeah, bonded pets need a delay before resurrection. It would be such a joke to pop a bandaid on your dead dragon, heal it up and head back to the dungeon. Have the dead pet transfer to stable, then when timer is up they will allow you to claim it and bring it back to life. Maybe they should add GM spirit speak for pet resurrection.
  20. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Oh, I like that idea. That will be a challenge for my tamer as I'll have to juggle it's skills, but an excellent idea nonetheless

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