Pet gating

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Liberation, May 22, 2014.

  1. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    My understanding is that they can be alive, but it kills them before they are returned to you.
  2. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    if they're not dead, they are just killed and summoned
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    So what about the new player that doesn't bond their tames, but gets killed and the 'griefer' opts to gate them to an undisclosed location. Now that new player can't even play their character because all 8 slots are now allocated for the duration of those pets' lives or the time it takes for them to go wild.

    PKs or any player really, who are claiming that the term grief is overused may be right. However, if they don't understand that the vast majority of PKs in history have generally applied a liberal dose of grief (actions only suited to enrage, anger or otherwise piss off a player) to their murder victims, then they are just ignorant of fact. Hell, I like to pretend like I'm not an asshole on occasion too but for fuck's sake people, accept the fact that you are treating people like shit, even if they are only represented by pixels here. Most everyone here loves that they can be killed and looted at any given time outside of guard zones. No one is going to get their nostalgia tingling thinking about the "rush" of standing there as a ghost while a pack of dickbags gates their tames off to a secure location or gates the player themselves to three tile island.

    There's killing, there's stealing and then there's doing things for no other purpose but to piss people off. It suits no function that is worthy of implementation to allow pet gating, at all. I guess in this regard you can call a fair percentage of my forum posts to be griefing because I've long since finished the argument and only continue to reply to ensure that the victims are writhing in pure agony over not getting their opinions lauded by the masses. While there could possibly be some highly modified variant of classic pet gating mechanics possible, it's one of those things that is not likely to get much fan fare by anyone who doesn't want to get labelled a griefer for supporting it.
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    It wasn't a nice thing to do, I agree. The boss first ended up in Yew after following someone through a gate (and there were dumbfounded shoppers watching). And we quickly moved it to a safe location. And someone, probably me, said I wonder what happens if we pay a visit to HC's house. And it did kill him through a wall, and then we moved it back to a safe location and I explained to Telamon what happened, who showed up to watch us finish it off. He simply said he'd have to move up a patch to fix it. He didn't pass any judgements or ask us to stop in the name of grief, instead I got the impression he thought it was an amusing thing he'd have to fix quickly.

    You know when Matron spent months finding ways to kill people in houses you thought it was amusing. You just said yourself that you bitched about it whenever her methods were patched out. Did you think she was finding methods Telamon intended people to use? Let's not pretend there's a difference between what we did and what she did. The difference is the pie was on your face this time and you're mad.

    That said allow me to soften the blow a bit. We killed maybe 5 characters total in one instance. I wanted to do it again but Telamon responded in time and moved it from HC's house and disabled the teleporting mechanic at that time. If your fisher was carrying a backpack full of server births I imagine Telamon will compensate you for it - although I'm not willing to believe that the naked characters you idle in there 24/7 are doing that. I personally will give you 1000 cooked fish steaks if you like.

    Here's some places we could have gone but didn't go: the resist event with ~100 people in it. Outside Occlo. New players homes. Any number of places - instead we went to one guy's house who is a pvp rival. He's entirely capable of dishing it out as well as taking it - and I could go for quite a while on advantages -3- has had on this server that others have not shared.

    Speaking of griefing (still a really dumb way to say "things done to me i didn't want to happen") - and speaking of respect - You and HC, in that same week scammed a guy in IRC where everyone could see it- you challenged him to a 100k duel, when he came out of his house one of your friends stealthed in and looted him. While you lost the duel fair and square (you claimed you had disconnected while all the spectators said you were still casting as you died) and then you refused to pay the 100k.

    Speaking of speedhacking - aren't you the same Cynic from black company on great lakes? Cute, guy, real cute.

    Sure you do. Otherwise you'd be out there fighting daily instead of once a month. And don't talk to me about what pvpers think and respect. You remember how we welcomed the true brits to factions a month or so ago? We fought them men down, we never looted - you know it, you showed up atleast once to witness it.

    Here's you last night when a new player joined CoM -


    Real cool man.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Am I the only one having visions of a guy with an assault rifle in a shopping mall mowing down unarmed people....just waiting for the cops to tell him to he can explain he was just providing a public service by making it clear the security at this mall is terrible.....

    You can try to justify it however you want. The respectable thing to have done, would be to report it, kill the thing away from player homes and not abuse it before it is fixed. Blatant disregard for what you absolutely know to be the right thing to do, in lieu of shenanigans because it's funny and you have beef with the target, does not make you a hero. I'm not saying he didn't have it coming or that you want to be a hero, but I am saying that most involved in the situation have never, in my time knowing them, done something so shameful, you included. Perhaps it's not a rarity and I'm just not around enough to see it. Maybe being completely shameful and abusing bugs to get your kicks is par for course now. To each their own I guess. I'm far from perfect and don't expect anyone to be perfect but I did have a nice time thinking my friends would take the same high road that I try to take as best I can.
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I explained that it was not nice, I don't expect to be given a nobel peace prize for it.

    I'm not really planning to justify it outside of that. It's not like I can argue with your moral absolutism.

  7. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    I can say that I watched you continually recall next to my house a day later in an attempt to get Rikktor back to my house. You succeeded again after little attempt and I was left in my house attempting to heal my 3 accounts. Luckily I was around this time. Odd that you tell Telamon about it, but then go attempt it again.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Doesn't seem that way as the story seems to flesh out more with every retelling I see you post about it. I was ready to let it go after I first hearing but the more meat it takes on, the juicier it tastes, I guess.
  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    The difference between what you did and what Matron did is that she used game mechanics that were always around to be used in a way to kill people or grief them. You, however, took advantage of a new found bug, one that never ever ever was intended to be used this way.

    Speaking of -3- , I was -3- for about a couple weeks at best. I never gained any benefit nor do I know of these guys gaining any benefit from the server. You should probably keep that between you and them or Telamon. Don't get me started on the shit you and your crew get away with unscathed while others get constant reminders to be nice. Whatever conspiracy there might be out there on this server I am oblivious to it so keep me out of it.

    My fisher didn't have server births, but I did log him off with items in his pack that I didn't want lost either. Oh well. I never PM'd Telamon asking for anything returned to me, I questioned him regarding a trophy because I.. read that somewhere... I never demanded nor do I expect anything from him.

    I never scammed anyone in IRC, and you know well that I've lost 100k duels before and paid them immediately, losing 100k isn't game ending for me. There was a misunderstanding in the duel, and if he wants to I don't mind in the least in doing another 100k duel, hell I'd even make it 200k so that he doesn't keep his panties in a bunch over the duel. To clarify, HE lost connection and I chose to stop throwing spells at him. There were several people in vent with me who could attest to the fact that I thought he lost connection and I stopped the duel. I was spamming magic arrow at him as a joke while he stood there DC'd. What others did while we were dueling has nothing to do with me, although I'll admit it smells fishy. Then again, house looting someone isn't a bug, exploit, or otherwise unacceptable. It's frowned upon but so is PKing.

    Yes, I'm the same Cynic, and I have never speedhacked and it's the #1 reason why I quit playing the live server, because it was getting out of hand. Those playing with me at the time could absolutely attest to that. The only thing I'm guilty, and proud, of is being in the games biggest and most well known griefing and zerg guild. To the point where you all paid to come fight us. (Matter of fact a search on stratics with my name "CynicGL" will provide you with threads of me bitching about speedhacking.)

    Yeah, you were nice to the new guys, congrats, you didn't want them to vanish because you mopped the floor with them. I fight, what appears to be, once a month because I don't have the time some people do. I work opposite your play time, always have and always will. This is why you cried when we capped sigils when you're at work, because I'm at work during primetime.

    As far as me rez-killing? That was retribution for rez-killing Russel and horse killing. Don't call me out as being less than honorable with PvP, that shit was started by the other team last night, I just gave it right back to them. And, please, don't act like you guys don't rez kill.. I don't have the luxury of sitting down and doing research as to who is new in factions/pvp and why I should take it lightly on them. Nobody takes it lightly on me, I've never asked for it, nor do I expect it. I didn't care for your non-loot rules, hence why I always showed up with runics. I wasn't going to ruin it for the sake of the new guys in factions though.

    Create whatever smoke screen you want and try to disguise the fact that you exploited a known bug. You knew what was going to happen and your goal was doing exactly that. There was no question in what would happen if you brought Rikktor to HC's house, otherwise you would have brought baraccon. Could you have abused it even more? Sure, but you damn well know if you brought Rikky to Occlo that Telamon would shit in your cornflakes faster than you could PM him "explaining what happened."
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't know about you losing and paying up duels - no idea why you'd think I know anything about that. I only know of this one time where you challenged him to a duel in IRC for 100k because I saw that - and then everyone that witnessed it said you lost fair and square and refused to pay up - while you all laughed at him for looting the house. If you're going to sit here and pretend you didn't know he was getting looted by the people in your vent channel then how can I even have a conversation with you?

    There's no smoke screens. What shit have I gotten away with unscathed? This is the only thing I can think of that could have ever been called abusing a mechanic. I'm trying to be completely up front about what happened, so I'm pretty confused about how I ever got away with anything or created any smoke screen. Inre: why Rikktor? It was just the skull we were after the first time. We didn't know it was capable of killing people through wall a until he did it. I saw the thread where Barracoon ended up in Brit but I thought Telamon said he fixed it and I(we) had no idea Rikktor was capable of the same thing until - as I said - he ended up in yew. The second time we tried it purposefully and Telamon stopped it, understandably. I don't know where the smoke screens are but point them out and I'd be glad to try to clear them up.

    btw here's my kill history

    I make a conscious effort to not res kill (except in certain cases where someone is grabbing up their loot and we intend to get it first). I make a conscious effort not to kill my alts and I'd like to think I earned my ranking on the database and my faction points (which I risk every day) fair and square. Where's your kill history?
  11. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    Mes, I never scammed anybody in IRC. Cynic dueling someone for 100k is his deal. And yes you could tell he lagged out(not disconnected) as Scribe killed him. A rematch was valid due to circumstances. Anyways, me stealthing someones house is not a scam. I had been back 1 day and Scribe was shit talking my random character. I decided to patiently wait at his house and attempt to get in. Thats his bad, dont open your front door and run off leaving it wide open.
    Mes likes this.
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Hi HC - really I don't know if anyone of it qualifies as a scam. It's really not for me to say. My understanding is if you use IRC to contact a guy for a trade and you scam him you could lose your IRC privileges. In this case I definitely saw Cynic calling the guy out for being too scared to duel him for 100k. I was told by some that the entire point was for Cynic to lure him out so that you could stealth in and loot his house. Is this scamming? I don't know. Again I think this is for staff to decide and if they didn't do anything then I suppose its not scamming.

    Someone said they did see Scribe lose connection and Cynic chose not to kill him. But several people watching also said that the duel was resumed when Scribe logged in but that he beat Cynic fair and square. That Cynic did not DC and that he told people he was never planning to pay the 100k, they just wanted to get you in his house to loot him.

    It sounded like bad business to me - at the very least pretty rude. I would have thought that Cynic would have at least paid the 100k. I definitely saw the gloating about the house looting.

    But again...this would have been for staff to decide. I'm not even saying the guy didn't have it coming, I had seen him say some pretty racist stuff back then. I was just trying to illustrate that you guys aren't exactly jesus and his disciples.
  13. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    I've never claimed to be jesus or his desciples :p The duel was not set up for me to loot this guys house. He had been running in/out of the house leaving the door open all night long. Who's to say he wouldnt recall out of his home when cynic and him wanted to duel eachother? I had patiently waited for 30+ minutes and took my best opportunity, which just so happened to be as he ran off to his duel. I wouldn't remotely consider this a scam. Scamming somebody on IRC to come out of their house and leave the door wide open? lawl.
  14. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  15. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    Mes were you using more than one account to pk earlier at the same time (looked like you were doing some weird auto follow thing) as I ghosted you I noticed you would hide two chars, move one, then repeat for the other two.

    If you're running around turret pking, you're an even bigger cock than I thought and you should stop taking a high horse with people, cause you're just the plain ole poo on the bottom of our shoes.
  16. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    could have been punt, I can't keep you rectal rangers seperated in my mind cause you aren't important enough for me to remember your names. But still, that mobile turret pvp stuff combined with your uofiddling map hacks and etc - how fucking lame are you going to get?
  17. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    What am I supposed to do here, Jack, respond to this seriously? I only play one red at a time, it's no secret that very few people can put the TT reds to the people that play them. Take off our tin foil hat and stop shit posting. You're the one that gets all starry eyed at the idea of stun bots and archer bots, not me. I recall around and fight like a normal person.
    these ones are me
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  18. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    just looked like 1-2 people max with 3 accounts going. I'll set a take packet video hotkey or something for future reference. But I've ran into a few people who tried to turret follow pvp (it didn't work well for them) but if anyone could get it working half way decent, it'd probably be you guys. So don't get your nipples all in a hiffy, cause this thread is a partial monkey poo fling anyhow. But the movements of the 3 chars weren't normal for 3 independent players.

    thas all mayn, if you were turreting, I was gonna talk mad shit about it.
    Mes likes this.
  19. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    That's fine, I edited to list my reds btw. You probably saw PuntSpeedChunk or Pikka playing beside me if it was last night. Pikka is kind of known for being a close wingman and PuntSpeedChunk might have been looking for the warmth of my protective aura.
    Jupiter likes this.
  20. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I'm way too bold for that kind of nonsense.....

    And Jack, I want to tell you what happened but it's just so mundane and boring compared to your insane conspiracy theories about how and who killed your lockpicker and then your tamer.
    Mes likes this.

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