Spectacular. Protip, I spell my name with a K. So now the next time you address me by name, you can spell it right.
I felt like spelling the word properly, not like how you spelled it on the side of your lowered honda civic with the neon lights.
Sorry Jack Off Shitheel, but you spelled your name wrong. Edited to correct the spelling of his surname.
Blaise, like always, you're an over opinionated stoner q-tip and YoDwewdzKonceptz can tell it to his neck tat and the guy doing his boyfriend's trampstamp.
Actually Koncept doesn't have neck tats, that's HateCrime. Get your people straight dumbass. I'm glad you recognize me for having opinions and being the stoner that I have always claimed to be. Not sure what the q-tip reference means other than I am squeaky clean and have an ability to wipe the dirt out of hard to reach places.
I'm just writing random comments Blaise (the first thing that pops into my mind) for silliness, how many dif people in this thread have you directed your shittalking to? You are full of hugs and rainbows. All day.
So it is agreed that this thread is derailed? Then nobody should mind... Image better suited for trash talk.
Does abusing bugs without repercussion still fit into this thread? Mes seems to think that it does. /discuss
Actually I was told I was getting a trophy. As of yet I have not got it because "it would cause more drama."