PFR Executed For Trespassing On RRG Owned Lands

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Curly Sue, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Malus Blackstaff

    Malus Blackstaff New Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    Just wondering what RRG is doing assisting DG and Stormhold? Aren't they supposed to be collecting taxes from them on sight? I only bring this up because a few little birds have said that RRG has alts in DG. This could just be mindless gossip but when I see screenshots like this it makes some of those rumors ring with a bit of truth.

    PFR hang in there, ganks of that magnitude are not easy to get out of, be sure to post some screenshots when you exact your revenge :)
  2. Curly Sue

    Curly Sue Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Ok.,. No RRG members are in DG. As stated in original post, we picked the highest priority target and went for it. The rest them were murdered within hours later. See dg thread.

    Cool talk... Victor gallows.
    Ragar and Plankton like this.
  3. Malus Blackstaff

    Malus Blackstaff New Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    Thanks for clearing that up but there are those that are in "the know" that have pretty much confirmed that RRG does in fact have alts in DG.

    As far as your Victor Gallows response, I believe you are referring to Brymstone's alt, unfortunately that is not me, I know Brymstone, in fact he was the one who got me to come over to UO Renaissance. He really doesn't play here that much anymore, he has moved over to another shard which in observance of respect for this server I will not name it.

    I'm just a wandering wizard that pops in for a little casual UO once and awhile, however, I do try to keep up on certain groups, in case I want to involve myself in a little role-playing.

    I find your posts amusing but a little repetitive, maybe a little more insight into the tax service itself or the inner workings of what your guild does with all that tax money.

    I was present in DG village when Jerome Jackson, one of your "tax collectors" was talking to The Breadman and trying to work out arrangements for taxes, I asked for a writ or some type of official license of collection issued to your guild by the governing body of Brittania. He was unable to provide any kind of documentation that would ascribe any type of tax collection privelages to your guild so I believe these "tax evaders" have the moral high ground in their refusal to pay your group.

    Haven't run into you fellows yet but I'm sure my recall macro would be put to the test.

    Hope to "NOT" see you around, keep those runics repaired. (I'm secretly rooting for PFR to down the axe wielder guy so we can see that baby for sale on his vendor) :)
  4. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    alt IRC names, alt characters, alt forum accounts.... been doing it since January-ish I believe, if my IRC logs are correct. ;)

    Regardless, if they want to wear different hats, I don't care. As long as they keep it separate and don't bring discredit upon others for their alts actions. :p
    Ragar likes this.
  5. Malus Blackstaff

    Malus Blackstaff New Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    I don't mind that people have alts, that's just par for the course in UO but as long as I've been playing it has always been taboo to PK your guildmates, even if you're on an alt. I'm sure there are those that don't feel the same way, just my two cents.
  6. SteelyDan

    SteelyDan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 1, 2014
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    We have no alternatives in DG, Paws, Stormhold, etc.. But I was thinking about moving SteelyDan over to NBC to RP with Peace.

    RRG has no insider in DG so please don't dismantle your guild looking for one because you listened to someone like Malus Blackstaff.

    I use Jerome Jackson (stealth/tracking) to help plan attacks, who happened to get executed in the town of DG yesterday. So set up a tracker to scan your area for hidden guys behind trees/houses. He was peaking out of the window in one of the DG house and he reported back to the RRG what was going on.

    I would make that decision over and over to ride side by side with Erza & Moonstone to kill the most notorious PK.

    Thank you

    SteelyDan/Scully/Jerome Jackson
    One, Vlar, Ragar and 1 other person like this.
  7. TheBreadman

    TheBreadman Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Would like add shortly before the fight with PFR,

    I was murdered in cold blood by RRG. I would have escaped, unhurt like the other number of times that they have tried to jump me! but, I had been sparing and had forgotten to heal myself. so was a easy kill..

    They managed to escape through a gate..after backup chased them off... at which point pfr turned up (he can confirm this)... wondered why i was dead...and he had not killed me... then run into the returning DG!.

    Then RRG, must returned after they spotted what was going on!

    by Jackson, who was later sentenced and executed on the spot, for crimes against DG, and assisting murders, when we found his hidden char (nice loot btw!)

    and yeh, we did talk about arrangements, which he had no attention of ever paying, but simply delaying, while we prepared for outbreak of war. :D
  8. Curly Sue

    Curly Sue Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Haha, Poor JJ. You are correct. JJ saw PFR in a vulnerable position and called in the hit squad...
  9. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 18, 2014
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    wow, a peek behind the curtain for those of us that are always on the receiving end.

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