Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Stoned Viking, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    And this is where I decide there's no point debating.
  2. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Jupiter quite simply hit the nail on the head. A group of PKs can hop to any of the best farming spots and find targets 90%+ of the time and get some action and easy loot.

    Anti-PKs can run those same spots and unless they stand around waiting (which is admittedly boring and requires hiding to avoid dealing with spawn) are not likely to find targets the majority of the time. The reward is far less and interest gets lost quickly.

    Having said that, I still think there is some enjoyment to be had as an anti.
    A good anti-pk squad could make for some nice stories of protecting yon adventurers though and if I had more time I would dedicate some to just this purpose.
  3. Timbo Slice

    Timbo Slice Active Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Make a IRC channel that is used strictly for yelling for help when PKs are hassling you. Just a suggestion
  4. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I understand everyone enjoys playing their own
    Timbo that's really a good idea if there were some folks that wanted to get an anti-PK guild up and running. It would save alot of time sweeping dungeons and waiting around.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I do agree the incentive sucks to hunt PKs and hanging out at farms is boring. The compromise is that if you split your party with half PvMers and half PvPers and split loot at the end, no one has to be broke. The problem though is Tracking will show PKs just WHO is there and how many. This basically ruins any potential for PvP to come out of such a scenario. While it would be nice to see it happen, it is not very likely.

    I have intention to focus my game time spent farming, on PvP built/equipped characters. I'm at a point where money is blah and whatever, so when I'm out I can really just hang out and hope for trouble. Hopefully some worthy individuals will be available when I call out in IRC for a brute squad, who will offer protection to any would-be farmers or even better, champion spawn hunters.
  6. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    How about a timer before they can loot you so at least you have a chance to get your stuff back?

    Or a way to track PKs? Like the 100% never used tracking skill?
  7. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    This may be a little unnecessary, but this is how I personally feel about whining about being PK'd (Yes, I've been pk'd alot and I tell myself this every time)......

    devilsreject, Leafer and Jupiter like this.
  8. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Thank you for your considerable observation, now you can go back to hiding from PKs and pretending it's not a problem.
  9. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    It's really not a problem and I knew what I was getting into from the beginning with a fel only server. To me, that risk vs. reward factor is what makes a trammel free server so great. There are TONS of bullshit loot grinding games out there that should be able to please your appetite for that type of gameplay.
    Basoosh and Jupiter like this.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Not to mention, although Markos is one of the highest ranking Trammies on the shard, for collectible pixelcrack alone, you should understand he has dropped his best in the field of battle fighting players, many times. He doesn't hide but I bet you he knows damn well whether or not he's prepared to put up a fight and how best to escape if not.
    Markos likes this.
  11. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    It is a problem, and I didn't know this was a fel only server till I started playing. It's advertised as a real UO:R server but UO:R had Tram.
    And it's a problem because PKs discourage people from playing on the server. Risk vs reward should come from the monsters and not random assholes.
    Everyone who bitches about trammel misses the point that the majority of players NEVER went to fel, meaning tram was always far more popular than fel.
    If you want true risk vs reward make the monsters harder, but don't force people to run and hide from asshole players.
    And I am starting to think the people arguing for PKs are PKs themselves.

    Unfortunately there is no games similar to UO, all games coming out now are fetch quest based or limit how you can play.
  12. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Not really sure how to help you out man. Like many, many other players on this server, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not really taking up for PKs, but I do accept their role in classic UO and appreciate it.

    As for not knowing it was a Fel only server, if your going to invest in a server and be so passionate about the mechanics of that server, might I suggest reading the website a bit before committing.

  13. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I didn't go to the website, a friend told me about it.
    I just don't understand why there is not a single populated UO:R server?
  14. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    All I can tell you is take the advice these guys have already given and just hang in there, find some friends, learn the fel ruleset and try to enjoy it before bailing. There are ways to mitigate PKs being such a pain in the ass.
  15. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I think the best thing you can do at this point is either accept it or move on. This server is not going to change to cater to you. Your argument may be valid for hundreds of player types, but those players aren't playing here. Because they understand this is UO:R without trammel, and they want trammel. Perhaps you should invest your time, effort, and money into making your dream shard? Or you could stop crying and realize just how awesome of an experience this server can provide by allowing interaction between people on that level.

    Trust me, it's not that your arguement is invalid. It's that it falls on deaf ears.
    Jupiter likes this.
  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  17. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    What ways are there to mitigate PKs?, Run, Hide?, or try in vain to find others here to play with you and hope they aren't going to PK you?

    I am not saying just for me, what I am trying to say is if it wasn't for PKs the server would have a lot more players.
    When I played Demise most players hated AOS but also hated fel more.

    I have ran UO:R servers but I never could recruit many players, except for once and that was only because I was spamming other popular servers.
  18. snaggle

    snaggle Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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    I play a pk and a pvm and pvp. On my pvm char I have a one button macro that casts recall and targets my rune so when I see a red I hit and 98% of the time I am gone before they can target me. The other 2% of the time it's either user error like I forgot magic reflect to stop the interupt or a slight lag that threw the timing off or I clicked during the macro messing it up.
  19. illbottleya

    illbottleya Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Some personal experience on the contrary here...

    Some people feel there's not actually that much unpredictability with monsters and hence not actually that much risk. In UO, you basically know whether you can kill a monster or not, and you know where the monster spawns. So you pretty rarely die in straight PvM unless you go all Leeroy Jenkins on some Balrons (have personally tried and failed). But if straight PvM is your thing, you can definitely still do that here without THAT much disturbance from PKs. It's my primary pass time as well and I've done pretty well. I've got 100k+ and a sandstone house and a stash of weapons/armor. But there's MUCH more to UO than the monsters. The MOST important part is the PEOPLE because its an ONLINE game.

    Anyways, these people really honestly do enjoy that in a Felucca-style server all sorts of unexpected stuff could happen. I am not a PK and never was a PK. But I quit original UO shortly after Trammel was introduced. And it was largely because of Trammel. I liked having good AND evil characters living together. And I liked that the evil characters were able to straight up rob or kill me, but I also had the chance to fight back or run away.

    Yeah, I got killed by PKs a couple times here and there on this shard. I got robbed a couple times too. Very rarely did I fight back and win but it has happened a couple times. And most of the time I escaped once I learned how to sniff danger and hit recall. At the worst times, I even got killed twice in one day - no big deal though, I earned the gear back in an hour or less. But other times I've gone several weeks without even being targeted by a PK.

    And its the fact that I had ups and downs to overcome that made buying my first house and taming my first dragon and other such accomplishments all the more awesome. My best ever UO memory BY FAR was the first time I successfully escaped a PK on OSI. I was a measly orc-hunting newb on foot with NPC-bought equipment. I had to dodge him for several minutes running through T2A wilderness. I taunted the ever loving crap out of the PK from the guard zone and probably jumped out of my chair in excitement (I was 12). Then I blew all that hard earned orc gold on a horse and felt like a boss.

    Give it some time and learn to survive / make do in the harsher environment. You'll have gleeful moments and frustrating moments but at least you won't be bored! There are tons of nice people here who will help. Heck, even some of the PKs are actually really nice people.

    Don't think of our world as Feluccia. It's the time BEFORE there was ever a Trammel and Feluccia. Feluccia was just as broken as Trammel because the fact that you had a choice to join either completely changed the game mechanics forever. Now, understandably, some people liked the new mechanics. But some people didn't. And those people run this server. It's pretty explicitly advertised. Me and my RL friends came here after 10 years of no UO at all because we saw that this server had (A) no trammel and (B) little to no custom nonsense like neon colors. If there wasn't a shard that met those two requirements, I probably wouldn't play UO.
    Jupiter likes this.
  20. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2013
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    I am not part of a guild and I do everything I do solo all the time. PK's aren't around that much and you can get away when you do see them if you use proper tactics. Get better at evading if you can't fight back. It is possible.

    This is the millionth post ever of the same exact thing.

    I guess bottom line is if you want trammel, then go find a trammel shard your not going to change this one.

    This server is VERY PVM oriented, my goodness, to hear someone say its all about PVP is RIDICULOUS!

    Either welcome to the server or goodbye.

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