Poll: How many EU timezoners would like to join a guild like PS (PvM, newbie-friendly, good aligned)

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Ecstatic, May 10, 2017.

Do you want the above described guild for EU/Asian players and US insomniacs/early birds?

  1. Yes, and I play during the EU timerange and like to join.

  2. Yes, but I dont play during the timerange you mentioned and STILL like to join.

  3. Yes, but I wont be able to join... because of reasons.

  1. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Guild tag: EU* = "European Ultima-time* and Asians too!"
  2. Pekka

    Pekka Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    I do like the idea a lot really of a EU based guild, but I am involved in two guilds already and soon it will be three I suppose. PS, KT and soon Yew I suppose.
    I will think it over but first I want to see how much time that my engagement in the guilds I am in will take. Many activities with PS do take place during EU time and KT will most likely keep me busy.

    Guildname? Instead of Europe something, it might be called: The Old World [TOW]?
  3. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    In discussion with someone interested with this guild, it seems I have been unprecise in my original post and the following ones:

    1) I dont care about the name, stop talking about the name all the time. Like three people PMd me calling the name, that is only a space holder so far, silly, while it has no importance at all.

    2) I am searching for players of a specific time range. I wrote in the original post EU players and Asian players and US insomniacs. Now there was a misunderstanding perhaps. Because I meant a specific time range that I am playing mainly. It's my fault, because when saying "EU players", most people would assume EU evenings/nights.

    Let me rephrase: I am searching for players to play together with. My main game time is EU noon to EU afternoon, i.e. Asian evenings, i.e. US nights/mornings. It's usually the most empty time on the Shard and in IRC. A little bit later, you have PS players logging in, and that is already a wonderful community to play with. I can only recommend joining them.

    So, I hope you accept my apologies for possible misunderstanding and for becoming too excited. I'd love everybody to join a guild with me that actually plays during my game time, and hope that this thread still has value for the others that thought it's about EU evenings/nights.

    To sum it up: Please keep your interest in the guild that I envision when you are playing EU mornings/noons/afternoons (and their respective US and Asian times). Everybody else, that plays for example during EU evenings/nights, is better of with an existing group in my opinion. We wouldn't be able to meet often, and I dont want to miss most of my guild fellows. It would just be disappointing for everybody involved.

    So, how many people are still interested and cover the same time range that I want to focus on? Or will most of the people that were interested originally now realize that we meant different times for gaming. Let's see. Anybody still interested is free to PM me and form a group of likeminded players gaming together.

    Spankrox likes this.
  4. eatmyshorts

    eatmyshorts Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I'm EU, along with my two friends (tidycrumpet, janus). Let me talk to my mates, this appeals to me as probably will to them!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.

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