PvP Templates - Mages and Warriors on UO:R

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Duffrey, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    I am trying to build up an overview of possible and viable pvp templates.
    This overview should help people like me to choose 1. a way to go and 2. a viable skill combination for the choosen way.

    What I found out is that there are basically 4-5 main skills and 2-3 optional skills to put in combination to be a viable mage or warrior in pvp.
    Depending on the optional skills a template tend to be more defensive or more offensive.
    Stats are as well depending on the choosen skill combinations.

    There are some points that I am not sure about and therefore need your help...
    What is working and what will not work with UO:R mechanics?
    What are the pros and cons of the skills combinations?
    What stats are fitting best for what skills combination?
    Are there even more viable combinations that are not listed underneath?


    Str: 100, Int: 25-55, Dex: 70-100

    Main Skills:
    Anatomy, Healing, Tactics, Magery, Magic Resist

    Optional Skills:
    Swordsmanship + Lumberjacking:
    Lumberjacking gives a damage bonuns to axe's.

    Mace Fighting + Parrying:
    Maces inflict the most damage with just one hit, damages the opponents armor as well and drain their stamina. Parrying gives the ability to wield shields that increases the ar (armor rating) and gives a chance to block an attack.

    Fencing + Poisoning:
    Fencing weapons have the fastest hitrate but lowsest damage per hit. The purpose of this skillcombo is not to hit hard but fast while applying the poison from the weapon as often as possible for the effect of a steadily interruption especially of spellcasters.

    Weaponskill + Evaluating Intelligence
    Evaluating Intelligence works for Magery in the same way as Tactics for a Weapponskill, it actually adds a damage bonus and turns Magery into a offensive usable skill.
    In combination with Anatomy, Evaluating Intelligence grants a defenssive Wrestling ability.

    Weaponskill + Meditation
    Weaponskill + Hiding
    Weaponskill + Archery


    Str: 100, Int: 90-100, Dex: 25-35

    Main Skills:
    Magery, Meditation, Evaluating Intelligence, Resisting Spells

    Optional Skills:
    Wrestling + Anatomy + Healing
    Anatomy in combination with Wrestling gives the ability to stun an opponet. Healing gives another way to refill the hitpoints when using bandages. 60 Anatomy/Healing allows to cure poison. At 80 Anatomy/Healing it is possible to resurrect a dead when using bandages.

    Weaponskill + Anatomy + Tactics
    Wrestling + Poison + Skill ?
    Wrestling + Inscription + Skill
    Wrestling + Arms Lore + Skill ?
    Wrestling + Parry + Skill ?
  2. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    These are some of the possible viable templates for pvp under this ruleset:

    'Pure' mages-

    classic 5x mage skills (magery, eval, resist, med, wrestle) plus a combination of:

    Parry, Healing, anatomy (for stunning), inscription, poisoning, and/or alchemy

    'Tank' mages-

    Magery, eval, resist, med, anat, tactics, (Insert your weapon of choice here)

    Hybrid warriors-

    Med warrior (mage, med, res, tact, anat, heal, weapon skill)
    Eval warrior (mage, eval, res, tact, anat, heal, weapon skill)

    'Pure' warriors-

    Weapon skill, tact, anat, heal, resist plus whatever you can think of to fill in the last two skills... hiding, alchemy, parry, poisoning etc...

    I know there are several other template possibilities out there using thief skills or more than 7 skills... this is meant only as a quick list of possibilities.

    I'd be happy to explain the pros/cons of each one.
  3. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    First, thank you for saying warrior and not dexxer. Here is my warrior for mainly pvm:
  4. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    It seems Dexxer is tossed around alot nowadays.

    From what I remember "back in the day" you were a "Dexxer" if you were fencing with a Kryss or Swords with a Katana.
    "Dexxer" being that you are max on Dex and using the fastest weapon, usually coated with DP.
  5. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    We called them Dexmonkey back in the day. If they don't fix spell damage, armor absorption/weapon damage and stun times soon then I would tell everybody to just make a mage and wear special (spined, horned,barbed) leather and you'll be a beast here, make sure you make a stun mage as that seems to be the only viable PvP template ATM.
  6. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Well with stun punches and Exp stacking and spell damage.... the shard is clearly catering to one type of pvp style

    Stun Mages

    So lets everyone make a stun mage and it will be just like UOsa where everyone runs around and does the same shit.

    If this server wants to be good they need to stop nerfing everything else and let people construct different type of pvp templates and styles.... which is why we came here to UOr instead of going to UOsa
    RubMyCrit likes this.
  7. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Patience is a virtue, ole bud.... I share your frustration, but give these fellers a chance to iron out the kinks.
  8. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I don't think it's truely a matter of ironing out the kinks. There were a variety of templates on OSI during this era- and I think that kinks are a direct result of tampering with the game and the perceived imbalances.

    You say mages are overpowered, then why did they nerf concussion? Not everyone was an axer back then. Crushing blow was awesome.

    I think that OSI was more balanced than any free shard I have played- and when free shards think they can do better they just end up making the game more unbalanced.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    OSI couldn't spend enough time with existing mechanics to balance them because they were too busy working on the next expansion (so they could make more money).
    Balancing the gameplay would require sticking with a given set of mechanics and variables and massaging them based on actual play experience.
    By the time they realized x, y or z was OP, they were already implementing 30 new things to throw it all off balance again without enough validation testing to know what's good or not.

    Many things are not finished here and will take a significant amount of time and (constructive) player feedback to really come close to balancing.
  10. Luminary

    Luminary New Member

    Oct 22, 2012
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    I think its quite clear that concussion blow was "balanced" (nerfed, call it what you want) for two main reasons.

    1) Concussion blow at a -50 (Intelligence / 2) is without question, unbalanced. It is not physically possible to even compete as a mage against an opponent who has a 25% chance on every hit to reduce your mana pool directly by half. All this does is ensure a game of cat and mouse where the mage runs away, either in a circle or just away, period. By the time concussion wears off, you will never passively regenerate the missing 50 mana before the opponent lands another concussion blow, this has been proven time and time again over the years.

    2) Lumberjacking yields an additional +30/35% (not sure which formula they are using here, but its either/or) damage bonus to two-handed axes. This is incremental of the anatomy, tactics, and strength bonus formulas to damage as well. Trying to fight an opponent who can land 55-60 damage hits effectively, with 50 mana is a joke.
  11. Reefer_Man

    Reefer_Man New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    passive mana should be 5 points every 4 seconds for gm medit.., bandages should heal faster but block the ability to do anything else (casting spells etc), one should be able to move X tiles while casting a spell if they walk more the spell should fizzle, A gm magery should cast seventh circle spells without fizzling only my opinion....

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