That only happened because my house got hit by a tsunami and a sink hole right under my gaming desk. We got our revenge the following week ;p
Not feeling like it makes more sense than being lazy, considering the laziest option is the agent, and the ultimate would be setting that to a hotkey. When you die as often as I do, that's some serious time savings.
A few shots from my angle of the same fights & a couple extras I don't think made it into the latest videos
last time I saw sandro and roman in game, TB was escorting sandro through our base on his minax character to disarm traps for them. good to see you guys fighting for once
Now just get Jleem and Budou and all 4 factions will be good to go. PVM scene is booming and now the PVP/faction scene is on the rise good stuff!
good fights with tb & com tonight, didnt realize i had auto ss turned off until about halfway thru tho ;/
Yeah Gideon, those were the fights everyone's been looking for. While we didn't have the most success, I still say it was one of the most PvP packed nights this shard has ever seen. The sheer amount of restocking that was done and how many times everyone came back to the field, was just too much fun to walk away from. Mindless quoted Sandro as saying something along the lines of "I don't care who got the kill on me, as long as it wasn't fuckin Blaise". Sorry Sanbro, it was me....but I lost the 280 silver and 7 points in pretty short order after that. I had auto-death screenshots on all night. I'll post some up this weekend. Good fights, good night! Hail UOR!