Question about metals

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Soulman, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Lesser poison is generally my strategy as well, with pre-poisoned weapons, because of the reasons you mention. (on the other hand, Deadly is nice and nets a couple extra kills if prey is running for the guard lines without cures)

    But, I thought your chance to poison was based on the skill of the poisoner divided by four. So at 30 Poisoning, you have only a 7.5% chance to actually apply poison on a successful hit...
  2. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Really? Because I use a very similar template on clyde and I landed poison hits quite frequently. So either I'm the luckiest SOB in the world, or you're incorrect. I can tell you from experience I don't get that lucky. Just ask mes, my first week back on the field I used a similar template against their pks and I landed a ton of poison hits with lesser. Here's the problem with your idea of it: you carry multiple poisoned blades with make me assume you're using gm weapons to field with. Me on the other hand I carry one badass blade that I can keep reapplying poison to and also dish out much more damage with a high end vanq. But hey, what do I know? I'm new to all this pvp stuff anyhow..
  3. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Chance to apply poison by melee swings is 25% here regardless of your skill. (It actually feels higher to me, but that's what I've been told).

    And yes, the problem with not having poisoning and carrying multiple blades is you're likely to be using shittier weapons since you aren't going to want to risk 4 vanqs at a time.

    You're much more effective having some poisoning skill even if not GM as clyde mentioned and applying it in combat
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Vanq ftw. I'm not swinging my kat just for poison ticks, I want it to hurt too.
    Hate dipped my kat in Lesser last week at Grimoire and I applied it to mine enemy, just fine, several times.
    I have 0 Poisoning skill.

    Edit Bonus: I wish more of the highly experienced PvP crowd would share more information about their methods and tactics. I don't know about you guys, but I like GOOD fights. By good, I mean difficult where I'm not certain I'm going to win or lose and I come away feeling like I accomplished something even if I don't win. When I played CoD all the time, my favorite matches were teams that could really bring the hurt. They forced my clan mates to bring their A game to the table and it was some of the most exiting and enjoyable pvp I've ever experienced.

    If you guys would contribute to the PvP guide I wrote, or write some of your own, perhaps you would have the numbers in the field you are looking for and quite a deal more action than just laughing as you lay waste to the masses. Don't get me wrong, the hilarity of nil competition can be amusing for a time, I know (same thing in CoD), but it gets boring fast. At least for me anyway.
  5. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    EDIT: Mes answered my next question, thanks!
  6. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    I like that idea, Mandevu. I think I'll try that out on my med dexxer after the Halloween event is over. (Figure the poisoning won't do much good there. . . )
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    You could shave 30 med off and run 70med/30 poisoning...I think that would be really effective.
  8. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I have a lot to share as far as pvp, but it kind of bugs me to give away all my tips and tricks freely on a forums board. I learned by getting my ass kicked over and over, and taking advice ON the field after getting steam rolled. The best way anyone can learn is by actually going out and not being afraid to die, or lose anything. Look for the best pvpers and study how they move, cast, time, etc. I can sit here and tell you pin point combos and how you should time them, and I can give you all sorts of field tactics and template guides, but it means nothing unless you're out there trying to learn it for yourself. I'll gladly give advice to someone who wants to learn, but the problem now days is MOST people are too afraid to die and never stick around and pay attention. Ask for duels, ask for field fights, and learn.

    Plus, I've spent years coming up with creative templates and attacks that are my own unique style and creation. I really don't care to just freely toss that kind of information out, but i'd be glad to help someone in the field of combat. I had an insatiable desire to be the best when I started out years ago, and I did nothing but follow the best and study the best. There is literally no counting the amount of times I've died in the process and how much loot I lost, but I never ran and always studied the person I fought. Even to this very day.
  9. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Right on. IMO it's all about what suits you best, but there are unconventional creative ways to create templates that can house more than 7 skills and be extremely efficient. There are countless ways and variations to create templates, tactics, playstyles, etc. You just have to find what fits you best.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Well said and completely understood. UO PvP on a serious level was completely new to me, even having played quite a bit back in the day. I was a drag and drop hero in my own little world playing with my buddies and those guys killing each other were just crazies. :p I've been watching cr3w work for nearly three years now, along with all these other folks I've met along the way, good and bad. Practically everything I've learned that can be dumped to text is in that PvP guide I posted. The hard part is not feeling like I'm wasting someone's time trying to pick their brain in the field. When I'm out there I'm rushing like crazy and it's taken me a couple years not to just spaz the hell out and miss heals/cures/etc. I still do it on occasion. I guess I'm just sort of angling to get some instruction out there, from the combat veterans, to boot camp the next generation of fighters into the field faster. I would not feel crazy guessing that %50 or more of the players on the shard have or would readily build a pvp oriented character if it weren't such a steep learning curve from the ease of PvM or crafting.

    Ok, whatever all that rambling was totally led to the epiphany. If I were to establish a thread for Willing Duelist and PvP Field Instructors, would you post in it your availability to spar or otherwise teach an eager pupil or group some of the ways of the fight? I'm certain you would not be the only ones offering and it would be a great boon to the shard. I know I have a fair amount of guildmates that are as eager and inexperienced as I am and could use more practice in group combat without all the 20 minute restock breaks. :)
  11. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    Since Clyde is sleeping I'll answer for us both. YES.
  12. Fisher of Men

    Fisher of Men Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    Was about to start a thread with a similar topic to the OP when I found this I'll try and revive it.

    I'm new to this shard. I'm wondering, why hasn't some sort of bonus been added to the different metal colors to make them worth wearing? Nobody wants that bullcrap where damage is divided out into several elementals, and fuck a lot of luck stat. But, what about something unique to this shard that just works a whole lot better. The main benefit, I feel, of encouraging people to wear colored metal armor would be to breathe life into the ingot market. There may be a huge demand for the stuff, but it's only for BODs. A true variety of demand would be so healthy for the market.

    It doesn't matter what the bonuses for the various colors are, so long as it's SOMETHING. Here's some ideas I had, or liked when I read them elsewhere:

    Durability--Dull Copper
    HP bonus--Shadow
    Int Bonus--Copper
    Strength Bonus--Bronze
    Magic Resist--Gold
    Even more armor--Verite
    Dex Bonus--Valorite

    Each bonus per piece would of course be small, and on a graded scale where platemail chests receive the highest. It may seem a little overpowered to add stats or magic resist to a melee character, but consider that wearing a "Strength suit" would have the tradeoff of not having the other bonuses. Having a variety of bonuses would result in a variety of styles of play. "That guy's wearing all bronze (str)....don't let him melee you." "That guy's wearing copper (intelligence), don't even try mindblast.". And of course there's the mighty "True Dexxer" suit...Full Valorite platemail with a "bonus" to dex that really just offsets the natural penalty platemail carries. Heck, maybe a valorite "Archer Suit" could result in a small Dex gain. Each color would also be an advertisement to the opposition as far as what tactics you may need to employ when facing them.

    I think reducing the dex penalty of metal armor in this fashion would be better than just sweeping dex reduction across the board for metal. Most importantly, people would wear metal armor again, and the colored ingot market would be healthier. (I don't mean higher prices, I mean more people participating on both sides of supply and demand.) I also don't think doing this would even hurt the leather market. A leather suit is going to be way, way cheaper than a metal suit, and every suit you wear...can be taken away from you.

    Thanks for reading.

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