Question(s) about murderer system...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Seth Able, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Prodigy

    Prodigy Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Murderers will continue to experience stat loss according to the current system. If you don't like it don't pk. I have said all... The End. :twisted:
  2. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    It's all stemming from my selfish desire for higher pop/more pvp... Id personally love to see more pks out n about... But of course, I'm not a scared lil bitch. :p
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Thanks for trying to play it off with insults, but I'm also a fan of more PKs. I would not play UO without PKs, the end.
    What I don't want, are PKs who have LITTE/NO RISK in their actions. They are choosing to be criminals and they should be subject to HARSH penalties IF CAUGHT/KILLED for their nefarious actions.

    "Good" people get rewarded, as it should be. Committing crimes should garner 0 reward aside from the spoils of the crimes themselves (the loot you take, reagents, rares and whatever else you find kill counts, bounties when enabled, bragging rights, etc).

    Shard population will not increase if PKs have an easy ride the whole time. Shard population will increase as base PvP mechanics are ironed out (AR bug patch, OP template balances) and most importanly, EVENTS continue.

    Trust me, as videos and screenshots/forum threads about the CTFs and Tournaments get more commonplace, it will be a magnet for the PvP community. I would wager my entire UO career on it.

    I know you were one of the people facepalming in IRC when I mentioned the parallels to real life. If you want to ignore the fact that we play human characters, that wear clothes, speak English (mostly) and aside from monster hunting and magic casting, effectively do things we do in real life, that is your perogative. It's just way off base.

    Ultima has been drafted as a fantasy filled game world based on human existence since Ultima 0.

    If NOT taking statloss for being a murderer who's been vanquished isn't Trammel, I don't know what is.
  4. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I agree about there needing to be harsh penalties... I just think the time out of play could stand to be lessened. But w/e... It is what it is and there are other issues which are FAR more pressing pvp wise. I AM loving the super low chance of finding sweet rares while killin monsters idea though. Would even a .1 % change of finding a neon hair dye or name change deed perk anyone besides me up?
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'd like a %1 chance of finding a neon hair dye on the corpse of a murderer. :p

    Agreed there are more pressing things around to be dealt with. I wouldn't call my opinion on this matter closed either.
    I'll be glad to continue the conversation as the population changes and things progress in the balance factors here.

    Amen to balance!
  6. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Murder system is fine.
    If you want to be red and not take stat loss upon death, just don't PK after obtaining your 4th short term count before dropping one of the counts. It's only 8 hrs to remove a short term.
    Long term counts (which I believe is 40 hrs to remove 1 count) will not send ou into stat. Long term is what makes you "Perma Red" not this short term. You can get as many of those as you want, which will allow you to keep your lovely red hue.

    Now, the talk about stat loss being permanent.
    1. Permanent = stats will not return to their prior #s after a certain period of time.
    2. They can be regained through macroing.

    Recently we had a discussion on all of this on the forums and one option that was brought up was having stat loss last 8 hrs. While I would not leave the game if this were to pass, I don't believe it is necessary.

    8 hrs to remove a short count which you could do without taking stat loss already keeps this from being necessary. The PK makes the choice as to whether he wishes to risk a 5th or more count or to work off that 4th before jumping someone again.
    It is pretty much the same difference except from point of view.

    One PK argues that with perm stat loss, there is more risk than reward. Many others would agree that the risk is well worth the reward as blues who get pk'd are more than likely carrying a decent amount of money/items from plying their specific trade, be it adventurer or crafter.
    The blue spends hours obtaining said items to lose it all within a few seconds to maybe a couple minutes of fighting with a PK or bank group.
    There has to be repcussions for failure, and the current system does a good job of this.
    It is my opinion that those who want less punishment for PKing are most likely gankers/farmer killers who probably can't hold their own in a real fight (before you call me out, I cannot give anybody a good fight lol)
  7. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    If a pk dies to a bard/tamer/miner then he definately should be sitting in his house for days. :lol:

    Warring guilds, factions, order/chaos, CTF, and tournaments is not plenty enough pvp? Show me where all this red pvp is, just meet up and pvp and don't give each other counts. Oh wait, the people that give counts are those that want you in stat-loss incase you died so you will quit buggin their miner for a period of time. If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime! It isn't pvp it is murder, you want to become an evil bad ass, act like it, quit asking for easy mode.
  8. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    ^1 person likes this.

    Since the argument will never end, a good laugh is the best we can hope for and you provided it. :)
  9. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    From what I've heard, the prominent PKs have A) Stopped playing all together and/or B) Have put on hold their onslaught of terror to allow the shard to grow a bit.
  10. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    If by prominent pks on this shard you mean that badass ones who kill miners & afk macroers then you are 100% correct...
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    No, that is not what I mean.
  12. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Any decent pks I think are taking time off, I'm 50/50 on stat loss cause i see how it worked on hybrid and there was way more pks, but then again without statloss you get alot of people taking counts on newbies so im neutral.

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