Razor 1.5 - Bug/Issue/Release Tracking

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Quick, May 2, 2018.

  1. Eye Steel

    Eye Steel Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    My reagent macros are missing from the title bar again :(
  2. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Every time I update, mine loses the picture/icon for what the number is for. Quick fix for me is just open one account, go into counter options and uncheck the box that says show icons in title bar. Log back in and enable it, fixes it for all profiles and accounts Everytime for me. I never remember to mention it but that's been a thing for me for at least 4 updates or so I guess.

    Edit: if more than one account is open this doesn't fix it for any of them for me.
    Eye Steel likes this.
  3. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Ya, I also had to remake counter options for 1.15. I tired to transfer the data over, but it doesn't seem to be in the profiles folder like most other parts.
  4. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hmm, interesting, never experienced this. I can try to reproduce it.

    counters.xml contains the list of items in your counter list, but the profile will manage which one(s) are checked.

            <counter name="Bandages" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Black Pearl" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Blood Moss" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Garlic" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Ginseng" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Mandrake Root" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Nightshade" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Spider's Silk" enabled="True" image="True" />
            <counter name="Sulfurous Ash" enabled="True" image="True" />
  5. Eye Steel

    Eye Steel Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Circle gets the square! Thanks Doc.
  6. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Sorry guys, this is a boring Razor update compared to others. I also updated http://www.uor-razor.com/help/ to include updated screenshots to reflect the new Razor UI. Exciting, I know. :)

    Download: http://www.uor-razor.com/#download (03/04/19)

    • Changed the position of the Quit button on the Welcome screen.
    • Removed packet and AVI recording since the feature has been sunset by modern applications and technology. If you need to watch or record packet videos, please use and older version. If you want to record videos, check out OBS.
    Options->Speech & Messages
    • Added an Edit button to the Overhead message window to edit a message.
    • Added an option to show [Friend] overhead if that mobile is on your friends list.
    Options->Targeting & Queues
    • Fixed issue with Next/Prev Humanoid still targeting friends even when the checkbox was checked.
    Options->Additional Options
    • Combined "Always show stealth steps" and "Count stealth steps" into one checkbox. The "Now counting stealth steps." message has been removed since it didn't have any logic to only fire off when stealth was successful. Utilize the Overhead message feature if you want to see something overhead on a successful stealth.
    • You can now customize the step message overhead.
    • The Static Wall and label checkbox will now load/save properly.
    • Added an option to show skill/stat gains overhead.
    NCCML, Leopold, Keza and 2 others like this.
  7. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    You're the man!! :D
    Quick likes this.
  8. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Not a big deal, but I figured this wasn't intended.

  9. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Can you confirm "Show upload notification" is not checked on the screenshots tab? Thank you
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
  10. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    That's what it was! sorry I didn't remember checking that.
    Quick likes this.
  11. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Hey Quick,

    what about some pre-configurated, easy to use macros for razor / UOR newbies?
    The idea just came up in a different discussion by @Steady Mobbin , and i think its quite awesome.
    (all the credits for the idea belongs to him, hehe)

    Could be something like an additional macro pack + profile (available to download), or included on default in one of the next releases with a small docu on how to use / config them.

    I can also offer some help in developing them and making them as newbie friendly / understandable as possible in the documentation
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
    Leopold, NCCML and Quick like this.
  12. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    I love this idea! We could utilize the category system, have macros based on skills (for example). You'd have a category for each skill, and the required basic macros to GM that skill. I'd host the documentation on http://www.uor-razor.com/help

    I'd really just need help from the community here on which macros to include and maybe some people posting macros that would be newbie friendly. You can also pack some documentation in the macro itself using comments at the top of it that could include simple instructions on how to setup the macro.
    Erza Scarlet and NCCML like this.
  13. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    I am gone for the next days, but i could start putting together a first list of helpful newbie macros later today.
  14. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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  15. Pharoah

    Pharoah Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I don't know if y'all remember me posting about this bug here. Where Bud the Brigand is standing is a box that has treasure in it *woohoo*.
    I haven't asked anyone to move the spawn yet or the box or even if they can but i found that you can at least pick the round satchels up OUT of the box and drop them either in your bag or on the ground to loot them. So there's a plus side to this minor issue.
    Thought y'all would like to know that for those in distress about it.
  16. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hey all,

    I've pushed out a new version of Razor, head over to http://www.uor-razor.com/ to download it.


    This version completely changes how Razor handles movement. Prior to this release (including all versions of Razor that existed before I ever came around), Razor would parse movement packets to determine your current X/Y/Z. During certain in-game actions, such as running when casting, this would sometimes cause you to "desync". This is when the server thinks you're at a certain X/Y/Z and Razor thinks you're on another. You usually notice this when you're hitting invisible barriers when running. You're then forced to open your paperdoll or use the resync hotkey.

    Razor will instead start a timer in the client that checks if the position has changed in client memory. When your position changes, it will send a message to notify Razor.

    This way, Razor is no longer in the business of reading movement packets which should prevent you from ever desyncing.

    I recommend that you make a copy of your existing Razor folder for backup before overwriting it with the latest version. This way, it is easy to go back to if any issues arise. (03/17/19)

    • Razor should no longer "desync" (usually experienced by people with lower pings).
    • Crypt.dll has been cleaned up and optimized. You should notice Razor and UO start up quicker.
    • If Razor has an issue verifying an animation for the filter dropdown, it will just load it by default.
    • The "Waiting.. Timeout" message when you're running a macro is easier to read.
    • If you use the "Add All Mobiles To Friends" it won't add the same person twice.
    Buga, Dr Satan, Leopold and 1 other person like this.
  17. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i can acknowledge, it works GOOD at 1st sight, whereas version 14 to 16 crashed razor totally, this version 17 is fixed for now. (unless i find new issues)
    update 3/18=
    switching toons freezes the whole clients on the MAC (in wineskin). i m interested if other MAC users have this also. (for the time being rolled back to v13 sadly. im convinced a new tweak is getting prepped as me & quick already discussed this "issue".
    to be continued ...
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
    Quick likes this.
  18. Paxenon

    Paxenon Active Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Awesome to see all the progress here. I'm returning to game after a break and am trying to get this latest version working with Ahirman's fishing macro.

    I believe it is failing because Ahirman's macro checks to make sure there are no monsters by checking sysmessage for "no one matching that was found on your screen." For some reason, this "if" path never executes with this version of razor.. I notice there is no box in the options to uncheck "filter repeating sysmessages" which is required for Ahirman's macro to work, so perhaps that is the cause?

    Also, the UI for stepping through code seems to have been changed since the video of this feature was posted. Is it now required to switch tabs for each "Step" through code? I'm having to click "options" tab (within macros top level tab) click "next", then click "macros" sub tab to look at the code, then click back to options, repeat repeat. The UI in the video seemed like it was possible to do this all on one screen?

    Thanks for all the work on this!
    Quick likes this.
  19. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    To allay any potential, "Oh, fuck. JImmy is writing paragraphs at me." - here, have a JImmyCookie. Its a good bit of work and props to restoring industry and logical standards.

    I've never got an answer to this from anyone I asked, so I shall ask again now that there's been progress relating to it.
    Why has razor ever needed to touch the movement? There's a range of things Razor has zero clue about and obviously they work fine, both with razor or as simply running client.exe.

    Keeping a record of the client position that the server has, sure, that is needed, but -obviously if a conflict occurs, Razor is just the client, it's a reference, server should always be authoritative in an online game anyway. Modern 3D games use interpolation to reduce the cost server side of constantly updating thousands of players Vector3(3x float values to many decimals) from being updated in real-time. (That's the slightly wrong position you'll get when your ping sucks nuts).

    Anyway - back to it... It seems Razor never needed to touch movement to me and certainly not end up in a situation where it was causing a conflict. I once disabled that code in a test and yeah, it worked fine, as expected. Razor is only ever working on the values that the UO Client already has (or external data that razor/dev is creating).

    So possibly the question is... @Quick Do you know, or heard, or had someone tell you why movement was needed? I think I brought it up to Jaedan in CUO chat a while back... possibly you and he discussing the auto walk in macros (rail driven bastards!). Cant remember exactly but yeah, no answer then either, as with when I've asked others.

    No accusation here, nor a dig at anyone else anywhere regarding the movement macros, but it having the ASSISTANT have authority (or at least it thought so, thus conflict and de-sync) didn't ever really serve a legit above board purpose.

    I'll be excited to hear if you ever found a reason for Razor doing this in the first place - meanwhile your work in fixing it has, if I understand correctly, restored full authority to the server in case of conflict.
    This is how it should always have been, we could never have interpolated position like <1 float values do, as we deal with integers, so the client must store a reference or every damned tile is awaiting confirmation... and we know how rubber bandy that shit would get :p

    I wonder if we'll see less accessing of places that should be impossible to access. I also wonder if any bugs in certain areas were resolved after this was done.

    PM me this stuff if willing to share it :)

    -Jimmy the Hand,
    Nightmaster, The Mockers
  20. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    My macros use "target closest grey monster" This line gets deleted with Quick's razor.

    You can re-down the macros or copy/paste from the main page and replace those lines.



    Paxenon and Quick like this.

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