Razor 1.5 - Bug/Issue/Release Tracking

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Quick, May 2, 2018.

  1. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Labeler Feel free to attach the JIT logs in a txt file in the future ;P

    So, looks like it can't find the window to pause macro instructions on.

    You will likely recall I had you switch
    Off the window manager in wineskin in my latest config instructions.
    If you remember the spot in the config, try ticking the box for the window manager.

    I believe this may then cause one or all of the previous issues we've seen, but give that a whirl :)

    Thus Mac stuff does test my abilities!
  2. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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  3. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    This release has a good number of features and changes, so please let me know if you experience any issues. Specifically, those macro range changes, I did a bunch of testing but I know a lot of you have really advanced macros so your testing will be critical.

    This is the 9th release since I started this journey and it's been really enjoyable being able to contribute to this great community and to one of my favorite games. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been helping me test and providing feedback along the way.


    Here are the release notes in no particular order based on the tab in Razor:

    Download Link



    - Added {buffsdebuffs} to display bar with timer countdown
    - Fixed {followers} and {maxfollowers}
    - Gold tracker now shows total minutes {goldtotalmin}
    - Gold tracker will start when you pick up your first gold pile if enabled
    - Added {uptime} to show how long you've been connected


    - Added option to block auto-opening corpses twice in a session

    More Options:

    - Buffs and debuffs can now be displayed over your head


    - Added Scavenger Enable/Disable, Scavenger Set Hot Bag and Scavenger Add Target
    - Added HotKey to trigger Gold tracker on or off


    - Fixed Advanced tab to show which features are enabled


    - Captured MIBs data will display on the lower left
    - Fixed Stop from adding slow or one
    - Fixed slow left from not responding (stubborn tillerman)


    - Default Razor config will be taskbar instead of systray


    - Added option to do a range check on TargetByType
    - Added option to do a range check on DoubleClickTargetType
    - Fixed the WalkAction macro to no longer cause massive desync issues


    - You can now upload screenshots to Imgur from Razor for easy sharing. All images are uploaded anonymously and are not linked to any Imgur account.
    - Razor will keep a history of images uploaded, and store the delete hash so they can be deleted.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
    Ahirman likes this.
  4. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Using the link to I updated to that release.

    Very smooth build. I think its safe to say I can switch to this build full time and with confidence.

    Did notice one issue, when I open up a razor it opens two icons. One icon leads to razor for that character, the other does nothing when you double click it or highlight it. So three of these open the razor to that correct account and if you highlight it with the mouse it will show the name, the other three do nothing. Seems harmless but figured I'd mention it:

    Gavyn Lughna and Quick like this.
  5. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Dr Satan Thats pretty strange. Nothing in task manager associated to it that you see though?

    Edit: Additionally your name is highly appropriate, you're one of only a few people I've seen with a vertical TaskBar, which is clearly devilry from the 9th circle and intended for use by hellspawn :p
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
    Dr Satan and Dalavar like this.
  6. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    lol :D if I only had a 4:3 monitor still....

    but this is task manager: nothing unusual (except a messy bag!)


    and this is my processes:


    played all day and no issues at all, but there certainly wasnt this many icons prior to the update hah. Just thought it was an oddity to report.
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  7. dissident

    dissident Active Member
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    May 25, 2014
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    Great update, thanks guys -my full-auto restock macros with walk actions work perfect again. I'm switching to this version
    Quick likes this.
  8. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Dr Satan Ok. I'm sure Quick will be along at some point to offer some insight. It's likely a new bug to do with him changing default config from Razor starting in SysTray to Taskbar.
    No biggy, although thats an assumption, I really have no idea and am now reduced to guessing wildly :D
  9. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    appears it does have something to do with that. I switched all three clients to taskbar instead of systray and restarted. The three items in the system tray do not have any function when tried to open or highlighted but the three razor instances in the taskbar work as they should.

    but the icons were reduced by three hah.

  10. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hmm, interesting. Thanks for reporting it. Let me try to reproduce it and get back to you.
  11. dissident

    dissident Active Member
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    May 25, 2014
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    Already using this version as my main one -ROCKS!

    Here's a couple of minor things I found in case it helps:

    - The AbsoluteTargets.lst file gets emptied when logging on and off with another char that doesn't have any variables in the list -basically every char will completely overwrite the file instead of appending new variables.

    - Startup times for the client.exe on my old laptop seem like 10s longer when called from Razor 1.5 than from Razor 1.0.14 -according to Procmon, client.exe spends a few seconds using the CPU at max usage on one of the cores, around the time it is loading the Crypt.dll library.
    Quick likes this.
  12. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Awesome, thanks for giving it a go. I'll take a look and see what's going on with that file. I probably should move that to the profile instead of saving a separate file anyway. This was one of the first features I added when I was still getting my feet wet with Razor.
  13. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Ah, I see what it is. Completely unrelated to changing the systray to taskbar by default.

    I tried to get fancy with the Imgur upload feature and have a notification show up (if you choose) to notify you -- but this is leaving a stray tray icon behind. I'll get it fixed.
  14. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    Report regarding Crypt.dll is quite interesting, afaik there's been zero changes to that file or anything that utilizes it, since I started on jmap anyway.
    There's been no reason to change it nor the loader hook, nor... any of that really.

    10 seconds longer is also quite dramatic, but, how long does it normally take on the same system on 1.0.14?
    You say old laptop, but generally the new version, in mine and other's experience, has seen a decrease in load time. I assume your .Net libraries are all there and functioning normally?

    Actually, when looking at RightClick->Properties; can you choose to "Unblock" ? I think I recall slow loading without doing that. System thinks it's shifty for whatever reason, as mine did originally when downloading from the repo.
  15. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    I've noticed something strange..

    normally when I log out to switch characters I just start typing my password as soon as the login window opens.

    Now none of **** from the password appear until it's almost completely typed out(I type fast!).
    It still works but there's some kind of delay going on there that I've never seen.

    It stopped doing it now. lol
  16. dissident

    dissident Active Member
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    May 25, 2014
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    I am running Windows 10 (64bit), UAC disabled, running Razor as admin (file properties), with latest .NET (4.7.2, I believe, updated by Windows Update) on a 2012 laptop (quite old, but actually runs very smooth. 6GB RAM, Intel Core i5 2.4GHz). I had already unblocked all files -applied recursively to all files and subdirs with a powershell command then manually checked properties of a few of them, including all the DLLs and EXEs and all of them are unblocked.

    Razor takes about 2-3 seconds to show up together with the client on a "warm" run. Razor takes about 10-12 seconds on a warm run -but it is the client that uses the CPU and takes those extra 8-10 seconds to load. Cold runs are worse in both cases (Razor about 8 seconds, Razor can be around 20)

    To be honest, it doesn't matter that much if it is only me -it may be my computer after all
  17. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    @dissident Hey :) Details are always helpful, good stuff reporting it all.
    I'm sure as always Quick will be along to directly address the problems and concerns listed by yourself and others.

    I'll admit, I've not downloaded the new binary or integrated the source in to my local build as yet, what little time I've had free I've been working on generating height/z-axis data directly in to the map system (no yucky additional ram usage from heightmaps for Jimmy Inc. Maps'R'Us!)

    All these issues are fairly odd from my perspective and don't appear directly related to Razor 1.5... and yet, there they are, occurring only in 1.5.

    First off; Quick seems to have some idea regarding the AbsoluteTargets.lst file; so no need to speak to that.
    So, moving on to what hasn't been addressed yet, lets see if we can't collect a bit of data to point Quick in the direction of the problem (and maybe @Ahirman 's too)

    I'm not sure on your understanding of how Razor works behind the scenes, but it's simple enough and it makes sense that slow loading and CPU usage can be seen on client itself. There is what is called "loader" which injects crypt in to client.exe, providing razor direct access so there's no nasty windows messages and other less than ideal methods in play etc. This enables some of the super faster inter-app transactions of data, (it's also one reason why "jmap" can do some things it does at solid speeds).
    Anywho, now you know that if you didn't :p

    To the point now; this seems like it could be a specific circumstance with you, as youv'e suggested, but obviously from the tech in that lappy of yours there should be no issue.

    1. I know you have UAC turned off; but give running everything in Admin mode a go.
    2. Windows XP SP3 Compatibility Mode; flick that guy on for both razor and client.exe / client_noenc.exe
    3. How's your AV treating Razor? Probably fine, but we are dealing with an unsigned portable app, could be worth white-listing.
    4. That core being thrashed seems like it HAS to have a cause, but no error, it's possible an event is logged though. If you're familiar enough, open up Event Viewer and check out the Application and System Logs, I figure anything doing this would probably be at least warning level, but who knows. Sometimes windows just gives a nice little information level event.
    So, assuming this all doesn't reveal anything further, it's one of those things that will need reproduction by someone else.
    I can only imagine that somewhere in some major formatting changes, something has slipped through the cracks, but, at least with our back and forth Quick now has a bit more to go on.

    Looking forward to seeing an "all fixed, it was <simplethinghere>" :D
  18. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Thanks @dissident and @JimmyTheHand -- this one to me has remained a head scratcher since the beginning.

    When I downloaded the available source code months back, one of the problems it came with early on was the auto-door feature wouldn't open doors in non-static buildings that weren't on ground level (ie: the 2nd floor of a large tower or marble workshop). I would fall back on trying to read the static map location and trying to get an average of what it thinks the Z might be, but since a house wasn't part of the map it couldn't figure it out. I spent a decent amount of time early on trying to figure out why because if this wasn't fixed, I couldn't release it.

    Long story short, after much tinkering, changing this, upgrading that, etc -- I discovered that when I let the compiler try to apply optimizations to Crypt.dll, it would lose the Z axis. Disabling optimizations fixed it and Razor would pickup the Z axis. With the optimization enabled, the C++ compiler seems to be altering the code in such a way that something happens and the UO client has a slight issue with it. I admit, I'm not a C++ expert by any length, and when you start dealing with all the stuff it does with memory addresses, etc, it's going to take me a bit more trial and error to hopefully solve.

    That all said, after disabling those months ago, I did notice that amount of time Razor would take to load the client was a few more seconds so I ran some some tests with the different Razor versions but I couldn't identify potential issues this may have caused other than the initial load up time. I'd be curious to hear your guys experience.
  19. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    I've noticed it takes a while to load sometimes, but it's nothing that I can't live with.
  20. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Oops, yeah, I see why, sorry about that. I'll get it fixed next version.

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