Razor 1.5 - Bug/Issue/Release Tracking

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Quick, May 2, 2018.

  1. dissident

    dissident Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 25, 2014
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    I only tried when using the quick access button in the book pages, gate timer did not start.

    I collect a list of skills that work/dont work in the next few days, as I use them
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  2. dissident

    dissident Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 25, 2014
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    me again! :p

    while enjoying this superior version of Razor, I found more possible issues:

    - "Wait for gump" does not work properly when used after double clicking an object, like smith tongs. Im changing all my BOD macros from "Wait for Gump (#number)" to Pause 0.3, but pause is less flexible, i.e. with "Wait for Gump" and a timeout of 10secs, my loooong running BOD macros will run through a world save -with Pause 0.3 they won't

    -When double clicking on "For (1 to n)", instead of dialogue to change iterations, the edit Pause menu pops up
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  3. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Interesting about wait for gump, I haven't touched that. You don't see that behavior in the other versions? As someone who doesn't do BODs, I'll try to reproduce it with means first.

    The double-click thing, oversight on my part. Nothing was supposed to happen when you double-clicked those. I'll look into getting them to pop up the right dialog, comment does the same thing.

    Thanks for all your testing.

    EDIT: Changed a thought
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  4. dissident

    dissident Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 25, 2014
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    Thanks for looking into it.

    In all my findings, it is usually implied that it is different from -which I know it is a different branch with slightly different features- so I am usually talking about what I a missing in this version compared to the one I was using before ( In case of the "Wait for Gump" issue, the same macro was working in, but in it will skip thru the "Wait For Gump" action and the subsequent "GumpResponse (Button #)" does nothing.

    As an example, a macro that:
    - double clicks toolkit or tongs
    - WaitForGump (#949095101) -timeout 10sec
    - GumpResponse (button #) -usually the number that corresponds to "make last"
    Works in but not in

    It works if I substitute WaitForGump for Pause

    Also just noticed that text cannot be edited in a "Say" action -and I need to edit it cause I use commands starting with "-". If I try to record the speech starting with the "-", it doesn't get recorded.

    With I was using the "-setup-t" command (which fails with a pop-up) when a BOD macro would be completed (after the for loop finished), to force an error to pop-up and make me switch back to the BOD guy -while I was farming with another box. With, any "-command" that is not recognised by Razor will throw an exception with a pop-up window -which also works for me cause something gets my attention. Problem is now I cannot edit the speech action to add the "-" in front of it that will make Razor throw the exception. So maybe as a suggestion for when there is time for a new feature, macros could have a check box that says "notify when done", and Razor would make a sound and/or flash on the taskbar/pop-up message, for those of us who use one client to farm and another one for long BOD macros. Or maybe even a command, like "-alert" that would make Razor pop something up, for when you want to get attention from a macro.

    Sorry for the wall of text! I'm sure Quick and Jimmy are regretting the moment when they told me about this new Razor :p
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
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  5. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    It's valuable feedback folks like you provide that help make this tool better for everyone so it's very much appreciated.
    dissident likes this.
  6. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Please fix, I have 3 razor/client running but 5 icons in the system tray. Plus 1 on the taskbar.

    Also I don't think the Show in: System Tray || Taskbar even work. I tried changing the radio button option but it doesn't affect anything.

    All the extra icons clog up the customize system tray icons && make it challenging to swap clients quickly
  7. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Baler I feel you.

    I believe it'll be fixed in Quick's next release. I think you're the first to mention taskbar option not working though.

    I'm sure he is already well in to rustling up fixes for all the current bugs.

    Thanks for using it! Sorry for the annoyance. Being stuck using the tray + dummy icons would be crappy :(
    Baler likes this.
  8. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    It's annoying I know, it's been fixed already.

    Also made progress on being able to compile Crypt.dll with optimizations on, so the client starts up really fast now but still working on code changes before I release.
    dissident and Baler like this.
  9. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    He means when he clicks those options in the Razor, the icons aren't going away. Not that the option doesn't work in general. (at least that's how I understand it)

    EDIT: When you check SysTray or Taskbar, you need to restart Razor usually. Maybe he isn't doing that..?
    JimmyTheHand and Baler like this.
  10. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    Ah yeah. It needs a restart after the button is clicked. Did you remove that prompt about changes apllied after restart?
    Probably. Annoying prompt. Pissed me off the other day using older version.

    (Had non functioning code in devenv and someone thought they'd lost a rug, attempted to help find, it was in one of two chests furnishing the room :D)

    *wanders off mumbling further irrelevant tales*
  11. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Ha, nope! This one actually has a little value in the message.

    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  12. Gavyn Lughna

    Gavyn Lughna Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    So, has this fix been already released, or will be in the soon future? The dummy icons isn't that much of an issue when you're playing one client, but it is very frustrating with multi-client play.
  13. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    It's been fixed, but not released. If it's causing that much of a headache for folks, I can try to push out a release sooner.
    Gavyn Lughna likes this.
  14. Gavyn Lughna

    Gavyn Lughna Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I'm satisfied just knowing it's been fixed and will be in the next release, no need to rush it.
  15. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    This message pops up everytime I start razor.
    And only appears when I select System Tray, but not Taskbar.

    ps. I just did a brand new clean fresh install of the latest version available. So there would be no conflict in files,registry,etc
    And it's being ran as admin with full access.
  16. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Try this, let me know if it fixes it. Select the default profile, select system tray, and click Save. Exit out of Razor and restart.

    When you load by default, it's taskbar, but if your profile changes it to SysTray, it will pop up with that message. I *think* that's what's happening.
    Baler likes this.
  17. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I'm not upset or demanding a fix for the extra icons.
    But yes that's the case. It starts razor as one profile and switches based on some kind of smart remembering. So when it switches to a profile that uses system tray it sends the message. Which isn't helpful since I'd have to restart razor... uhhh i confused myself now.
  18. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    I didn't think you were. :)
    Baler likes this.
  19. dissident

    dissident Active Member
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    May 25, 2014
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    low priority suggestion:
    (This is an "issue" common to all Razor versions that I know of, not a bug in UOR CE version)

    When more than one instance of Razor/Client is open, macro changes do not get synced between instances, unless manually select reload on each macro per each Razor instance, so any changes done to a macro on one Razor instance may get reverted back to a previous version if the last instance of Razor being closed had not manually loaded the changes. Sync seems to happen the first time the macros tab is opened on each Razor instance, but not afterwards.

    Example to reproduce it:

    - Razor instance A, macros tab has been already open and used before. "All_Kill" macro is edited, changes made
    - Razor instance B, macros tab was already open and used before -but a manual "reload" to the "All_Kill" macro has NOT been done.
    - Razor A is closed, changes to the "All_Kill" macro made by Razor A are written to file (apparently also written to file every time macro is run)
    - Razor B still has a previous version of "All_Kill" without the changes introduced by Razor A, since a manual "reload" on the macro was not done.
    - Razor B is closed and an "All_Kill" previous version WITHOUT the latest Razor A changes is committed to file -changes lost.

    Would it be possible to monitor macro files for changes and reload the latest version on each instance?
    Or at least have a "Reload" button that reloads from disk all the macros in one instance of Razor -not just one. There is an option to "Refresh Macro List" when right clicking the macro list view, but it only reloads the list of files, not the actual macro contents -maybe this one could be the easiest solution. A global "Save" button for all macros would also be very useful, although not that necessary.

    It may not seem like a big issue, but when you always play with three boxes, doing very different things on all 3 and editing different macros on all 3 instances, eventually it is a pain in the butt to click "Save" in the edited macro, then go to each one of the other instances, look for the edited macro and click "Reload" on each one. Multiply this by a few macros per instance and it can become a mess., where you keep losing changes made to your macros.

    Thanks in advance guys, keep up the great work :)
    Quick likes this.
  20. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
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    Jan 6, 2018
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    Sure, I can look at adding something like this. Either monitor the files, or give you an option to reload all macros via a menu option.
    dissident likes this.

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