Request for Comment - Champion System

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    How am I threatening people?
    Because I'm describing that tactics that I and others will use?
    Once again, the people who are going to break the system are literally telling you how they're going to do it, and you're sitting here just trying to paint me as the bad guy saying I'm threatening people.

    Well, it's more accurate to say that we're the people who are going to lead the way in breaking the system are telling you how we're going to do it. Others won't hesitate to use tactics like this against people they don't like or don't care about. It's the nature of the game, it's naive to suggest otherwise.
  2. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Yeah I guess you were too busy feeling sorry for me to respond.

    I like the part where you pretended not to read my post.
  3. xXx

    xXx Active Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Kids, try to stay on topic.

    Take your personal prejudices out in game ;-)
  4. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    In the tests with less people I see people who are equally useless in terms of damage as the people who got 0 plat in large groups get tons of plat. I feel like this is fundamentally flawed out of the gate. Not to mention the argument that has already been brought up about this making it MUCH more detrimental when your harrower is found. You think you have people whining now? Wait until a group comes and wtfpwnz someone else's harrower to the point they get less than 10 play per person.
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Imagine how many players we lose every week under the old system because they are able to get 250-500 platinum in a month with little or no effort. So they have no purpose to do a variety of other ingame activities in order to obtain platinum because they were able to obtain it easily and with minimal work. Nothing damages a playerbase more than problems with the economy. Things must take work, there must be risk, and for the largest rewards you must undertake the greatest risk. If you run a harrower with a small enough group that can be raided and run off, that is the risk you take. But should you succeed the rewards could be twice what you might obtain when going with a group twice that size.

    Getting 6 champion skulls should never grant a 100% chance to get 20, 60, 1000 or 3000 platinum. With all things in the world our design mentality is that the risk must always match the reward. This system has the potential for great conflict, and also great teamwork as groups might realize that dislike aside, it might be best to work together to complete the harrower and earn an award based on their individual effort.
  6. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    You don't need harrowers to make that much plat, so I guess I'm missing the point.
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Just keep harrowers turned off. They're stupid and Champion spawns are fine and drop these cute decorative skulls (allow them to be cashed in for plat like trophies perhaps).
  8. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Besides buying plat from another player, where else do you get that much plat in one go?
  9. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I only read Chris' initial post therefore some of my comments may repeat what others have said.
    First I agree with 2 things: people use 2-3 chars for the specific purpose of gaining more plat (Ive never used multiple chars but prolly should have) and the harrowers have turned into server-wide free plat events. I have taken advantage of this more than once however sometimes I assist in killing champs for skulls and actively killing the tentacles. While I don't know what the perfect solution is one idea is to have the harrower work like the taming instance where only 25? players are allowed into the instance. A banker would likely need to be available for re-regging, etc but this potential solution would 1:make it more of a reward (for those who participate in killing the champs then attend the harrower) & 2:decrease the server traffic load. Also, a completed set of skulls would likely increase in value. I haven't fully thought this out so any constructive comments welcome. Thanks.
  10. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Triple fishing and running the amibs is an excellent way to score hundreds of plat a month. And with 0 risk.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    To put it simply, there should be no where on the damn shard to get that much plat in one go. I know everyone with huge hardons for plat won't agree because more/easier = better to everyone but me apparently.

    Platinum was introduced as a replacement for veteran rewards. Earning enough for an ethereal was said before introduction, to take an average player about a year to earn.

    Your average player here has an ethereal and a runebook in their first month if they actually played and hit every champ or harrower they could get their hands on. Platinum is too easy to obtain. The fact that you can do anything and get 20+ platinum is, in my rarely humble opinion, fucking stupid. What's done is done though so let's just figure out how to spread the gravy around so no one has dry turkey.
  12. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I thought reduction could have been accomplished by limiting how many accounts would receive plat (by email address tied to the account not ip) but evidently staff feels that if you can play three accounts at once then you deserve the plat. Twenty plat per Harrower (single account not three) seems reasonable no matter if the entire server joined in or not. With this system and limiting a Harrowers attendance people can now receive copious amounts of plat per account. This will boost certain large groups (10%ers). We shifted from a level field (no reason to kill player A who jumped in cause we all get plat) to one that is detrimental to smaller or non pvp guilds (bro you gonna die that's my plat). Seems to me the risk is no longer that of pvm, it has been moved to a pvp risk. Yes there was always a pvp risk before but now it's intensified due to the damage log and reward percentage system and greed.

    How are the mechanics going to work in relation to death? Will you be replaced on the log if you die or once rezed will you be reinstated and keep your standing? What if your dead at the end yet you did enough damage to receive plat? Will the new system be like it is now no plat rewarded if dead during the final phase and the Harrower dies which initiates payout?
  13. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Disclaimer: My flowchart skills are lacking.
    Plankton, Xegugg and Punt like this.
  14. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I like the looks of this new system.

    The only thing I would change is adding an absolute cap of 50 plat per character. We've already seen that people can solo champs (via triple clienting) - I would not be too surprised to see someone triple client down a harrower by spawning it at 6am. While that would be quite the feat, it should not be rewarded with 1000 plat.
  15. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    You're right. It should drop that 1k plat and a sweet Pegasus trophy for ironman'ing a harrower!
    BlackEye likes this.
  16. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Let's just keep reinventing that wheel! Eventually we will find the new hole in it. 10 pages, ya not everyone is going to like the change, but there was never 10 pages prior of trying to change it till it was turned off.
  17. PolloConMuerte

    PolloConMuerte New Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    250-500 platinum in a month for showing up?? Looks like I missed the gravey train
    Blaise likes this.
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The Harrower is back thanks @Chris
    here are the patch notes
    and screenshots of the scores from the first harrower following

    Implemented some additional changes to the Harrower/Champion Reward system.
    To see the public discussion on this topic click here
    The previous system in which players who had looting rights were awarded 20 platinum.
    This system did not scale well to support the growth of our playerbase and was not working properly.
    Implemented a new sophisticated damage tracking system specifically for the Harrower .
    This system will track damage done to both phases of the Harrower and all of the related tentacles
    Any life drained by the tentacles from players or their pets will be deducted from your damage totals as well.
    Once the Harrower is defeated the damage log will be used to determine the platinum rewards.
    The top 45 players will each earn platinum. 45 for 1st, 23 platinum for 23rd, 1 platinum for 45th.
    Should less than 45 players defeat the Harrower any leftover platinum will be evenly distributed to everyone involved.
    The maximum platinum a player can earn from the Harrower is 100.
    Note: An additional 50-100 platinum is available from the explosion following the harrowers death. This remains unchanged.





    I don't really have any comments right now. Perhaps this information will be useful to someone.
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  19. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Looks like it effectively makes the rich richer, I feel like it should have been left alone personally, but I'll enjoy printing plat on a single eval tamer nonetheless.
  20. Akasha

    Akasha Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    You could make it so murders counts in a dungeon with harrower active are long only no short term. Stat loss is a crippling deterrent to defending champ spawns. Which is clearly why osi turned off short term counts in dungeons the same patch they released champion spawns

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