Server Growth #2

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by M3THMOUTH, Jun 18, 2016.


    M3THMOUTH Active Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Jump on IRC, type /join #R^S and /join #PS
    Just need some people to help you out and get accustomed. (And by that I don't mean handouts, just some quick tricks.)
    The stats suck, but honestly with a little trick with the camping skill, you can max out your stats in under 30 mins with out a macro. Looking forward to hearing from you buddy. I try my best to talk to people in Ocollo as well, sometimes people just have their own agenda and don't want to talk to anyone. (I'm guilty of this myself)
    The Watch likes this.
  2. Dorean

    Dorean New Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    30 minutes , realy?

    Ill try to contact you for this trick after my holiday if its okay :) , sounds pretty nice.
  3. Sathar

    Sathar Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    In my experience the only real way to grow the player base is to promote content relative to peoples desirable play style. it's a bad idea to over promote and under deliver and to an extent catering for small negatives such as afk bank sitters generally alienates the current player base and is counterproductive.

    Round the clock new player on boarding sounds good but honestly if someone needs a constant hand holding experience then I'd hazard a guess uo isn't going to be there thing, and that goes for every shard in forever.

    Chris is right, just constantly tell people of your own genuine positive experiences and you'll find the" right" people will come.

    Field of dreams baby, field of dreams.

    Or just tell them this super sexy guy called Sathar plays here, yourcall.

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