So where are the magic rings, earrings, necklaces?

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by CrazyJoe, May 21, 2014.

  1. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I do like those teleport and invis rings though, man I had so much fun on prodo with those things (in my usage it was more *me vs 5-10+) I know at one point there was an Elder event and I stole the event map and had so many people after me (imagine peak time Atlantic during an event) and the only thing that saved me was the rings and an ungodly amount of luck. There was so many people after me I had to teleport out of them several times to even run away.

    Clyde makes a very good point though

    And I played div for like a week that no mount thing is kinda lame
  2. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    What about luck items as dungeon chest rare drops? Varying degrees that could break or be useless after a week and could make a big drop go from 1/500 to 1/400-450 or something very small, but still helpful? Maybe a small % drop rate increase for plat or maps or whatnot
  3. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    It also isn't like UOSA where the implementation has to precisely follow how something worked back in the day.

    It could be implemented such that it reflects one spell only, with a refresh time of 60 seconds. Or it could cast the Magic Reflect spell, per your magery and inscription and with the normal cooldown rules applying, and then break (i.e. has 1 charge). Then it's basically an uninterruptible free 14 mana.

    There are certainly ways to implement this in a balanced way.
  4. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Meh I don't care one way or another; doesn't affect me as far as having items that increase drop chances, just as long as we aren't adding items that gimp actual gameplay, or pvp experience. IMHO it's already easy enough to obtain items or rares as is so I find it kind of pointless, but that's just me. I guess I feel like people are just getting a little out of hand with trying to come up with all kinds of imaginative additions to an already diverse server/era. It's almost as if no matter how much is added people are never going to be satisfied. Oh well.

    Right, but that doesn't change the fact that there's no place for any sort of magic reflect items in this era, period. For example, let's consider your proposal. Even if you gimped reflect items so that they were limited to one charge per use with a limited timer, it still doesn't change the fact that it can completely ruin pvp in this era. On uosa it was manageable because practically everyone was either a dexxer or a hally mage on, which with insta hit, you didn't have to rely purely on mana to kill someone. In this era, that is not the case. Because you don't have insta hit capabilities, you either rely solely on killing someone with dex, or finishing with Margery. Here's the problem: let's say I'm a hybrid: I load my spell, arm my weapon, wait until I knock your health down a decent amount, and then start unloading my finishing spell combo, but wait, bam my opponent throws on a reflect item and completely negates my attack mid combo and wastes my valuable mana which is a huge tactical usage strategy in uor era.

    Second scenario, let's say I'm ANY one of the many diverse pure Mage template combos. These templates rely largely on wisely using your mana to kill your opponent. If I'm going for a kill on someone and the moment I load a finishing ebolt, or any spell, my opponent can stop my entire dump in it's tracks with a magic reflect application instantaneously. And if I'm fighting a dexxer using said items that can be game ending for any Mage.

    No matter how you look at it, this is a very bad implementation to consider. It can single handedly ruin pvp and kill a server of this era very quickly and I've seen it happen.
  5. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Fair points. IMO, though, I think the balance on this shard is tipped in favor of the many diverse pure mage templates at the moment. My point is, surely there is some way to implement reflect jewelry such that it doesn't tip things too far the other way.

    This is about as relevant to this shard as me saying a change would ruin treasure mapping and kill a server of this era. Or a change to crafting. For every activity on this shard, only a minority of players pursue it. It might kill the server for you, but most players wouldn't care.
  6. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Kill the server for me? It would kill the server for anyone who plays any kind of Mage/hybrid template. This isn't some kind of minor development. Adding reflect items completely changes the gameplay in a pvp aspect and it is far more damaging to this era than it was the t2a era for reasons I mentioned previously. The only class it would help is pure dexxer and it isn't a minor addition, it swings the pendulum of power immeasurably in favor of a dexxer. The only reason mages are as powerful as they are is because most people just don't know how to play a dexxer. For example, I would argue I am probably one of the most skilled mages on server, if not the most skilled, and against torin I will lose that fight 7/10 times 1vs1. You add any kind of insta reflect capabilities and I lose that fight every time.

    On an overall scale it ruins the experience for practically everyone. The issue here isn't a matter of needing to add items such as these to balance anything, because I promise there will be a LOT of pissed off pvpers blowing up telamons inbox from this. Dexxers are immensely powerful on here if played, and built right. The point is, reflect items don't add any positive value to the overall shard structure.
  7. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Anyhow, I've made my points so I suppose we can agree to disagree on the matter.
  8. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    a ring with wall of stone charges could be giggles too
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ring of polymorph :p
    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  10. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Ring of earthquake - 40 charges
    Blaise likes this.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    The only flaw I see in mandevu's argument is that it is solely based on the foundation of "it will break pvp". Most of the statements above already recognize this and clearly express that such items should not be introduced without taking that into account. I also take slight offense when arguments are formulated assuming that one play style is to be greater than another and therefore requests are discounted.

    I whole heartedly agree that this should not be considered without considering pvp. Please don't consider that because something has the potential to affect pvp that our opinions are worthless.

    That being said I love Blaise's idea! I don't know if he said it in jest, but I love it! Ring of polymorph, a cloak of incognito! Spells which cannot possibly affect pvp, aside from you getting beat by a slime.... but even still polymorphed means no mounts, so if you die, your fault!

    One that could cause problems a "summoning" necklace that could summon random elemental. (This would have a cool down of 1 day, and use the wearers mana, but provide a quick summon with a significantly reduced timer)
    Basoosh, [Mobolin] and Locke like this.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, I was joking but only part way. I think that magical items that don't provide too much/any benefit in combat, would be feasible. Personally I don't think like Str/Dex/Int (hello Magic Wizard's Hat) are terribly overpowered or provide any advantage that can't be countered. The invis/tele/reflect are really the big game changers. I personally miss trying on magic items just to see what they are....damnit, another ring of ghoul's touch!!!

    That was part of the fun of the hunt, is not knowing if the item you were about to try on had a benefit or a curse. Items of polymorph and incognito would be a lot of fun.
  13. Locke

    Locke New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    I like the idea of non-pvp magical jewels / clothing. One thing I would request if we had Incognito is that it would not drop the incog until the charges are used up or the gear is unequiped. Then just make it drain charges at one per minute
    Jupiter likes this.
  14. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    Did this convo just turn constructive (I BELIEVE IT DIDDDDD!) lol
  15. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Yeah.. Um.. I was referring to items such as invis/reflect/teleport items and their negative effect on this eras pvp. If you took offense to that, Jupiter, I honestly don't know what to tell you. Sorry?

    Anyhow, if y'all wanna add some ridiculous jewelry such as a polymorph ring, because it's so difficult to cast and it's extremely useful, so you can go slide around Brit as a slime, by all means go ahead. Or maybe some surprise ghouls touch bracelets you get off a chest and put on only to find out, "oh no I'm paralyzed!" Because no one uses ID wands. Unless you enjoy getting the itch to instantly paralyze yourself so you can either waste a trapped pouch, or better yet, get your ass killed, once again I say go ahead. How anyone finds it fun and exciting to grab a random piece of jewelry from a chest, put it on, and get paralyzed from it blows my mind. But to each his own I suppose, right?

    I'm not even going to comment on the "random elemental summoning", or incognito, but if you are really so bored by the game that you want to add every fucking imaginative fantasy your mind can conjur up, why not?
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Mandevu, are you familiar with the acronym MMORPG, and its meaning?
    Locke likes this.
  17. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    wall of stone, teleport, telek, recall, energy field, dispel, etc, I think it'd be better not to get too ridic with the suggestion like Manowar is suggesting lest we replace the worthless trash in the chests with more worthless trash lol.

    and saying it'd break pvp to have these things is saying that you don't have faith in Tela (and whoever helps him) to find a good balance (stun delay after teleport, etc) what's to stop you from casting teleport and stunning now anyhow?

    But keep the ideas rolling, it's good stuff
  18. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    See why are you making assumptions about me based on what I enjoy about the game? You immediately drop assumptions about me, citing 'I'm bored with the game'. I'm not bored, by any means. It just goes to serve my point that I have never once made assumptions or stereotyped 'all pvp'ers' in any of my thoughts about possible changes or requests for enriching items. I consider PvP, PK, and Thieving as vital parts to the game. If I see that any of my ideas or thoughts would have significant and negative impact, i definitely wouldn't pursue them. but i don't categorically reject all pk's, thieves, pvper's opinions on assumptions about why they play the game.

    Please don't make assumptions about my play style because of the things I request. One thing, is that Magical Jewelry would greatly enhance my take on the game. It would empower my ability to orchestrate player quests, etc.

    Again, I believe we'd see eye to eye on more than you think Mandy; but please, don't rest your case on a false assumption. :)
  19. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Uhh you really don't know anything about pvp, considering your life profession has been a thief, and I've spent the last 11 years focusing solely on pvp. That being said, how the hell am I going to be chasing someone, stop to cast teleport, wait for spell timer, and expect my target to be close enough to teleport next to for a stun if I'm chasing them down? However, with a teleport ring, I can simply hit a macro to use the ring while in a dead sprint and pop right next to you and hit you with my weapon, or stun, or even better consider this. You're at 10% hp and running from me with me hot on your tail. I start to cast ebolt, use teleport item while waiting for spell cursor to stay within range while I wait for spell to load, and then pop your ass with ebolt for the kill. You have no idea what kind of possibilities exist when you open this door and I do because I've experienced it on several servers. A magic reflect item is just as detrimental because it allows the user to instantaneously apply reflect mid combat and if you've ever seriously pvp'd with these mechanics in the uor era, you'd realize implementing this is a mistake and will not attract what's left of the overall pvp community across the board, which quite frankly we need more activity to come in. Like it or not, pvp is what animates a server and draws attention, not a fucking blacksmith hammering away in his home afk. You can make all the gimps and "fixes" you want to try and balance these said items, but then it becomes pointless in the first place to even have them because they become no different then casting the spells themself.

    I just can't see why some people here feel the need to add all kinds of bullshit they have zero experience with just because it sounds cool or w/e your thought process is. Some of the ideas proposed lately are absolutely asinine and out of hand. If you wanna go around speaking as if you know something about an issue, when you clearly don't, but want to argue about it just for the sake of arguing because you're too damn stubborn to admit otherwise, at least make sure you know what you're actually proposing.

    The fact that you made the comment "what's to stop you from casting teleport and stunning now anyhow?" Only proves to me you're clueless. Not to mention that was only one example I can give. You want a fencer with a spear chasing you and teleporting on you while you run and para blowing you? Or an axer cutting your head off on the run? Which is ironic coming from the guy who rages and cries about getting pk'd and killed, to the point of making a thread about it, and now wants to campaign for implementing items that would make it worse... C'mon man. Please trust me on this one. These items do not need to be here.
  20. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    oh my bad, I was under the impression that when you fight, it was you and 2-5 other people coming in from the side to hit a tamer or bard, I didn't think the cast delay would be that important.

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