Stat loss - Extending decay rate

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by SteelyDan, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Say no more.
  2. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    EDIT: OooOOooOOoops
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  3. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    I don't understand how anyone can say there is no penalty for PK's. Not being able to enter town, and getting instantly killed when you do is completely unrealistic and really sucks. When i rack up say... 10 counts... that means i can no longer pk on that character for 2 whole days. Not to mention the fact that PK's are outnumbered by blues. There could easily be a guild of blues that hunt for PK's.

    I personally enjoy doing other things than PKing, so i dont have 15 characters that i can be killing people on. I have 3 characters to pk on. Also, i can log on and have 5 counts, I could go try and kill a tamer in a dungeon, die, and then i cant play for the rest of the day. Thats a pretty huge consequence.

    but now you guys are suggesting that if i have 15 counts, and die, i now can not play that character for almost a month. That is insane. I think you blues need to toughen up, maybe work together, and protect yourselves. PvPing is a part of this game. stop trying to change it, especially to the point where people don't want to pvp.

    Another thing, if you look at the risk vs reward.... if im running through a dungeon and somehow kill someone before they get a single recall spell off, what am i gonna get? a platinum if im lucky, and maximum like 7k. which is unlikely. The rewards for pking are not that great (other than the fun), so why should we be so harshly punished?

    since the rewards for PVM are much greater, maybe you need to be statted for 40 hours if a monster kills you. ressing when you're blue is way to easy. so lets change that as well. matter of fact im gonna start a thread about it.
  4. Christoph Brock

    Christoph Brock Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Actually, you can enter town red. But if you get within 10 tiles of an npc, they will call guards, through walls, and even if you're hidden/stealthed. I've murdered pcs in North Britain before but got whacked as soon as I got too close to the Conservatory, lol.

    But that kind of supports both our points. Murder is a tough, unforgiving business, and it ain't easy...

    And that's an excellent point. I make more money through pvm and selling rares than all my other 14 chars combined. A red is just another role to play, and not a very profitable one for me and many others out there.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
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  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  6. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Even 20 hours for short terms would be better than the current system. People are generally fine with pk's but as it stands now, there isn't really any satisfaction or reward to be gained for actually killing pk's. Oooh, you might get a 5 gold bounty - IF you are lucky. Many blues are not pvp'ers and rounding up a posse to take care of a red or group of reds terrorizing the populace is kind of pointless since you might kill one or more who will be back in just a couple of minutes. Perhaps if short terms were fixed, and the reds you were hunting would have to sit out for about a week for their crimes if killed in stat, there would be more of a reward for people to actually fight back.
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  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  8. Some Bytch

    Some Bytch New Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Ok, I'm a blue, all of my chars are blue and honestly I think the majority of the blue community are being a bit dramatic. PVPing has and most likely always will be part of this game. Red's DO suffer way more consequences than blues when they die. They can't moongate (in guard zones) they can't go into town (with the exception of Bucs Den and let's face it, there isn't anything there) if they die they are dead for days.

    My suggestion, as Fuji Flu said, is to make a guild of blues that fight PKers. I bet money for every 20+ blues there's only 6 reds. Most blues are you know how easy it would be to have a group of tamers with 2 dragons each standing there? All you would literally have to do is say all kill and click. You wouldn't even stat loss. It would be like PVMing. Hell, I bet a lot of reds would like it if you fought back more.

    With all of my blues combined, ive been killed 3-4 times by reds. Some reds that I know for a fact have blue chars and stand around Occlo bank pretending to be everyone's friend and then kill you on their red first chance they get and then get on their theif and literally stalk and harass people. My point being - I have only been killed 3-4 times by reds and yes I do wonder around the map doing various things but guess what, if I know a specific spot is a PK hot spot, I DONT GO THERE. It's very simple, very obvious.

    In short, stop being dramatic.
    Halabinder likes this.
  9. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    It doesn't matter if my play style annoys you. It is part of the game, completely legal, and has been part of the game since the beginning.

    Its unrealistic because if i murdered someone in the woods tonight, when i go to the store tomorrow im not gonna be struck by lightning and instantly killed.

    And i think its annoying that i can kill a blue and within 5 minutes hes ressed up and ready to go. Are you not on board with stat loss for people that die to monsters? Why not? Would it be an inconvenience? Do you not want to be punished to that extreme for simply playing the game how you prefer?

    No one is saying we want to ruin peoples fun. If worrying about being killed by another player ruins your fun, why the hell are you playing one of the harshest games available? Ultima Online especially in this era is notorious for being risky and brutal.

    You can already re-emerge easier than we can. It is not like we have some type of advantage over you PvMers. All we have is disadvantages, not to mention the lack of profit in what we do. Yes, we run around in groups, however, you also have that option. Join a guild that can protect themselves.

    This change is discouraging gameplay, and actually, sort of preventing gameplay. On the other hand, If it is left unchanged it encourages gameplay. People should be motivated to form guilds that defend against PKers. Rather than hiding from and discouraging pvp, how about you embrace it, and participate in it. One single guild of decent pvpers (or tamers) that are literally hunting PK's down would make things much more difficult for pk guilds.
  10. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    I kinda like where ur head is at. 20 hours is much more acceptable than 40 hours. 40 hours is 5 times worse than the current decay rate. I personally wouldn't want to see it go over 12 hours per count.

    If there is no real reward for reds killing blues why should there be a reward for blues killing reds? The reward is being able to defend yourselves. Why would rounding up a posse be pointless? You act like you guys have no chance in surviving. If us PKers were faced with a group of communicating blues every time we go through a dungeon, you are going to take some of us out. Yes we can come back 2 or 3 times, but you can come back faster, and an infinite amount of times. And wheres the harm in people getting back in the fight? That is encouraging gameplay. Big, long fights. That sounds like a blast to me. Not to mention the player interaction.
  11. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    I like this idea. Anything to get blues to fight back. That would be cool
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  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  14. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    There lies the problem. You are playing with your emotions and looking for emotional rewards. It sounds much more like a personal problem to me. I never said i wanted to get rid of guards. I'm simply saying we already have nothing but disadvantages over blues. Stop trying to make it impossible to get killed while ur farming.

    Im not sure where you're getting confused... Im saying "yous" and "we" to draw a line between reds and blues. yeah... you play all sorts of characters, as do i, but im coming from a pker stand point, and everyone opposing me is likely coming from a blue/ pvmer stand point.

    im fine with stat loss, however multiplying the current stat loss by 5 is ridiculous. at least make sense out of it. okay we have 3 times the accounts we normally would have compared to OSI. so multiply the count decay by 3 times. 24 hours. that at least makes sense. I still do not agree with 24 hour count delay, however lets stop being ridiculous.
  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  16. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Called that shit, didn't I?

    * heads for the hills *
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  18. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    just saying.... everyone can gate out of a battle as long as they are not criminal. it sounds like they were somewhat successful in defending against pkers. and i bet there wasn't as much complaining about getting PKd.
  19. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    At 40 hours per short count, there would be no point in having long term counts. I think even 16 hours per short would be fine, double the current rate since 8 hours in 1999/2000 was much harder to burn off than 8 hours in 2016 at our (mostly) constant connection rates. An alternative would be a tiered system (but probably harder to code). Example, a red at less than 20 long terms would have short terms decay at the normal rate; but a red at 50 long terms now decays shorts at a rate of 12, and gradually increase as long terms go up. Just throwing those numbers out there for example. That, in my opinion, would help weed out the people looking for a cheap kill because they are bored, from the professional pk's who put more thought and effort into it instead of just pk'ing to be a dick.

    Cobbling together blues is quite a bit harder for some reason than it is to cobble together a bunch of reds. Generally, if you're red you're more geared towards pvp and tend to be better organized. I think most big pk groups have some sort of communications and organization. A lot of people don't play that way, would rather not get "that involved" in having to actually talk to people in order to be successful at fighting in groups. I totally agree with you, that if tamers and blues in general actually coordinated, fights would be great and fun. If they didn't want to risk much, tamers could always use junk dragons they don't mind having killed.

    But then again, if you're just looking for group fights, that's what factions is for :)
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  20. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    well i would say that i play for fun, and online interaction. maybe meeting new people. But i wouldn't say that i play for emotional rewards. I tend to leave emotions out of video games.

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