
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by David Scraggs, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Hello, just for everyones information, Raging Grizzlies HP and stats are no different then that of a normal grizzly. They are one of MANY incorrect animals/mobs on the website (bug report > Animal and Monster Hitpoints)

    Additionally @David Scraggs the hard part of a archer/tamer is not so much balancing skills as it is balancing stats. Archery already does less the half the DPS of an axer and if you start taking away STR and DEX from that you'll have very little damage. I tried many combinations of using 40 int and gate scrolls with 45ish magery but its not what id call a working build.

    Ended up doing the same as all my other dexxer/tamers and went 30 magery for recalls, stats at 100/100/25. I use a second account to make gates for my pets, annoying at first but not too bad once your used to it.

    Keza Ranger uses scorpions, but grizzly bears do have better stats.
    David Scraggs, Bayara and Vandalin like this.
  2. David Scraggs

    David Scraggs Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Thanks for the clarification Keza. Im going to give the Template a try still.

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