The great UO:R thieving contest - December 2015

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by BlackEye, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Ya thats why I thought people used multiple layers. How do you get 6+ drags in that millisecond before it lands?
  2. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Amazing hand dexterity, flagrant misuse of security -- better run
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    If you have a queue delay of say 600ms and move the items faster than that time, the items get "stuck" and the queue timers add up. Perhaps you have recognized something like that when you move items too fast, e.g. when adding bods to a bod book way too fast. You dont have to move all the items within the 600ms, which would be quite impossible.

    Another method is to simply increase the queue delay timer...
    Basoosh, Random and El Horno like this.
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Thank you!
  5. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    @a white zombie, be careful with leading mobs onto people into town. This practice is apparently frowned upon and considered "discouraging behavior" by server staff and will get you jailed. I enjoy reading your tales and don't want to see you get in trouble.
  6. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Great entries by all! Hopefully we can do another one of these in the future (maybe even master BlackEye himself can participate)!!

    When will the winners be announced?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  7. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Give me some days please. I want to get in touch with staff for the potential plat trophies. I have been just a bit busy during this holiday times.
  8. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    They aren't THAT hand-holdy, are they? I thought jail was for real crimes, like inappropriate character names, account hijacking, hacked clients, and afk resource gathering; not active players gathering resources from inactive players. That has ALWAYS been done until Trammel life became a thing.
    I've been town killed here plenty while AFK and I recognize it as a common and understood game mechanic.
    With the limitations the shard already has in place, it's pretty difficult to actually pull it off anyhow. Usually it ends in failure. Does that comfort you any?
    Punt likes this.
  9. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I agree with everything you've said. I was only giving you a word of warning.
  10. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    I got the feeling you been waiting for me to go missing before getting this awesome contest up...

    Grats for the nice idea and great stories!
  11. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    It's late I know but I was away..

    Was spending some time with a britanian newcomer around Occlo's bank corner trying to help them figure out herding animals would'nt work on the guard..
    After the 4rth time he mentioned being 8th years old I started to lose fate and was desperate for a way to escape an obvious trap when a gate appeared right next to me.

    Conceal myself and walk the gate instantly forgetting my poor new friend to end up on the stairs of an immense keep. Recognizing several house security codes violations I feel compelled to make sure they are corrected as soon as possible. So I decided to wait for the unconscious owner. Did not have to wait long for a few minutes later a gate is summoned and the owner rush in like the wind !

    I quickly move inside following her and using the ruckus to stealth my steps, hearth pounding seeing all the not-secured treasures! Such irresponsibility !


    I take a deep breath, focus on the task ahead and start tagging the noncorforming valuables with a 5D stamp.
    Of course all this work has it's value so I pickup special items I will trade back for my wages later on and maybe something i would keep as a souvenir!


    Everything happened so fast , the huge mansion is too much work for one thief inspector! But this time no BlackEye to save the day, I have to do the best I can so I gather my last bit of wit and decide to walk upstairs in hope this area is at least secured...


    And find out the keep would need a whole guild of inspector to make it conform, could not hope for worse! (if that makes sense)

    I quickly access the roof to secure the candle and just then I notice the nice Rudolf and Prankster statues.
    The inspectors nemesis! I have to get close to them yet I know how hard to tag they are. I risk myself assuming they are not secured, when i get close i find out this whole place to be perfectly locked down and secure!

    By the time I get to that part of the house I noticed the owner moving around the entrance and decided it was the best I could do by myself. I take my leave and record the items as 5D confiscated goods. I will spare the boring security lessons for here but I am to make sure the owner have proper security setting and refer to the awesome compendium for complete code.


    Acaelus Thorne
    House Security Inspector 5D
    NerK, Basoosh, scuba and 8 others like this.
  12. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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  13. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Better late than never @Random ! Everyone loves an epic break-in
  14. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    GG and well scripted
  15. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    He's such a good thief that he stole the December thieving contest Four Days into January.
    wylwrk likes this.
  16. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    The contest is over and I am glad to announce it was a success (because I say so)!!! Thanks to everybody who participated!

    We had in total 11 adventures contributed by a cool number of 7 thieves, who also unlocked 5 perks.

    Although for most thieves the thrill and adrenalin rush of thieving is reward enough, I am sure, you are eager to hear the winners of this contest.
    I had the hard task to judge all the contributions fairly and I hope everybody will be satisfied with my choices. I will try to provide my reasoning, but as initially stated in the OP below, I am considering "creativity, persistence, value of stolen goods, manners during and after the player interaction, supportive media (photos and videos) and your skills in story telling."


    Best thieving adventure: The Crooked Warden! Congratulation!
    This is the big price. Until the last days, it looked like A White Zombie (high value AFK-steal of the xmas scroll plus his great use of it in a team run) or Steely Dan (very skilled weapon steal with proper timing which is very difficult on the field) would win, but The Crooked Warden's spectacular 64 hcoin steal in front of several NPCs (and me) as well as the follow up steal of the fishing net piece made it in the end. The story telling with supportive screenshots was also flawless. Sadly, Random awoke some days too late from his winter sleep, which I have to consider when judging. Otherwise, his house inspection would have been a very promising candidate.
    Best newcomer thief: Steely Dan! Congratulation!
    Out of the 7 contributing players, four thieves were sharing their adventures for the first time. I want to thank all of you and gratulate you to your first thief stories (of which I am aware of at least) @Russell, @a white zombie , @Puck, @SteelyDan. I must say that Steely Dan's weapon steal was very impressive and that's why I chose him to be the best newcomer thief. You indeed have to have nerves like steel in order to hide on the edge of the screen, waiting for the right moment to run to the mark and snatch his prized weapon taking screenshots along the way. Bonus karma handed out for saving a reindeer, too!

    Best x-mas related tale: A White Zombie! Congratulation!
    Nice steal of the x-mas scroll and very cool to run it yourself with some friends instead of just selling it. That's the proper holiday spirit. Also thanks for your numerous contributions and kudos to your creative use of mob luring.

    Best looks during thieving: The Crooked Warden! Congratulation!
    Phew, difficult choice. Russell certainly looks great with his outfit. But he already knows that and his ego is big enough already. :p And Puck definitely looks good too in his purpleness. But in the end, The Crooked Warden's style won this category: cool white hair and neon green beard, complete Valorite outfit and a pimp ethereal llama. Gratz!

    Honorable mentions:
    This category was meant to be for all participating thieves who did not win the big price (best thieving adventure), but accomplished great steals or feats.

    - A White Zombie for his many nefarious mob-kill contributions punishing idlers in cities.
    - Random for his unrivaled house inspection skills. If he just had woken up earlier from his slumber... :eek:

    That's it. Game over. Telamon already agreed to provide plat trophies for the contest. Once I have the rewards, I will try to get in touch with all of you for the exchange. Oh, and I will copy-paste all your contributions into the big thieving thread in the Salty Dog as one big post. I hope that's fine with all of you.

    Thanks again for participating and good luck with your (roguish-)adventures in 2016!
  17. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Great job everybody!

    STAVROGIN Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    house security inspector rofl
  19. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Okay guys, your trophies and prices are ready for delivery. You need to PM me in IRC or here for meeting times, eh? :)

    Thx also for the great trophy support @Chris !
    Basoosh, wylwrk and a white zombie like this.
  20. a white zombie

    a white zombie Active Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Good Fun! Thanks, Blackeye!

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