I like the idea a lot but I don't see great potential in sinking gold here. The idea with a maximum charge count for each wand type is very important if you ask me. This maximum charge count could become the standard trade unit, people looking for wands would generally look for wands with the max count. Probably something like 5 for gheals, 200 for item ID, 50 for heals, 25 for lightning ... not sure about the exact numbers but that would make trading so much easier than having to click 56 item id wands to determine to total charge count ...
I see no problem with this. But i also prefer caps. How to do it i dont care. Gold sink? Who pays a lot of gold for actual really cheap items? Nobody... What we could think if is "rising above cap" could cost gold. For example: Merge a 2 charge and 3 charge gheal wand leads to 5 charge gheal wand -> 0gp -> no extra costs Merge a already >= 5 charge gheal wand with ANY other gheal wand -> (usually means merge 2x5gheals -> leads to 10 charges) -> 1000gp Merge a already >= 10 charge gheal wand with any other gheal wand -> 2000gp Merge a already >= 20 charge gheal wand with any other gheal wand -> 4000gp Merge a already >= 40 charge gheal wand... -> 8000gp Ok... so where are we if we want a SUPERB 80 charge wand? We have to merge 8x2 5 charge -> 8k We have to merge 4x2 10 charge -> 8k We have to merge 2x2 20 charge -> 8k We have to merge 1x2 40 charge -> 8k Sums up to 32k costs (goldsink!) of a 80 charge gheal wand
Combining wands within the existing caps seems like a great idea. Would lower the item count on the server by a little bit, and I know I'd certainly do it for all of my wand types - ID, heal, etc.
I think its clear that caps need to be present. Maybe a gold sink to increase your wand cap? Like 5k a charge. But even then it limits you at a maximum of 20. Fewer items, gold sinks and a use for a skill that needs more uses.
I can agree to that, but I'd still lean towards a hard upper limit of like 10 on GHeal, and at that like 5-10k per single charge cap increase. Gold sink, item reduction, pvp boners. Seems like wins on nearly all fronts.
Dude we could get like wand bless deeds for 500k a pop and then never have to lose our wands, and when you run out of charges we can like..buy charges from an npc for a set price, and then we can have wand cap increases and buy more charges and then have like 80 charged blessed lightning wands. I'm getting a hardon just thinking about it.
no way! Blessing only on non combat items. About maximum charges i see no problem - as far as increasing max charges costs gold. Just think again about my suggestion above. I think no wand should get the more charges permanent. So it means: Raising anything above natural cap it costs money. 5-10k for a permanent cap may be paid. But i think paying 5-10k for just a single and non permanent charge increase would be too high. 1 gh spell for 5-10k? No... This are so high amounds of gold here that i dont see any well player economy here. Why buy it from player vendor if you could make it easy by yourself?
Internet sarcasm can be very hard to pick up sometimes, especially if you don't know the person, but I was being 100% sarcastic ;/
There's a reason for that called a gold sink. A true gold sink removes gold from the economy. Most of the active PvPers can wipe their asses with 10k so it's really not a far stretch to say they would pay that much to kick up their wand's effectiveness a notch. You buy from player vendors when you don't care to do it yourself, not because you can't. I don't buy reagents in bulk from players because I can't get them any other way, I just don't want to, so I pay the premium. The difference is the premium paid to players does not remove gold from the economy, which is what I would like to see much more of in the future. http://www.uorenaissance.com/?page=m_itemgraph&itemnum=na&itemtype=Gold>ype=goldgroup That line needs to start leveling off, if the economy is really going to stay stable.
Sell a re-usable wand smelting kit for 10k, and have the process require 10 gems or some ingots or whatever, and you'll chip away a bit at the gold on the shard, reduce the item count a bit, and improve the overall ease of use of the shard. Seems like a win-win if it's something reasonably feasible to code. A sink is a sink. Selling neon hair for 500k clearly isn't preventing the rapid ascent of gold on this shard. But it's making a small dent. So would this. And it would reach a few people, like myself, who haven't spent one gold piece on existing sinks yet.
I think that's the important part. Let's not unbalance wands by creating new charge amounts beyond the limits previously possible. But being able to collect your charges in some max-charge wands just sounds great.
Not the difference but the daily vendor costs. I have a gold sink of about 6-7k / day in my not very good running vendor at brit moongate. Why do i do it? Farming gold would be more effective as sorting "low" weapons of power. Its fun. Ok... lets stay at "fun". Active PvPers have no problem to pay 10k gold. Great. What about new PvPers? If the "premium" pvp stuff like max charged wands costs too much so only the kick-ass PvPers use it - because they kill and loot the expensive stuff. Whats with the PvPers which die a lot? What happens if we make it too expensive is that the rich gets richer and the poor... well... the not pro PvPers... gets poorer. An use for gems is a good idea!
I suck it up, restock and go try again. I'm never gonna kick ass until I figure out how to stop dying a lot. You running player vendors does not take gold out of the economy and as such is not a gold sink. Spending a few k on NPCs isn't even scratching the surface. You can easily fight against someone with a few GHeal wands at 10 charges each, by packing half a dozen of fewer than 5 charges. The combining of wands would only be a matter of cleanliness and convenience, both things that player tend to drop gold on without worry.
Player vendors are a minor gold sink as they cost some to maintain... I've always thought taxes would be an interesting gold sink...
I'm a big fan of property taxes for housing as a proper gold sink and limiting factor on hoarding. Player vendors cost practically nothing to maintain. Or did you miss that patch?
I think its based on the price of the goods your selling... I could be terribly wrong. Mine Cost like 7.5k a month...