Thoughts on a Player City BagBall League

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Halabinder, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I would like to strike up a conversation among Role Playing Guilds and Citizens of Player Cities and Towns regarding the start of a Bagball League. To keep track of things Character’s participating in the bagball games will be referred to as Athletes in this post.For those who do not know what bagball is check out the two threads below for more info:

    I want to know people’s thoughts on starting teams that will represent the Player Cities/Towns/Villages of UOR. For example, lets say Vlar decides to have a team for Stormhold. He would need to commission Athletes to play on his team. Athletes are characters not the player playing them. The Athletes don’t have to be affiliated with Stormhold prior to signing a contract with Vlar to play for his team, but once committed based on whatever agreement they make, that character cannot play on any other team until he/she severs ties with Stormhold by basically giving Vlar the finger. We could actually make that emote the official way of quitting a team: *Halabinder flips his brother the bird and quits The GW Bagball team*. Sounds real official.

    Those would be the general league rules to allow a certain degree of freedom in choosing the characters that play on any given team and preparing groundwork for stories about acquiring athletes and stuff. Each Player City or Community (guild) could have it’s own rules for who can participate as an athlete on their team. The Orcs or the Dorfs for example may just want to allow their own kind on their teams. The idea of an on going league and a bit of non-classic game mechanic rivalry (meaning not PvP or PvM) could add a new way for Role Playing guilds to interact with one another.

    So lets say we get 4 player cities to sign up for the league and find athletes. How would the league work? I have come up with a modified version of the Bagball field as shown in the picture. If you stack 3 stone posts and a open lid barrel, you can create a basketball-hoop like graphic. Also when you put a bag on the square the pillar is on, it stacks it neatly up on top of the barrel. The size of the field is pretty decent and it is on the roof of a large tower. This makes it accessible to practically anyone since there are open tower spots around. So each player city will be responsible for it own stadium.


    We could use the Event Center Stadium for Tournaments but I think it is a lot of work for staff to accommodate a league without a set schedule.

    The number of games per season can vary based on the number of teams that register and so on, but in a hypothetical situation where you have 4 teams, I would say each team will host, and visit each other team in the league once. They will be responsible to find the time to arrange these games for themselves. Kind of like the way Jupiter has set up the chess league, if you play a game post the results. The idea here would be that if you want to have a private game you don’t have to advertise it or if you wanted to make it a public event you could also have that option. If there is traction, we could have games more often or organize a few games on the same day and then advertise it. The point is, there would be a system but it would try to accommodate play style as opposed to a rigorous schedule.

    One tricky part of the equation is the rules and whether to allow macros or try to enforce a no macro rule with the Honor system as our only enforcement tool. I believe no one used macros in the 2014 Bagball tourney I hosted. Some may have been deterred by the fact that Telamon brought in an actual bagball for the game, but people could have easily “retarget” the ball in their macros. I would be happy with the honor system personally, but I want to hear people’s thoughts.

    I would like to thank you if you got through this and don’t need an advil and express sorrow as well as thanks if you do. I should also close by announcing that the winners of the 2014 Bagball tournament, LumberJackin’ It are eager to defend their title in 2015.

    All the best in 2015 UOR Staff, Players and even those Haters who are still playing!
  2. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    That's a cool idea.
    Halabinder likes this.
  3. garvey

    garvey Active Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    I like the idea, hopefully some of my fellow H*O would get involved.
    Halabinder likes this.
  4. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    I'm in!

    Stormhold United! Best bag ball club this side of Sosaria. Our color will be dark blue, dibs.
    Halabinder likes this.
  5. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I was sure you were gonna go with Troopers. Stormhold Troopers?


    This is from the last costume party at Stormhold. Vlar is the one saluting in the middle.
    Vlar likes this.
  6. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    How about starting with what bag ball is.. completely lost
  7. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I did include links to two threads where it was discussed. Didn't want to make an already long post longer. In short, the point of the game is to move a 1000 stone bag (the bagball) to the opposite team's goal. In the case of the above pictures, the goal is the barrel on top of the three stone posts. In the stadium at the event centre it is more like a soccer field.
  8. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    My apologies I somehow missed the bright green link staring at my face!
    Halabinder likes this.
  9. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    This is a great idea!! Let's do it!
  10. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Stormhold has risen to the challenge, and I have received word that the Community of Merchants who have gathered around the city of Vesper will support a Team.

    Why don't you talk to your unsavory compadres mister Ramirez and get yourselves a team going? See if you can recruit a couple of agile individuals to represent you for the right price? I'm sure I don't need to teach a thief how to convince people to do things. Or roll up your sleeves and drag a bag around yourselves. I am sure people would feel safer at the bank knowing your crew was doing something other than looking in their bags...

    If you do, that would make it 3 teams. If 4 teams sign up for this venture I will organize a league and work with the teams to play some games over the next couple of months.
    Tuco likes this.

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