Tidal Investigations

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Zyler, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Tidal Investigations

    In ages unseen before their were Shrines, there was a battle unbeknownst to those today. Some call them monsters... the creatures of both the lands and seas swirled. The unnamed moons unknowingly took sides of this quarrel... unwillingly but always omnipresent.

    On the lands there was a rage crawling while in the seas, creatures adapted to the tides. The twins in the sky observed the battles when both eyes were open, for the full moons were bright. The tidal ebb and flow flushed for centuries. Some of the lands are still inhabited by these interactions.

    The separated foes came together yet each remained unconquered until the next alignment which pulled waters, bloods, and essence into one concoction. As the cycle flowed forward species were thwarted but some survived.

    Initially... the lands were dominated by six-legged, fierce creatures who learned how to control fires from the depths after their conquer of the forests. Meanwhile, the waters were succumbed by beasts that were able to move the waters like the tides.

    After many fierce battles between these two factions and generations of offspring, both sides grew stronger. But with strength comes weakness. During a fluxuation when both moons became aligned in unison, the seas took advantage.

    The attack was unprecedented and the lands were invaded by the seas. The legged sea-spawn had grown horns and some even bore magics. The land creatures had developed immensely and knew the fires however were overwhelmed and retreated... eventually driven into caves, burrows, and underground dwellings.

    Above, the victors from the sea embraced the lands. Many years passed and both tribes prospered in their own ways... developing, progressing, and changing as the moons continued in unison.

    There are many stories that account of such affairs... the beginnings of the world and as a seeker of knowledge, I know this account is incomplete and has a presumptuous tone. Through my many observations, investigations, and studies of ancient tombs and scrolls uncovered, I provide the following:

    On the lands, fire beetles dominated yet were thrust into darkness. The cradle of the species are the Arachnid. From the seas, the mighty seahorse was cradled by the Fey. They not only swam beneath the seas but also walked upon them. All surviving records indicate that both species are now extinct. As mentioned previously, the tidal intermixing of the families crossed when the moons were misaligned, however balance was eventually established.

    My initial investigations concluded that this was unnatural! However the more I delved into the libraries and ancient writings recovered, the theory I propose became more apparent. Attaining a mode is most times chaotic.

    Below is a diagram of the major specie groups and their rudimentary relations.


    The diagram illustrates the group relations and evolution. Tis potentially indicative of why slayer weapons http://uorforum.com/threads/renaissance-guide-to-slayers.1601/ work the way they do. Please do not take this study as factual, rather preliminary findings. Any and all criticisms, expansions, and theoretical frameworks are welcome.

    ~Zyler, Angler of Paws
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This story, along with the visual diagram, has been added to the oral history of Paws. Each time this story is retold by our historian the picture shall be drawn, scribbled, or otherwise depicted if even with crayons. After each retelling of this story the historian shall sway and start to speak as if an epiphany has enlightened him that he wishes to share with you, then he shall turn and walk away...

    Zyler likes this.

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