I think I probably more or less covered my opinion on those points already, so I will just address the contradictory quotes. no mounts + no gate/recall is not the same as no gate/recall. In nearly 99% of pictures of me, you will see that I am on foot. I don't like mounts, and avoid them unless I 100% need to or it's critical for my survival. That's not very often unless I am on a sort of traditional pvp character. If everyone did that, it slows down the game a bit, I don't believe UO was ever meant to be this fast paced.
Wow, you two, you've been covering quite some land during the night! Let's leave the PK/murder count discussion! Stay on topic noobs! @snap dragon I hated you as a traitor but bring you back in great love as a loyal comrade! @One said: "I'm almost ready to declare myself KO'd. ... That's all I've got." "And to that I tip my hat and say bring on the wild West then." You were a worthy opponent! Now, brace yourself for the upcoming stealing anti-nerf discussion! Your idea of trapping corpses would make for quite a bit of fun actually. Would be great to trap someone's corpse and see them blow up on return. But I think it's maybe best to leave that mechanic out.
You guys are not human... you are writing machines! I like what is being proposed. On the possible problem with giving Count on trap kills : -Trapped containers cannot be traded. -Trapped containers cannot be sold in player vendors. Feels like it cover all the real problems with giving counts no? Tinkers be mindful where you leave your traps and to whom you give them.
Probably my favorite feature missing from this shard! Please give the noble tinkers of the land a way of fighting back against evil PK's!
Or more importantly, a way for ignoble tinkerers to murder the unsuspecting! Taking a stance that people shouldn't have to learn this lesson the hard way, is a terrible one to take.
please forgive my ignorance but why do tinker traps have to give counts to the tinkers? is that how it was in this era before? it would be way more fun to have a bunch of trapped items that blow people up everywhere with no counts given. would be good for plenty of giggles. its not like you can directly pk somebody by dropping a trapped chest on them so if they open it and blow up thats kinda their fault!
Valid question I guess. T2A style traps let a tinker make it in the backpack which gives murder counts. Alternatively, they can simply put it on the floor and make it and it gives no murder counts. As you mentioned, it doesn't "REALLY" matter, but some people want to get the "You are attacking Smash" on their crafter and get murder counts, or let someone know who trapped the box when they die etc.. Just a all around fun mechanic.
So are we advocating to have both methods available? Most of the discussion seems to be about the murder count and if all trapped containers give counts its just not as fun as having both ways of trapping containers
Sure why not. I mean what's the difference really. Not like making a tinkerer is difficult, and once hes red he could just hang out in a house forever anyway and supply the whole server. The "murder counts" arent really doing anything. So why not let people make boxes without getting a count on their floor right? Some people will want to, and this adds crafters that are potentially killable with a bounty to the game, so.. also a benefit however unlikely.
The only reason they don't exist is administrations aversion to having to explain to newbies how they fucked up and/or just losing players who feel slighted by game mechanics they don't understand. The dangers of the era were many and losses potentially great. Not so here....just look around....
The best part is, a lot of the players in this thread have died to more tinker traps than any new player ever will. And they still want it in!
i mention this a bit but i dont pvp at all but i used to play another shard years ago where it was routine for entire banks to be covered in explosion pots or anything ridiculous people could think of to kill everyone there.. guild wars raging through cities etc etc. it was so fun you always had to stay on your toes. if tinker traps are the first step to awesomeness please bring them in